How you can create a comfortable family home you won’t want to leave

Just because you have children doesn’t mean that your home decor has to suffer. When you have children, you’re likely to choose substance over style or practicability over chic, but you don’t need to give up your personal decor style or get rid of those fancy ornaments. As well as this, you want to create a home which is not only stylish, but comforting and welcoming to make both a memorable and enjoyable living space for many years to come. 

However, it does take a keen eye to figure out the best layout and use for your space which is both sophisticated and child-friendly. You want ideas for a comforting home, where you and your family can relax and unwind, but you also need it to be robust and child-proof, particularly if you’ve got toddlers! 

It is important that when you decorate your family home, you do so in a way which reflects your personal style, but also encompasses your children as they grow and get older. With that in mind, here are some ideas as to how you can create a comfortable family home which you won’t want to leave. 

Let your front door invite you In

If the front of your home is looking a little shabby, then you will naturally go “ugh” when you return home, even if you don’t notice it. This, in turn, will impact on your mood and no one wants that as soon as you walk through the door. Don’t underestimate the importance of curb appeal. 

For an instant refresh, give your front door a wipe over to get rid of any remaining summer dust or winter grime and give the area a sweep to remove debris which may have collected. Invest in a new fun and bright doormat, or get a new one if yours is looking a little tired. 

For instant welcoming vibes, then you could also add a leafy plant next to your door on the inside, so long as it fits of course. If your front garden is looking a little unloved, then turn this into a fun weekend project for you and the kids. 

Get them to remove weeds and dead plants and have a good clear out of the garden space, then plant some seasonal-appropriate plants and flowers which you can watch grow over the next few months. Not only is this a less labour-intensive way of gardening, but you also get to show your children how to care for the garden and add some fun pops of colour. 

Reorganise your seating arrangement

Do you and your family sit in the lounge in the evenings or during the day? If so, then this is likely to be one of your most-used rooms in the house and is one which can quickly become unloved and tired. 

For a peaceful home, it is essential to create a living room which works for you all. For older children and teenagers, a comfy armchair is a must for when they want some time alone, whereas for babies and toddlers, you want some more space for when they begin to move around. You also want to remember that when you want some child-free time in the evenings, that this is a space where you can just relax and if the space is filled with toys and clutter, you won’t be able to switch off. 

Family home living room
Photo: Cottonbro, Pexels.

Your living room is the most sociable room in the house, so you want to ensure that there is enough seating room for you all to chill out in the evening without being cramped. Above anything else, your living room needs to offer unrivalled comfort. If your living room feels cold or has a chill, then you might want to consider adding soft textures to make it feel instantly cosier. A plush rug, big soft cushions and thick curtains will add warmth and this way, you can add touches of your own style.

You might also want to consider following the latest trends when it comes to your living space. Often, these are the best ways in which you can ensure your living room is family-friendly, but also stylish. Crushed velvet furniture is a popular choice for young families, as the texture of the fabric can hide a multitude of stains and spillages if you don’t get chance to clean up straight away, but it also looks incredibly luxurious and stylish. 

Create an area for play

We’ve all been there. It’s the end of the day and you’ve just put the kids to bed and go downstairs to watch some TV, or to work or simply unwind, but there are toys and clutter everywhere. If you don’t have a separate playroom or your kids just enjoy playing in the areas downstairs, then it is likely you will have to deal with clutter and toys from time to time, but it is easy to curb this so that you get your space back in the evening. 

If you don’t have a separate play area, then it might be best to dedicate an area of one of the downstairs rooms to be used as a play space. Make this area colourful, welcoming and make the rules clear that this is where toys must be stored at the end of the day. For quiet activities, pack a box full of colours, paper, colouring-in books and activity sheets. 

Many family homes have plenty of storage, so if you’ve got older children, make sure that everyone in the family has an area which is assigned to them where they can store their things. At the end of the day, you’re entitled to your own space, so don’t be afraid to claim it back!

Avoid light colours

Ironically, the colours typically used for nurseries and children’s rooms are probably the least-friendly colours you can use. Everyone knows that whites, creams, light greys and pastel yellows don’t mix with little kids, so why do we use them?! 

Light colours show up dirt and spills and can lead to stress when it comes to cleaning them up. When it comes to decor, you should consider darker colours, patterns and soft furnishings for your family rooms as these are less likely to show up. 

You might also want to consider natural materials which are meant to be “loved” and well used. Wool rugs are a great choice for family areas as they are a tough texture and can take a lot of use, whilst natural wooden tables are great for family dining. 

How to protect your social media presence

Social media and all its apps and features have more than just made an impact in our lives. Social media has revolutionized the way we use the internet and browse through the web. It has integrated itself in the very fiber of all our online activities—from staying informed to staying connected, from browsing to performing our tasks, the effect of Social media in this generation is undeniable. In a study made regarding teenagers, 95% of US teenagers (ages 13 to 17) claim that they have access to a mobile device and that 45% of them claim to be online on a daily basis. It seems that age plays a big part in what type of platform or application to choose for your social media needs. Teenagers in the US mostly prefer using Instagram and Snapchat, while adults still prefer Facebook. But there is one glaring similarity regardless of age. All generation seems to enjoy YouTube the most, with 85% of US teenagers and 73% of US adults using it constantly.

