Using different social media platforms to improve engagement

Whether it is for business or personal use, many of us are familiar with more than one social media platform. They are great online tools to use to keep in touch with friends and customers, and share news and topics. However, do you treat all social platforms the same?

Although all platforms are a great foundation for SEO and engagement, there are key tweaks that you can make to your social postings in order to really make the most of the platform that you are using.

There are many different social media sites to choose from, however, in this article the focus is on 2 of the most commonly used platforms – Facebook and Twitter.


Facebook social media
Chiang Mai Thailand – 17/8/17: A man holds Apple iPhone 6S with Facebook application on the screen. Facebook is a photo-sharing app for smartphones. Facebook is a social network. Photo: Worawee, Bigstock

This platform is one of the most popular, particularly for B2C businesses and personal use. What is great about Facebook is that it gives consumers an ideal platform to interact with businesses, including customer enquiries, feedback and complaints. Because of its open forum nature, customers feel that what they are saying is getting heard because it is in the public domain, and how a company responds will reflect on its reputation and credibility.

Therefore, as a business, make sure you are using this platform to really communicate with your customers, not just for posting your promotions or agenda.  Some ways to do this is to regularly check into your page a few times a day in order to sort through comments and respond. Customers love getting responses to their comments, even if it’s just a thank you. It gives a persona to a brand that no other type of marketing can achieve.

Also, when making Facebook postings, remember to clean up your posts so they can be read at a glance and also look professional. One way to do this is to make sure you’re using engaging headlines, as well as a lead in description to your post.

For example, if your post is about “Top things to remember for spring cleaning”, don’t have your lead in description be a repeat of the same phrase. A good lead in for this headline would be; are you ready for spring cleaning? This engages the reader by asking them a question and getting them to think about the topic. From here, directing them to a post with practical advice is a great way to get shares and likes.

Another way to clean up your Facebook post is to remove the URL to the post. The URL should already be embedded within the actual post that pops up. You can still delete the original URL you placed, and still direct your audience to your article or landing page, as well as keep your SEO intact.


Twitter Social Media
Chiang Mia Thailand – 24/6/17: Person holding a brand new Apple iPhone with Twitter logo on the screen. Twitter is a social media online service for microblogging and networking communication. Photo: Worawee, Bigstock

This social platform is known for sharing current issues, trends, as well as a tool for influencers. Influencers include industry experts or celebrities. It allows you to reach out to a large audience, not just locally or nationally, but also internationally.

Keep this large audience reach in mind when you are tweeting. Although you may have a business that doesn’t require an international market, having these followers and subsequent website traffic can lend a hand in improving your SEO. As long as your content is something that is relevant to the reader, then the more visitors you get to your website, the better for your website ranking.

Even though Twitter focuses on 140 characters or less, don’t forget about images. Images are still a great way to grab a reader’s attention and as the old saying goes “an image speaks a thousand words”. So make your 140 characters go further by placing a relevant image with your tweet.

Also, don’t forget about hashtags. Unlike Facebook, Twitter has a large hashtag community. When choosing your hashtags, keep in mind SEO, as well as the audience you wish to target. For example, you may have a tweet around cooking, however, your audience is stay at home mums. Rather than place a hashtag that reads #recipes or #soups, make it a little more focused for your audience such as #stayathomemums or there may even be a more targeted tweet, such as #mumsthatcook.


Next time you make your next post or tweet, remember to keep in mind how you can really maximise your posting and for that specific platforms. Remember for Facebook, to clean up your posts to make it reader friendly and don’t forget to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. When on Twitter, use hashtags that relate to your keywords and where your audience is.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.
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