Paint colour tips to consider when selling your home

The look of your home matters a lot, especially if you plan to sell it. As they say, first impression lasts. For you to attract buyers, you need to create that awesome first impression. But how do you do it?

Paint is one of the simplest ways to update the look of your home. Of course, a potential buyer may ask about other stuff in the home, but it’s look is one major deciding factor. Who would love to purchase a home with dull colours? Or with paints that are cracking and chipping off?

Although the idea of choosing a paint for your home is exciting, if you are selling it, you set aside your opinion. It is important to focus on what your potential buyers will like. Do your research and see the homes that have been sold recently. Look at the colour schemes and draw inspiration from them.

If you need more tips on the best colours and in which part of the home, you’re selling they should be used, read on below.


Beige is one of the safest colours to use. It is a light and neutral control that will be great in the exterior of your home. Using this colour will create a conservative look and it blends well with landscaped and wooded areas.

Earth tones

For your interior, earth tones will be perfect. You can use shades of brown, orange, green, blue and some tans and reds. This will depict the colours of nature and will make the space warm and inviting. This is great for your dining and living room. Earth tones also complement rooms with lots of glass, metal, stone, and wood.

Neutral colours

Most people wouldn’t be very open with the idea of using neutral colours. Maybe you are one of them. But remember that you are selling your home and neutral colours are great for your interior. Also, home buyers wouldn’t want to spend money on painting or fixing it up. Others may have strong reactions to bright colours, but neutral ones will keep things at a minimum and they are also clean to look at.


In the last few years, grey has become a popular choice for decorators to create a chic and urban feel to a room. When combined with neutral shades, a grey accent will give you a bold focal point. Also, the right decorations and a grey wall will work great with colourful and bright accents.

Red and orange

If you insist on using reds and oranges, just make that their hues are appealing and soft. These colours work great in the kitchen as they create a vibrant, festive, and feel-good atmosphere. Seeing these colours also make people think of food.


There are some rooms in the house that are intended for contemplation, rest, and reflection. Each home will have a study, bedroom, and a child’s room where the decorations should create a soothing and cool environment. For you to bring out the best in these rooms, use blue to enhance the mood.


A room that is painted with brown, light beige or white often come off as flat and cold. Although they reflect a lot of natural light, they create an empty feeling. To solve this problem, use a shade of yellow to bring in some warmth to the room. Yellow reminds us of summer, sunlight, and the clear and bright days, especially when paired with white trim.


There are times when green gets lost in the shuffle. A shade of green that is too dark would seem like brown or blue. When it’s too light, it would seem like yellow. But in the middle of it all, you can find a versatile colour that can bring out the best in different scenarios. Its lighter shade can create a cosy feel in the room. You can also pair your green accent wall with decorations that are mostly white to achieve a playful atmosphere- perfect for a child’s room.

Colours can make or break the look of a space. Therefore, many of us often get anxious when choosing the best colour for a specific area. If you are selling a home, it is important to choose the perfect colours that will transform its look to make it more marketable. So, don’t hesitate to invest in painting your home. To ensure the best results, let a professional residential painter do the job.

Patrice Cognard
Patrice Cognard
With 5 master's degrees, Patrice is a highly regarded Designer, Developer & Digital Marketer whose process-driven approach to developing rich customer experiences helps our clients get into market faster and more effectively. For 25 years, he has applied his training in the areas of corporate identity, branding, and design for such notable clients in a variety of Industries.
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