The reasons why we use social media may be varied, but how we understand it plays a big part in how we use it. Some people use social media because they see it as a way to reach a broad audience. While some see it as a way to connect with people, especially with their loved ones. Others see it as a way to directly reach their audience. The term audience may refer to your beloved fans and followers that anticipate your next post or may apply to your clients and customers that are waiting for an update regarding your company’s products or services.

Some perceive social media as a means to make fresh content that may have the possibility of becoming viral. While some see social media as a way to build their personal or corporate brand, which can lead to paid advertising services as the brand gets more influential, gaining greater domain authority. And then, for some, their social media presence has been integrated into the workplace. These are just some ways in which social media presence impacts daily life.

Our social media presence represents us, our brand, and our identity, which is why we need to guard it. Should it be compromised by a malicious attack or threat, then this endangers you as an individual or your company as an organizational entity. Here are some recommendations on how you can protect your social media presence.

Limit access to social media accounts

Most security breaches in companies were not made by hackers but by an erroneous entry by a co-worker or employee on their social media site. Limiting access to an account that can affect your brand or identity is a security protocol that needs attention.

Train on social media best practices

Training is needed for us to understand the best practices in social media etiquette and apply it in all our postings, even whenever we comment or connect with our audience.

Establish a good foundational policy for social media

Whether you are part of a small team of friends maintaining an account or you belong to a big company, establishing a good foundation of rules to follow should be laid down and discussed before launching your social media accounts. The policy may include the following:

  • List of persons authorized to do specific tasks in maintaining the account.
  • List of persons that should handle problems.
  • Set of rules for proper branding representation that is more than just the company logo or color theme, but what the company stands for and how your brand will be represented through posts.
  • How often to keep and change passwords.
  • Guidelines needed for confidentiality and copyright.
How to protect your social media presence
Photo: Pixabay, Pexels.

Set up a two-step login verification and authentication as an added layer of security

Having an excellent and complicated password is not enough for today’s age. We need an added layer of protection for our accounts. The first step of the login is the verification using the password you have set. You will then be asked to provide an authentication code that will be sent to your phone number or to an email address you have set. The system sent will be specific for a device with a particular phone number. The code also expires after a few minutes when not used, which will hinder malicious intent as the time is lessened to access either the phone or code.

Disable metadata on your photos

Another layer of protection may come from the details hidden in your photos. Geo-tagging is a process of adding geographical location to the metadata present in your photos. Disable this feature when posting your pictures on your social media accounts to hinder malicious intent in gathering your precise location or other information.

Change your settings for photo tagging

Being able to tag photos that you are a part of is a great feature. But what if people tagged your name or your company’s name in pictures that you do not approve of or against the type of identity or brand that you represent. Do not rely on the application to verify if it’s you in the picture. To safeguard against this, change the setting for photo tagging to include only your approval in making tags.

Avoid public wifi and never tag “remember me” or “keep me connected” on public wifi

Public WIFI is an unsecured connection. Since it does not need authentication for anyone, those who may have malicious intent can access any person’s data while they are connected to the unsecured network.

It is worsened when you click “Remember Me” and “Keep Me Connected” within that network, which makes it easier to access your social media accounts as attackers can continue your internet session. Even if you are a frequent patron or customer of a business establishment, actively protect yourself and your identity by clearing your login information and browsing history.

Avoid posting personal identifiable information

Ever got excited over getting your first driver’s license, passport, or boarding pass? In your excitement, you may have taken a picture of it and posted it online. Like a moth to a flame, this invites identity thieves to access your account and exploit your data. Any identifiable personal information can be gathered and used for any transaction by an attacker with enough know-how and use it for other means, most common of which is credit card fraud or identity theft. The information you post may be used against you, so attackers can steal your data to answer security questions, access your financial records, and the like.

Do a regular routine of reviewing your account

Your social media account is an expression of who you are, a representation of your brand and identity. There are several cyberattacks on social media accounts wherein hackers inject malicious posts to damage your account and your brand. A regular review of your site is an excellent protocol to make sure that no intrusion has occurred. It’s a good security check of the integrity of your account.

Engage in social media listening

Regularly reviewing your account is a good practice, but go further by being competent in social media listening. Be on the lookout for dummy accounts that have the same name as your account or your company’s account. You may even have accounts on different social media applications and not all are being used and updated regularly. Check the accounts you don’t use often, and inspect if all content is official. These accounts, whether you update them often or not, still represents you and your brand or company. Make sure they align to your brand’s identity and check for any unofficial and malicious intrusion.

