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Web Development

5 best web builder platforms to use for free

Which is the best website building platform? Are all website builders offer development of fully functional websites for free? Do they offer other solutions...

The most important website trend since mobile responsiveness

Netflix are doing it. Apple have done it for years. Google is the best example. It's called, simplicity. If mobile responsiveness has ensured websites now need...

Signs you should rethink your web design

Nowadays, we can’t deny the importance of having a website for business. It does not only make it easier for people to find a...

What questions should a mobile app developer ask their clients?

While the average mobile app development is typically used to being asked a host of questions by their clients, the best companies are those...

The 4 essential parts of a successful website

Trends in web design are always changing. Though it’s been publicly available for nearly three decades, the Internet remains a relatively new technological resource....

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Importance of API development – a detailed explanation

The importance of API development is the need of the hour as APIs are becoming quite useful in the software development industry. Reason? Faster Flexible ...

7 Tips to jumpstart an e-commerce business

Starting an e-commerce business has always been a rollercoaster ride. It involves many steps (actually countless if you have no objectives in front of...

8 little tweaks on your site to increase conversion

Many business owners or online entrepreneurs put in incredible amounts of effort into their websites – designing the aesthetics, adding their products and populating...