Black-Hat SEO strategies to avoid in 2018

We all want to improve our search engine optimisation (SEO) performance to boost Google rankings right now. In the cut-throat world of business, it...

How to easily identify keywords for your product page

Finding the right keywords for a website is a challenge for any website owner. It requires some in-depth analysis of the market, competitors, and...

Using keywords in your blog posts will improve SEO

Making a master blog post is a skill not everybody has mastered. Runny content and fluff doesn’t make sense in a blog post. If...

Why your business needs a well-written blog

Business blogging is a key marketing tool for businesses to gain more online visibility, and is primarily used as a kind of short-form piece...

How mobile, voice and social search are changing SEO?

The changing scape of search practices in both how they are conducted and the devices in which they are conducted on is rapidly changing...

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5 ways of making online revenue using social media and web platforms

Several sources of online income generation methods exist in 2018 in terms of ad revenue or sales commission. Google Adsense is a very common...

SEO friendly website design tips

Online businesses today want their website stuffed with keywords that might kill their rankings in Google Search. They are fed with the wrong knowledge...

Top 10 tips to improve your website’s user experience

In today’s age, your website has become the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal to grow your business. However, not all websites are...