

How do photographers prepare for a wedding shoot?

Anybody who has chosen to make living as a wedding photographer must have experienced stress at some point of time. However dealing with it...

5 best honeymoon destinations in Australia

Australia – there’s nothing like it. Newly wed honeymooners why look far out West, East, North or South when you’re living where the perfect...

8 tips on how not to ruin your relationship when planning a wedding

  A wedding day is one of the most important dates and it should definitely be a memorable ceremony. But, the entire wedding planning should...

4 ideas for looking your absolute best in your wedding photos

In the age of Instagram, the pressure is on to look your absolute best in your wedding photos – but how can you be...

Why you should find a wedding photographer that offers different packages

What couples out there should know is that finding the right things for their special day doesn’t have to be as difficult as it...

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Sandra Dioguardi talks about designing wedding invitations

Sandra Dioguardi runs Sandra’s Creative Designs (SCD Invites), a business that designs and prints invitations for events and occasions – especially weddings. Sandra is...

Choosing an engagement ring with a diamond cut and clarity

Traditionally when a man proposed he presented his bride-to-be with an engagement ring. These days many couples are choosing this special ring together. The engagement...

Men’s wedding style and wedding band mistakes to avoid

Your wedding is the most special occasion in your life. Before you make it official would surely want everything to be awesome and perfect. You...