These are just some of the precautions and recommendations to help in protecting your social media presence. The dynamics for your site and how to maintain changes as your followers and subscribers grow. You will also have to adjust to the growth of your website. Regularly update your content and keep both your social media app and website fresh. Don’t shy away from adding more people to handle your social media accounts—like social media managers, SEO managers, graphic artists, writers, and the like—if you see the need to expand your social media and website reach and output. Keeping your social media presence should remain a priority. Be active in safeguarding your identity and the brand that you and your company have labored to establish.

7 sentimental valentine gifts for Dad


Dads are the best. They do all sorts of jobs to ensure that we live comfortably. Dads sacrifice many things to feed, shelter, and protect us. His calls for a gift to show our appreciation for all the good things they are doing or did while we were young. Finding a great gift for your dad is not so hard. Fathers are quite understanding and they will appreciate any gift that you give them. Although they come in all shapes and sizes, all father has the same strong, tender, and caring heart. It’s almost Valentine’s Day, therefore, if you haven’t thought of a gift to give to your dad on this special occasion, here are 7 sentimental Valentine Gifts that all dads will appreciate.

Ember mug

Ember mug
Photo: Kristina Paukshtite, Pexels.

What gives them that energy and strength is their daily dosage of the finest coffee. The Ember mug goes for $99, which is too expensive for the 10-ounce mug. This kind of gift is suitable for that person in your life that has always been there for you, giving you everything that you need to make your life better. That person is your dad. Technically, this porcelain Ember Mug and saucer kit are meant to keep coffee at the perfect temperature which is about 130 degrees. Your dad with always think of you every he sips that hot mug of coffee and this is a blessing to you.


Photo: Caio Resende, Pexels.

Dads love to get into the kitchen to prepare a quick meal before hitting the road. If your dad loves to cook, a great sentimental gift that is inexpensive, nifty and easy to use is this Frywall. It is for those tidy fathers who want to fix breakfast but don’t want to leave a big mess behind. It’s a perfect tool made from silicone cone that fits directly into the pan and its BPA-free. You can prepare hash browns, fried chicken, or bacon and you won’t need to spend cleaning up after breakfast. It a great gift if your dad works away from home so that he can fix something for himself before heading to work.


A perfect shave kit

Shave kit
Photo: Midia, Pexels.

All dads are so selfless and don’t care so much how they look as long they provide for their families. What makes them hate shaving is the skin irritation that they get every time they shave. This is brought about by using low-quality shaving blade and shaving products. Why not help your father to look good after shaving by getting him high-quality shaving products? A good quality shaving kit will have all the necessary shaving products to help him get that perfect photo-ready look. The kit has a nice shaving blade, after-shave balm, cream, and soap. Your dad will love this gift.

A best Dad wall art


Wall art sign
Photo: Prateek Katyal, Pexels.

All dads have that art-loving part in them and they appreciate good art pieces. This Valentine’s Day, you can make your dad very proud of you by getting him a wall art to hang on his office wall or leaving the room. Wall art comes in every shape, color, and texture and since you know your dad’s taste and preferences very well, why not create one for him that says “The Best Dad In The World”. This will also make him very happy knowing that all his efforts to cater for the family needs are noticed and appreciated. This art piece deserves a complimentary gift of Valentine Flowers to make it special.

Golf clubs

Golf clubs
Photo: Jopwell, Pexels.

Every dad enjoys a game of golf on weekends with his friends. Golf clubs make perfect sentimental gifts for any dad. Although their prices are on the higher end, your dad deserves this gift and more. If you can afford them, this is the least you can do for him after all the sacrifices he has made for you since you were young. Every time he swings that golf club on the golf course, he will be thinking of you and every nice thing you have done for him. Dads are full of blessings and doing something awesome to them once in a while brings a lot of blessings.

A gym subscription

Gym treadmill
Photo: William Choquette, Pexels.

You want your father to stay fit and live long. This is everyone’s wish. Besides eating healthy foods, exercise also helps us to stay fit and look good. If you have noticed that he has gained a few pounds and needs to shed some, a year or six-month gym subscription would be a thoughtful gift this valentine. This is a small token of appreciation. Dads are the best and that is why we need to make them see that they deserve all the love we give them. Although they won’t dare ask us for anything, and will always claim to be okay, we shouldn’t take them for granted. We should always have time for or parents since they are not always going to be here with us. 

A vintage record player


Vinyl record player
Photo: Kenneth Carpina, Pexels.

No gift brings all the good memories like the old vintage record player. Getting this gift for your dad will remind him of his youthful years. You can’t miss this gift at any gift or antics shop. There are many types of record players and you can’t miss one that fits your budget. Help him reminisce about all the good old memories of when he met your mum and how they used to listen and dance to their favorite music. You can even buy an LP of his old favorite music so that he can listen to it and show you his old moves.

These gifts will surely make your dad happy this valentine. Remember to get your dad something nice regardless of your financial status. He will appreciate the gesture no matter how much it costs.

