

Five types of apps everyone should be using in 2018

With over two million apps available in each of the Apple and Android app stores, there’s no doubt people are truly spoiled for choice...

Could Star Wars droids be real?

Are you looking for some droids? Well, maybe you are about to. Star Wars iconic robots, R2-D2 and C-3PO might be more realistic than...

Astro HQ create menu button with iPad hack

Apple’s mission to create a minimalist design for its products by taking away buttons has created challenges for many third party developers. However, Astro HQ...

Even after death, genes remain alive

According to a study that has been published in Nature Communications, cells, and the genes inside, continue to function long after the individual they...

Banks close in on instant payments

Some banks’ customers will soon be able to transfers cash to employees and friends at other institutions instantly. A new $1 billion payment system being...

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Top 10 business ideas for women

Excellent women's business ideas. You can start anything without investing much money. The world has witnessed the entrepreneurial ability in women. Today, businesswomen have gone...

Top must have features of a progressive web app

The last few years have been really big for the mobile web. With the increase in the usage of mobile apps, businesses are always...

Quick guide on syncing Microsoft Outlook and Salesforce – What tech admins must know!

Most of the time, a business may use multiple applications to administrate the process better. So, the major difficulty is the need for duplication...