8 little tweaks on your site to increase conversion

8 little tweaks on your site to increase conversion
Photo: Foxy Burrow, BS

Many business owners or online entrepreneurs put in incredible amounts of effort into their websites – designing the aesthetics, adding their products and populating their webpage with relevant information about their brand. However, they often overlook the most important aspect of having an online store or webpage: to convert audiences into paying customers.

To convert visitors into clients, paying attention to certain aspects of your website is critical. Convince people by offering samples of your product/services/work. Including client testimonials in your site can be a great idea as well.

The main purpose of a website is to increase profit rates of the company. Sometimes, a site receives huge traffic. Unfortunately, this traffic does not automatically convert into paying clients, thus affecting business goals of the company. The best way to deal with this situation is to evaluate the site and implement certain changes.

Use powerful call-to-action statements

Young handsome afro american black man shouting through megaphone
Photo: Aaron Amat, BS

Many people ignore this particular aspect of website design. The result is that visitors do not feel compelled to act. This in turn, interferes with the targeted profit rate of the company.

Include powerful call-to-action statements in the website. Opt for colorful call-to-action buttons, increase their sizes – do whatever it takes to grab attention of the visitors.

Evaluating the site from point of view of visitors can be a good idea. Do they receive a clear call-to-action statement, as soon as they land at the site? Does this statement encourage visitors to opt for a clear action (for example buying a product, filling up a feedback form, or signing up for newsletters)? Honest answers to these questions will help you to redesign your site correctly. For example, Precise Inspections has included clear and prominent Call to Action Button right on the home page of the website and it has helped improve conversion rate of the website.

Offer samples

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Rubber Stamp
Photo: Daveh900, BS

If you want to convert visitors into paying clients, you have to convince them that your company can solve their problems and that your products work. Be confident in your own services or products with money-back guarantees or lure visitors by offering them free products or services. This will encourage them to try out your products/services and if they are satisfied with the results, they will naturally turn to your company for future engagements.

If you are a web design professional, it would not be feasible to offer full feature samples. However, offering freebies that will showcase the quality of the work and also placing your live samples within the website and leading them to a client page you’ve designed are all ways to engage your potential client. This would better convince shoppers to engage you as they know what to expect.

Incorporate attractive content which adds value

Incorporate attractive content which adds value
Photo: Tero Vesalainen, Pixabay

To convince visitors that you are serious about building relationships with them, develop valuable content. Offer them good information. Ensuring that the articles do not contain spelling or grammatical errors is critical as well. Break down the content into small paragraphs, so that it is easier to read and interpret.

However, it is not enough churn out the same old content. Whatever one shares, should always add value to the visitor’s life – perhaps with information they didn’t previously have or a freebie they could claim. A fun way to have a lasting impression on your visitor is to give them printables that tie in with your brand or service.

Opt for interesting images

Oh my. Savvy talented committed student using his laptop and finding interesting information while collecting data for his biology assignment
Photo: Yacobchuk, BS

To create a positive impression, use interesting images in your site. However, placing them blindly will not be effective. Rather, ensure that these images complement the purpose of your site.

Use a neat layout

Web 2.0 template - glossy candy look
Photo: Matador, BS

A neat web layout is pleasing to the eyes and creates a professional image of the company. You may argue that placing more ads in the site can bring in greater revenue. However, this is a wrong concept. Incorporating more advertisements in the site will irritate the visitors and harm your reputation in the long run.

For best results, avoid over-stuffing your site with excessive content, design, or ads. Opt for a clean layout and allow visitors to explore the site smoothly.

Pay attention to the contact page

contact us page
Photo: Harshahars, Pixabay

If you are looking for clients, paying attention to contact page is important. Make it easier for your prospective clients to find and contact you. Offer your contact information in details, so that clients can choose their preferred mode of getting in touch with you.

Incorporate testimonials

A Satisfied Customer Is The Best Business Strategy of All
Photo: Gustavo Frazao, BS

Encourage visitors to trust you by placing client testimonials in your site. You can also include contact information about your past clients, so that people can crosscheck the given information.

Social media marketing is critical

Social media marketing
Photo: Lobo Studio Hamburg, Pixabay

Social networking sites allow companies to connect with current and potential clients on a personal level. Show visitors your real persona by connecting them at social networking sites. Encourage them to join you at these sites by placing feeds and links in your website.

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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