4 ways to work successfully with a newly appointed family lawyer

Work Successfully With A Newly Appointed Family Lawyer
Photo: Phushutter, Bigstock

If you’re going through a tough time in your life with your marriage or family, then you may need to hire the services of a professional family lawyer. But working with someone new can be challenging.

This guide explains ways to help you work more successfully with a newly appointed family lawyer.

Be Clear With The Contract Stipulations

At the start of any new legal relationship, it’s important to understand the roles and responsibilities of each party through the contract stipulations. Here’s what you should look for:

  • Make sure there is a clear outline explaining what you want your lawyer to do on your behalf against the retainer.
  • Ensure your role and responsibility is also covered in the contract.
  • Look out for any loopholes that may put you at an unforeseen disadvantage.

A contract is a good way to define the relationship you will share with your family lawyer, so make sure you read it thoroughly to start off on a good note.

If you have any questions, make sure you address them before signing on the dotted line.

Understand What Your Family Lawyer Can Provide

Keep in mind that a lawyer can only help you with legal solutions under the purview of the law. But you cannot assume that you are right or that you can punish the other party through the lawyer. Keep the following in mind:

  • Family law is a relatively complex matter and often takes time to resolve because every party involved feels they are in the right.
  • Family lawyers can look into comprehensive legal solutions to help your case, but cannot assist with punishment for any wrongdoings from the other party involved.
  • Family law requires careful consideration and often can be settled outside the court.
  • Family lawyers may not always have the answers to questions about duration, cost and outcome when it comes to certain cases.

A thorough understanding of what the family lawyer can provide will help set more realistic expectations.

Find Ways To Settle The Matter Versus Going To Court

Any good family lawyer will tell you that settlement outside the court is a much better outcome than the expenses, frustration and emotional turmoil of a long-drawn court battle. But while this may be a good solution for most cases, sometimes a court settlement is inevitable. Consider the following:

  • Any family law matter affects every party involved, especially if you have small children.
  • A lawyer can help you get a fair settlement in a cost efficient manner, so you don’t have to go through the turmoil and expenses of a legal court battle.
  • Settlement allows for a quicker resolution of certain issues, enabling you to move on with your life.
  • Settlement creates a potential opportunity for you to get more than you would if you had taken the matter to court.

Settlement is certainly the preferred option in many instances, but it may not always be the right solution. Every family law case is different and must be assessed on an individual basis to arrive at the right solution for everyone involved. Your family lawyer will study your personal situation and will offer you advice based on what is best for you.

Be Prepared To Accept Professional Advice… Even If You Don’t Like It

Keep in mind that your family lawyer isn’t around to be your friend. He or she is there to help you with legal solutions to resolve your particular situation, whether you’re going through a divorce, property dispute or some other family issue. Consider the following:

  • Your lawyer may not tell you want you want to hear, but will give you realistic options based on your situation.
  • The lawyer will remain objective without sugar coating your case, which may seem harsh, but is necessary to manage your expectations.
  • Your lawyer frames solutions based on the law and not on your hopes.

Sometimes you may not like the advice you get from your lawyer, but you must accept that it is perhaps your only option. For example, accepting a slightly lower divorce settlement than you asked for may be a better solution than taking the matter to court and getting something even less than before.

When going through tough times with your family, it can be difficult to forge a new relationship, but it is important that you build one with your newly appointed family lawyer, so that you can mutually work towards your best interests.

By Talia Williamson

Talia loves all things fashion and beauty. She has dedicated many years of her life towards this industry and she has first hand experience with the best it has to offer. Contact: [email protected]

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