What are on-demand apps and what should you know about them


On-demand apps are becoming extremely attractive these days. They are reshaping the world. The on-demand app economy allows people to order anything whenever they need it. It can be food delivery, a taxi ride, or someone to help you assemble a disassembled piece of furniture. No matter what you need, on-demand apps are going to prove helpful.

An on-demand app acts as a linking layer between consumers and different business entities. These apps cover different sectors and consumers use them to reach products and services that they want or need. The services include grocery, food delivery, laundry, personal health services, car rentals, and more.

In short, consumers can get these services with just a few taps on their smartphones. Due to the ever-increasing popularity, experts in on-demand mobile app development are almost always busy. Most online business companies are leveraging the service of on-demand apps to increase their reputation to flourish.

The benefits received by service providers

According to experts, more than eighty percent of business companies out there depend on on-demand mobile app services and solutions to build customized apps. Then again, if you want to leverage the usefulness of such an app for your business, then you need to make sure that it comes with the right features included in it.

You should also check for vulnerable areas in the app to fix them.

1. Utilizing the potential of the mobile period:

Almost every person you see these days has a smartphone. According to experts, the number of mobile users will only continue to increase with time. As a result, if a business organization doesn’t invest in developing such an app, then it is a sign of foolishness.

2. Ensuring efficiency and satisfaction:

The only way to achieve the desired ROI for your business is to hire the right service provider for app development. The experts of these app development agencies can ease project management and induce user-friendliness and usability of the customized features. Such an app will increase productivity while decreasing the issues faced by employees.

3. Scalability and security:

It is impossible to be sure about the security factors of mobile apps. As a business owner, you want to keep your data safe and confidential. When you choose customized solutions for mobile devices, you can be sure about the safety of your data. Furthermore, these customized apps are much more scalable than the dedicated ones created for iOS, Android, or Windows.

4. Unlimited business opportunities:

With an on-demand app, you will have a database that brings information about users including addresses, email IDs, phone numbers, preferences, and a few other things. It may seem that you’re invading the privacy of your clients. However, if you can use the information ethically, then you will improve your business practices.

5. Affordability:

As a business owner, you should never offer cheap or free stuff. Otherwise, you will end up spending more than you want to. It is meaningless to choose a generic solution that is readily and abundantly available in the market. Instead, you should focus on offering value to your clients and maintain your flexibility.

What are on-demand apps and what should you know about them
Photo: Torsten Dettlaff, Pexels.

The benefits received by customers

1. Provider selection:

While using an on-demand app, customers will have the facility to choose the service provider. This feature is one of those popular reasons why on-demand mobile app development is increasing with time.

When a customer picks a provider for a specific service, the provider goes to the “favorites” list. As a result, when the individual purchases the same service again, then he/she can choose the same provider again.

If a customer does it several times, then the service provider also gets notifications.

2. Tracking the facilities:

When a customer places an order with a provider through the app, the customer can track the service provider to learn everything about the proceedings. Upon utilizing the map service, customers are also able to track the real-time location along with notifications regarding the exact location.

3. Paying with cash:

A huge number of options are available in the market these days in terms of making payments. Understandably, the providers of on-demand mobile app services and solutions are also incorporating payment options in their apps. It further helps customers to pay for the received services swiftly and straightforwardly.

4. Reviews and ratings:

On-demand apps also come with the option of review and rating for customers. This option becomes available when a seller offers service and you receive the delivery. Service providers can create a name for themselves when they receive positive reviews and high ratings from their clients.

The features of on-demand apps

Now you will learn about a few of the features that an on-demand app must possess.

1. Notifications: Your app should have a notification system that lets customers know about limited offers, discounts, exclusive deals, or anything else that you’re offering.

2. Tracking via GPS: GPS integration is mandatory for tracking an order. Therefore, an on-demand app should have GPS integration as one of the key features.

3. List of Activities: This feature shows customers their search results, orders, and other relevant information for quick references.

4. Wish-List: Due to specific situations, a user may not be able to make a purchase. You can fix it by adding a wish-list section to your on-demand app.

To end

Of course, an on-demand has several other features. For instance, it should possess multiple payment facilities and options. The rating section in an on-demand app is a must-have. You must not forget to add cancellation options to reject a service or a product before it reaches the doorstep of the buyer. Finally, it requires a multi-order booking feature.

Justin Bieber is a self-proclaimed perfectionist

Justin Bieber is giving fans a glimpse of his creative process as a pop music artist. In the second episode of his YouTube Originals docu-series — Justin Bieber: Seasons — the 25-year-old singer discussed his keen attention to detail when it comes to his music.

“Am I a perfectionist? Oh yeah,” the Yummy singer says. Bieber revealed that he sings his songs over and over to get it perfect something that “people probably don’t understand.”

He explains the rationale behind this saying, “I can never remake this album. Once it comes out, it’s out. So, it’s gotta be perfect.”

