

A good mattress should be bought after proper inspection

When you are thinking of buying a new mattress, you will have a number of choices in your hand, and it can feel quite...

Choosing an engagement ring with a diamond cut and clarity

Traditionally when a man proposed he presented his bride-to-be with an engagement ring. These days many couples are choosing this special ring together. The engagement...

Top 5 spring must haves for every woman in 2018

Fashion trends keep changing every season and we have to shop every season to go with the trends. But there are some constants which...

Have you considered turning your ashes to diamonds?

Diamonds have always been esteemed the rarest stones and the most precious of all. Among the ancients, a diamond was also called the stone...

The different requirements of buying a mattress – things you should pay attention to!

Lifestyle and home products are essential and must be shopped for after much deliberation since many items which you are buying are one time...

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Things to consider when buying bedsheets

If you think it is just the nice mattress and the cosy blankets that give you the kind of sleep you consider the best,...

The ultimate saving tool of frugal shoppers: online grocery catalogues

All the major stores you can think of in Australia have online catalogues. Grocery stores like Woolworths, Coles, IGA and others regularly publish these...

7 ways to save money when buying appliances

Appliances are some of the more expensive items we spend on in our home. It is better to buy the best quality appliances as...