The 10 best tools to manage social networks

Every digital marketing professional knows how essential social media profile management tools are for the time they can save you and, above all, for the information they can provide you.

Social networks account for a third of the time we are connected to the Internet, so they have become an ideal showcase for our brands and products.

The first step to follow is to define correctly what your social media strategy will be, a significant step that you will develop in future articles.

Once the strategy is defined, it is essential to have the right tools to manage your profiles and strategies. We look for efficiency and effectiveness, let’s not forget the difference between these two concepts.

Considering that social networks are mainly used on mobile devices, I expected to find many more network management apps that I have seen. Most only have an app for an operating system and others, like Tweetdeck, do not even have an app.

This is the list of the ten best tools to manage social networks:

1. Hootsuite

It is undoubtedly one of the best tools to manage social networks. It allows you to manage several social profiles simultaneously. It has applications for web and mobile devices.

You can schedule publications on many social networks, which can save you a lot of time throughout the week.

2. SocialOomph

SocialOomph is a tool for the management of Twitter and Facebook. It allows the programming of tweets and the people that will see your posts. You can own a similar app by meeting with app development companies to help you develop an android app.

Functions for Twitter:

  • Programming tweets
  • Monitoring of keywords
  • Remove private messages automatically on a regular basis
  • Link shortener
  • Unlimited Twitter accounts
  • Track mentions and tweets

Functions for Facebook:

  • It is possible to automate status changes in our profiles and pages
  • See what the last states of a page or profile have been

3. Spredfast

This application is complete regarding the information it provides. It allows to separate the timeline by countries and to see the number of users reached by each publication. It also shows the number of followers of each of our followers who share our updates.

Principal functions:

  • It helps us detect and capture quality audience.
  • It allows deepening the relationship with our followers.
  • Help coordinate actions between social networks.
  • The metrics are customizable, and you can set goals.

4. Everypost

It is a potent tool to publish content on various social networks. It allows you to post content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr and many other social networks.

Main features:

  • You can post text, photos and videos comfortably.
  • Supports publication on Facebook pages, Google+ and LinkedIn company profiles.
  • You can send the post to your contacts directly to your phone.
  • Allows you to sort your favorite channels.
  • It has a URL shortener, very useful for Twitter.
  • Have access to your Pinterest panels, to categorize your content.
  • It also has access to tremor, allowing to publish directly in your blogs.

5. Bitly

It is much more than a URL shortener. It also allows you to publish content on Facebook and Twitter and, best of all, it gives you statistics on visits and penetration of your contents. It is useful when you want to know which of our publications have more engagement.

6. Crowdbooster

It is a tool with many functions to measure and analyze our digital marketing strategy on Facebook and Twitter. It allows us to produce a complete report and present it directly to the client or for internal use.

Twitter analytics:

  • Number of impressions
  • The growth of the community
  • Influence detection
  • Detection of the profiles that most retweet us

Facebook Analytics:

  • Number of impressions
  • The growth of the number of fans
  • Best fans

7. Postling

With this tool, we can manage our publications on several social networks simultaneously. The most remarkable thing about Postling is that it continually monitors the data on our website, including less common profiles such as Yelp.

Main characteristics of Postling:

  • Allows the publication of images, text and videos on all platforms
  • Monitoring and analysis of the main keywords
  • Management of multiple profiles in a single account, separated by tabs

8. TweetDeck

This tool belongs to Twitter, who acquired it to favor the multi-account management of Twitter of its users. It also continuously monitors them.

Principal functions:

  • It allows us to create and organize personalized Timeline in different ways.
  • Monitoring of own or third-party lists
  • Advanced searches
  • Configuring custom automatic searches and hashtags
  • Monitoring for accounts analysis of several Twitter accounts

9. SocialBro

Undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools for the management and analysis of your Twitter accounts. It has many functions listed below:

Principal functions:

  • Monitoring and analysis of competence
  • Monitoring of keywords and hashtags
  • Analysis of the best time to post on Twitter
  • Very complete statistics of different aspects of your Twitter profile
  • Account Comparator
  • Management of Twitter lists
  • Mass tracking easily, always respecting the rules of Twitter

10. Summify

This last tool on the list is dedicated to helping us in one of the tasks that make us lose the most time, the search for content. This application is responsible for searching for the most relevant news for us, and it is delivered by email, web or directly to your mobile, as you choose.

We hope this list helps you save time in the management of social networks by mechanizing and automating certain processes. So you can have more time available to focus on the strategy and analysis of your profiles.

Kenneth Evans
Kenneth Evans
Kenneth Evans is a Content Marketing Strategist for Top App Development Companies, a research platform for top app development companies in the world. He has been contributing to various blogging platforms and Forums.
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