Bieber’s fashion model wife Hailey Bieber née Baldwin shared her sentiments on his process in the episode.

“He is such a perfectionist and he’s so good at what he does that there’s a whole different energy when Justin is really in his zone doing his thing,” says the Bare Minerals ambassador. She revealed how she expresses her utmost support for her husband.

The model says that she doesn’t mind “ laying on the couch until 3 or 4 in the morning binge-watching TV shows” just to be around him while he’s recording. And the long hours in the recording studio isn’t a problem for her either.

She continued, “I just feel at home, wherever he is. So if he’s held up in the studio, that feels like home to me.”

The episode ends with Bieber celebrating over finishing his song “Yummy” which was released on January 3. The song marked the pop star’s recent comeback after a hiatus from music.

Netflix drops new trailer for “Ghost In The Shell” reboot

Japanese manga fans are in for a treat because Netflix finally unveiled the new trailer for their adaptation of the popular cyberpunk science-fiction franchise, Ghost In The Shell.

After dropping teasers last year, the new full trailer will give fans a good look at the series before in becomes available on the streamer. Netflix previously confirmed that it had acquired the rights to the franchise back in 2018.

The streaming giant’s Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 series is directed by Japanese animation director and mechanical designer Shinji Aramaki along with Kenji Kamiyama who also directed an anime film version for the franchise. Anime fans will recognize the two directors for their work on Netflix’s Ultraman from last year.

The official plot description for the series was also released with the full trailer.

“In the year 2045, the world has entered a systematic “Sustainable War.” Hired as a mercenary unit, the former members of Japan’s elite Section 9 are faced with the sudden appearance of “Post-Human,” a being with tremendous intelligence and physical capabilities.”

In case you missed it, you can also watch the Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 trailer below:

Japan’s Ghost In The Shell franchise is so popular that it has been adapted multiple times in film and television. It also inspired multiple video games. One of the more controversial adaptations of the franchise came in 2017 when Paramount Pictures and Dreamworks made the first attempt at a live-action film. It drew in massive flack after American actress Scarlett Johansson was cast as the lead, Major Motoko Kusanagi with strong accusations of whitewashing.

The most valuable SEO link building tools

In this guide, we will help you know the latest and valuable SEO link building tools. Before, exploring the best link building tools, let’s have some understanding about why to perform link building and what are its potential benefits.

Benefits of link building 

The main purpose of performing link building is to expose your content to the maximum audience. Also, it helps you to increase your website traffic through links.

Besides, there are more benefits of link building take a quick look at link building benefits:

  • High-quality links turn your site into a valuable resource
  • It lets you get indexed quickly in the search results
  • Link building also improves your site’s overall SEO.

Best strategies to perform link building

If you are planning to improve your website quality then link building should be an integral part of your plan. You can build high-quality links to your website with the help of creative and unique content. There are more strategies available through which you can perform link building. Some of the best strategies are:

  • Videos
  • Guest blogging
  • Social bookmarking
  • Infographics
  • Pillar content

You can follow any of the given strategy to perform link building, but don’t forget to make a proper plan that best suits your site.

As you have understood why you need to perform link building, now it’s time to set your sights on the best link building tools for 2020.

  1. Guest Post Tracker 

Guest post tracker

Guest post opportunities play a good role for managing your online marketing campaign. But, it’s quite hard to get to know what sites are available to accept your posts.

There comes Guest Post Tracker, a perfect tool that lists 1500+ sites looking to accept your post. Moreover, it also enables users to search each site with category so you don’t need to invest too much time in searching for the topic category.

Price: $99 (one-time fee) 

  1. GroupHigh 


GroupHigh is cool tool that lets you find the most relevant bloggers of your industry. Anyone who wants a blogger to promote content, or to get the direct link building can use this tool.

GroupHigh also enables you to use its built-in outreach emailing feature. Also, you can filter bloggers on the basis of followers, DA and audience.

Price: $179-$499 per month

  1. Ahrefs 


Ahrefs is a good choice for professional SEOs. It is a link building software that provides a number of additional features like keyword research tool, technical site audits, tracking for rank and more.

It also offers a feature that lets you know which sites are linking to your competitors and gives you the chance to get the link from the same sites.

Price: $99-$999 per month


  1. Inky Bee 

Inky Bee

Inky Bee is also an amazing tool for link building. It is just like a combination of GroupHigh and Guest Post Tracker. Inky Bee lets you find both best blogs and bloggers for any niche.

It has a list called MOZspace data through which you can find out the domain authorities of the bloggers. It will also show you the bloggers who are already following you on Twitter, so it’s a plus.

Inky Bee provides a dashboard through which you can monitor and control your outreach campaign.

Price: $70 per month 

  1. SEMrush 


SEMrush is a complete package for any SEO professional. It is a software that manages your complete workflow with backlinks audit and analytics. Also, it offers more features than you can think about including, technical SEO audit, position tracking, tips to achieving more organic traffic, and more.

