Why veteran actress Meryl Streep disagrees with term “toxic masculinity”

Why veteran actress Meryl Streep disagrees with term “toxic masculinity”
Meryl Streep in HBO show Big Little Lies Photo: HBO via Bustle

The three-time Academy Award-winning actress argues that women can be “pretty f—-ng toxic” too.

Meryl Streep’s politically charged comments were made during the second season premiere of HBO show ‘Big Little Lies’. She stars in the series along with Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern.

In a panel interview with her co-stars, Kidman recalled a male fan coming up to her saying he enjoyed the all-female led program. Streep chimed in and express her glee that the man was able to find something he enjoyed about the show. She further noted that she doesn’t agree with the term “toxic masculinity” saying:

“Sometimes, I think we’re hurt. We hurt our boys by calling something toxic masculinity. I do. And I don’t find [that] putting those two words together … because women can be pretty f—ing toxic,”

“It’s toxic people. We have our good angles and we have our bad ones. I think the labels are less helpful than what we’re trying to get to, which is a communication, direct, between human beings. We’re all on the boat together. We’ve got to make it work.” she added.

The veteran actress isn’t one to shy away from declaring her political views. She describes herself as a “man-eating feminist”. She’s known to be one of the most prominent Hollywood stars who disapprove of Trump’s presidency and his administration. Despite her open criticism of the U.S. president, Streep has clarified to Buzzfeed News that she has no intention of becoming the face of the anti-trump movement.

By Laura Ebeling

Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.

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