Price: $99.95 per month 

  1. Local SEO Using VPN

Fastest VPN

There are multiple locations that a business and company is targeting for example you can be in Russia and want to target Australia region. If you want to search engine result pages but problem is that google will show your current region SERP like Russia etc. You might want to know what type search intent show in Australia you would also want to know about local SEO packs and competition around the areas. In this case you must use a VPN it will impact your local market research.

 Price: $0.83 -$13 per month

  1. BuzzStream 


BuzzStream is a web-based software designed for the online marketers to manage content and products while building the best links.

It is one of the best outreach management software that lets you get complete freedom from ordinary spreadsheet or Gmail inbox. BuzzStream efficiently manages and organizes your campaign for various projects.

It’s a great tool for professionals who are searching for a well-organized outreach campaigns.

Price: $99 per month 

Why to Use Link Building Tools? 

In simple words, link building tools are used to make the overall link building process easier for you. If you are going to perform link building without tools, then it would be otherwise more time consuming.

You will need to go through each step: 

  • Selection of a target page i.e. service page, blog post, home page.
  • Searching for the potential prospect
  • Checking each potential prospect
  • Searching for their contact information
  • Reach out through a well-draft outreach email
  • Track and manage the overall campaign

All these steps will be a lot easier and instant with the help of link building tool and that’s the reason to use link building tools for an effective campaign.

In Conclusion 

Link building is the most important part of your campaign. It improves your DA and increases the website traffic. However, it requires several steps that are time taking, and should be done effectively. Link building tools are the only way to perform those steps successfully, without wasting hours plus, these tools minimizes the chances of errors. So, investing in the link building tools will worth your time and money.


People are watching “Contagion” on iTunes amid China’s coronavirus outbreak

Steven Soderbergh’s fictional thriller about a pandemic caused by a lethal virus originating from China was released back in 2001. Almost a decade later, Contagion’s plot is echoed in recent events as the Chinese government scrambles to control the 2019-nCov breakout that started in Wuhan.

With that being said, it’s no surprise that Contagion has once again piqued the interest of cinephiles. The film skyrocketed to the 10th spot of iTunes’ movie rental chart, placing it among today’s blockbusters including Joker, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Parasite, and Hustlers.

In the film, Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow plays a woman who returns home to her husband (Matt Damon) in Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip. Cold-like symptoms begin to manifest in her body which she dismisses as jetlag. But after a seizure gets her rushed to a hospital, she dies within 24 hours with her son who contracts the same virus from her. Her husband survives because of his mysterious immunity from the disease. The film’s star-studded ensemble cast also includes Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, and Laurence Fishburne.

Contagion’s popularity comes amid the global alarm rising over the coronavirus pandemic in China. According to Time magazine, the country has 5,974 confirmed cases and counting. The figure surpasses that of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) cases from 2003 which stood at 5,237 in the mainland alone. Symptoms of the flu-like virus include fever, cough, shortness of breath and shortness of breath. Chinese authorities have confirmed that the virus can be contracted from person-to-person contact.

Everything you should know about Coronavirus

The coronavirus comes from a large family of viruses. During the New Year’s Eve, news about pneumonia outbreak in the Chinese city, Wuhan were making headlines. But after investigations, medics realized this was not the common virus. A week later, authorities confirmed that a new virus had been identified: the 2019 novel coronavirus. Currently, 2019-nCoV is the name given to the virus that broke out in Wuhan City.  This is the short form for the 2019-2020 novel coronavirus.

The disease has claimed hundreds lives, and over 200,000 cases of infection have been confirmed. China is the most affected country, but the virus is spreading first to other regions.

There have been five reported cases of infection in the USA recently. In Australia Coronavirus is as well. NSW Health have confirmed the number of people in that state under investigation for the virus has jumped from six to 16 – in 2020. Though experts are still researching to have a better understanding of the virus, there are some confirmed facts about the disease.

What is Coronavirus?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses refer to a group of viruses predominant in mammals and birds. The infection affects the respiratory system in human beings. The name is derived from Latin word corona which refers to the crown-like shape of the virus. They can affect both animals and people.

coronavirus a group of viruses

The virus mutates in form to adapt to both humans and animals. This is the case with the 2019 novel coronavirus, whose trace is the Chinese animal market. However, some types of the virus are only found in animals like camels, civets, and bats.  The initial infections were traced to animals, but later, human infections were reported.

The disease is spread through coughing, sneezing, touching infested body parts, or places like doorknobs. Although mild coronaviruses are common, severe cases like SARS and MERS are rare. In the United States, the virus is common during winter and fall.

Coronavirus Taxonomy and Anatomy

The Wuhan coronavirus belongs to the broad category of pathogens called coronaviruses. They can mild to severe conditions like common cold, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Other viruses under this group include 229E, HKU1, MERS CoV, SARS CoV, NL63, and OC43.

Coronavirus Taxonomy and Anatomy

The 2019 novel coronavirus belongs to the subgenus Sarbecovirus together with SARS-CoV, and that is why they share a lot of similarities. The virus ribonucleic acid (RNA) is approximately 30kb in length. To date, over 30 genomes of the virus have been identified. The study of the disease genomes helps in the formulation of the treatment regimen as well as the vaccine. The study also helps in the understanding of coronavirus mutations to curb its spread.

According to Stats News, Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research, an expert on viral genomes had this to say, “The genetics can tell us the true timing of the first cases, and whether they occurred earlier than officials realized. It can also tell us how the outbreak started- from a single event of a virus jumping from an infected animal to a person or from a lot of animals being infected. And the genetics can tell us what’s sustaining the outbreak- new introductions from animals or human-to-human transmission.”

The virus S protein has a high affinity to the Angiotensin-converting enzyme, which acts as the primary mode of entry into the cell. ACE2 has been identified as the receptor for the Wuhan coronavirus in 2 independent experiments in China and the USA.

History of Coronavirus

The virus was first identified in the 1960s as infectious bronchitis in chicken. Later, two coronaviruses that cause common cold were discovered, but the place or cause of the infection was not known. The two viruses were named human coronavirus E229 and human coronavirus OC43.

Coronavirus in chicken

After the discovery of the virus, it has been attributed to other viral ailments like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Although the 2019 novel coronavirus is mild to moderate, it can lead to pneumonia, which can cause death.  It has a 70% similarity to SARS. Initially, the virus was associated with snakes but many researchers have refuted the claims.

Previous cases of coronavirus have been reported but did not have a substantial impact. SARS in 2013 was the most severe epidemic in history, and it did affect different economies. In 2012, there was an MERS outbreak that lasted a few months before it was contained. Experts report that the effects of 2019-nCoV are less detrimental because it is not as contagious and dangerous like SAR.

“Our healthcare analyst Yang Huang believes that the impact of the 2019-nCoV outbreak could be less severe compared with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003, as the Wuhan virus appears to be less contagious and less fatal,” Bank of America analyst Helen Qiao said Wednesday as reported by Yahoo! Finance.

The spread of 2020 Novel Coronavirus

Initially, most people who were reported to have the virus had exposure to large seafood or animals. This hints at the animal to human infection. After the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, some people have not had contact with animals but had the disease. The discovery shows the possibility of the virus spread from person to person.

Wuhan City has been put under quarantine because of the contagious nature of the disease. Countries have also issued travel caution to their citizens because of the virus. 2020 novel coronavirus has already spread to countries like Korea, Japan, Thailand, France, and the United States of America. Coronavirus is also in Australia. People in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and other cities in Australia have symptoms of Coronavirus.

Wuhan Coronavirus Diagnosis and Symptoms

Corona virus australia china
ZhongShan China-January 24,2020:people buying masks in a drug store.Everyone is protecting himself to against the 2019-nCoV.

Scientists are yet to identify the definite symptoms of 2020-nCoV. However, the symptoms are thought to be similar to those of SARS or MERS. The disease affects the upper respiratory system. If it goes untreated, the infection can affect the auditory system. It is difficult to differentiate the virus from common cold viruses such as rhinovirus.

Coronavirus should be treated before affecting the lower respiratory system like the trachea. If the condition goes untreated to this extent, it can cause pneumonia or damage to the lungs. It can be fatal among seniors, infants, or people with a low immune system.

The most common symptoms of coronaviruses in general include:

  • Stuffy nose
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Nose bleeding
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased white blood cells
  • Low kidney activity

The incubation period for coronaviruses ranges between 1 day and two weeks. The virus is also infectious even during the incubation period, but there is no confirmed evidence of spread before the onset of symptoms. Blood tests are essential to determine whether the symptoms are as a result of mild infection or severe condition. The symptoms may disappear after a few days but it is advisable to seek medical attention if they persist.

coronaviruse treatment and symptoms
Researcher in laboratory is analyzing blood sample in test tube for Coronavirus test.

Unattended cases of coronavirus can lead to kidney failure, pneumonia, and death. More than 25% of those infected have experienced severe conditions. Some conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are predisposing factors to the severe effects of coronavirus.


Currently, there is no known cure for the 2019 novel coronavirus. Initial studies are focusing on existing vaccines for pneumonia and antiviral drugs. The medication focuses on the alleviation of the disease symptoms. There are also ongoing studies on the effectiveness of existing monoclonal antibodies.

Some of the anti-viral drugs under investigation include protease inhibitors like indinavir, remdesivir, saquinavir, interferon beta, and lopinavir. Most of these drugs are commonly used in the treatment of SARS. Because the two viruses have a lot of similarities, the possibility of using the drugs to treat 2020-nCoV is under investigation.

Symptoms can be alleviated by taking fever and pain relievers. Taking a rest and drinking enough liquids are also essential contributors to the reduction of the effects of coronavirus. In the case of a sore throat, taking a hot shower can ease the symptom.

Methods of Control and Prevention

Everyone is encouraged to take the necessary measures in an attempt to combat Wuhan coronavirus. There are several preventive strategies proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for health workers, airline workers, waste management workers, clinical officer workers, and all workers. The strategy is meant to curb transmission from one person to another or cross-border spread of the virus.

coronavirus Methods of Control and Prevention

Some of the suggestions include:

  1. Proper and frequent washing of hands. The virus can be found in places like doorknobs and other areas that are touched frequently.
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  3. It is advisable to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  4. Wear nose and mouth mask if you have a cold or running nose.
  5. Avoid contact with infected people.
  6. Health workers should put on contact and airborne precautions until a definite identification of all the methods of the disease spread.
  7. Proper handling of waste, especially that which is contaminated with the virus.
  8. Testing of inter-country travelers to prevent cross-border spread.
  9. Adherence to quarantine or isolation if such instructions are issued.

The following precautions are also necessary:

  • Avoid crowded places when possible.
  • Avoid contact with live animals within the affected regions.
  • Do not eat raw or undercooked meat.
  • Seek medical attention if you are unwell.

2020 Coronavirus News


China is the most affected country by the cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus. As of 28th January 2020, close to 5,000 cases of infection had been reported. Over 40 people had also lost their lives. The Chinese government official statement also indicated that over 900 patients were in critical condition.

The government is currently setting up a hospital to accommodate at least 1,000 isolation cases of coronavirus. The hospital is set to be completed within a week to cater for the rising cases of infection. The government has issued a lockdown for Wuhan City residents, although it is said a considerable number of people had left the city before the quarantine.


Greg Hunt, the Australian minister of health, said that there were five confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV as of the morning of 28th January 2020. The minister said, “All of those five patients, we are advised, are stable, in isolation and under very high-quality care.”

Australians at risk of coronavirus in China to be evacuated to Christmas Island:

United States of America

According to Medical News Today, there are over three confirmed cases of Wuhan coronavirus in the USA in different states. The cases were reported in Arizona, Washington, and California. The patients had made a recent entry into the country from Hubei Province, where the disease started.

Center for Disease Control officials recommended the flu vaccine because flu is common during this season. They proposed the standard precaution measures like proper washing of hands, and the risk levels were low in the USA.

Reported Cases in Other Countries

Other countries that have reported cases of novel coronavirus include France, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and South Korea. In Vietnam, 2 cases were reported after a man traveled from Wuhan City. His son contracted the disease after contact with his father after welcoming him. The cases were reported in Vietnam capital, Hanoi.

There are also unconfirmed cases in several countries. Cote d’Ivoire and Kenya have raised the alarm about suspected cases of the disease. Most countries are advising their citizens to avoid China, especially Hubei Province if possible. Some nations have also airlifted their citizens from the affected areas in China and other high-risk countries. Although panic levels are high, experts are hoping that the 2019 novel coronavirus will be contained like SARS and MERS.


The 2019 coronavirus has caught the world at large by surprise. Although the cause has been identified, scientists are still working on the treatment of the virus. For now, all the prescriptions and medications are only meant to treat the symptoms. It is our collective responsibility to undertake the necessary measures of control.

The disease has already claimed several lives in China. There are also severe cases hitting almost a thousand, which have been reported. Most cases in different countries are associated with a recent trip to Hubei Province in China, where the virus started. The World Health Organization is working with the affected countries to prevent further spread of the disease. Countries have also moved in swiftly to attend to the rising cases of infections.

Rejecting Titanic: Claire Danes “didn’t want” Leonardo DiCaprio’s fame

Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio’s poignant on-screen chemistry in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet almost had them play lovers once again in James Cameron’s Titanic. But the 40-year-old actress turned down the role that ultimately went to English actress Kate Winslet.

The Homeland star discussed why she didn’t pursue the role of Rose Dewitt Bukater in the film that launched DiCaprio into the pinnacle of stardom. Speaking to Dax Shepard on Monday’s episode of his Armchair Expert podcast, Danes shared that “there was strong interest” for her to star alongside DiCaprio in Titanic.

“I think I did,” the actress answered when Shepard asked if she was considered for the role. “I’m not entirely clear on that. There was strong interest,” she added.

“I had just made this romantic epic with Leo in Mexico City,” Danes continued, referring to the 1999 film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

She adds, “which is where they were going to shoot Titanic. And I just didn’t have it in me.”

When Danes had already set her mind giving the part a hard pass, she revealed that DiCaprio “was wrestling with the decision whether to do it or not.”

Aside from avoiding a repetitive streak in her career, Danes also revealed that she didn’t want the level of fame that came along with starring in the drama. Titanic went on to become the second highest-grossing film of all time next to Avatar — also directed by Cameron — before Avengers: Endgame took over the latter’s box office reign.

“I think I may have sensed that I was courting that [level of fame] or I was proximate to that,” she told Shepard. “I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t want it.”