How to choose the right Instagram hashtags for your graphic design portfolio

graphic design
Photo: Pixabay, Pexel

Instagram is a creative platform you can utilize as a graphic designer. This platform ensures that your reach to a prospective client is higher compared to those who are not using this site. There are more than 800 million users in the age group of 18 years to 30 years. Thus it gives you an opportunity to connect with them quickly on a single platform for getting graphic design work.

If you are not using Instagram for your graphic design portfolio, you will lose out on many clients. Today, clients visit Instagram to get clients. It is a visual platform where you can upload photographs and videos. With the help of Instagram Stories, you can promote your graphic design portfolio. The best part of Instagram is that you can develop and market your graphic design services free of cost.

How to use Instagram to improve your graphic design portfolio

It is easy for you to get started with Instagram. You need to download the mobile application on your smartphone and start using it. When you create your profile, ensure that you upload a good profile picture and a bio with a link to your graphic design portfolio. This helps you to get started. On Instagram, you should accurately make use of hashtags so that your targeted audience can find you easily. Hashtags have a lot of significance for both brands and consumers. Experts in the field state that one hashtag receives an engagement success of about 12.6% over posts that do not have the right hashtag. When it comes to the use of hashtags, you need to be smart about how to use them. The hashtags you use for your posts should not be unconventional or forced in any way.

How can you use the correct hashtags for your graphic design account

One of the central questions you may ask yourself when it comes to Instagram hashtags is how you should use them in the correct way to get followers. It is an excellent choice for you to develop a high level of returns on investment for your services as a graphic designer. In this way, you can invoke trust and credibility in your client.

Hashtags can build lasting relationships with your clients

If you have just started out as a graphic designer, you might not have a follower count. So you should create an account and get a decent number of followers for yourself. Now, when it comes to gaining followers, the process in the first few months is generally slow. Be why be consistent and post content with the correct hashtags to get the right targeted audience to follow you?

You also have the option to buy followers for your graphic design Instagram profile. When you are going in for followers, ensure you are consistent and post only relevant content to your profile.

How to use hashtags for your graphic design profile

The following are some simple tips on how you should use hashtags for your graphic design portfolio.

Use only relevant hashtags

If you are a graphic designer, it is apparent that you must use hashtags that are relevant like #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #graphicdesignservices, etc. You can also use the niche in which the graphic design is related to like #food, #vacationrentals, etc.

Use hashtags that are location specific

Location specific hashtags like #NewYork #Seattle etc. will help the client to find you. You may post a video with hashtags that are location specific. Videos add more detail is helping you grab the attention of any client that is looking for you. When you tag these hashtags, you can improve your reach. You might not get new leads. However, you have an excellent opportunity to convert the ones that are already present. This reduces the amount of competition you face in the area. Getting potential leads will help you struggle less in the intense and extensive online competition thanks to these hashtags.

Use custom hashtags

The name suggests you should use custom hashtags that are specific to your graphic design services. They help you drive awareness about your graphic design services to prospective clients. The custom hashtag with your name or brand will stand out in the crowd. People can find you better. These hashtags also spark interest in the individual. They will get the urge and the interest to explore your Instagram account further. They wish to know who you are and what you do. If you can create a post or a video with a custom hashtag, you should include a link to a call-to-action for better success. When you are building your custom hashtag, ensure you display your creativity. You should also encourage your followers to use these custom tags when they refer to graphic design services you offer.

Create a hashtag strategy

When you are using Instagram, it is crucial for you to use a hashtag strategy. Think ahead of the hashtags you should apply for your graphic design services. With the right approach, you effectively can create posts that reach and connect to the right targeted audience. In this way, you can increase your Instagram followers with the help of hashtags. You must create posts with a particular objective in mind. The post must align with your graphic design goals if you wish to establish your brand presence in the market. Do not rush into posting content. Always plan and post the right strategy every time.

The above hashtag tips will help you attract targeted audience to your Instagram graphic design portfolio. Make sure that your portfolio design and layout looks professional as it will help you to reach out to genuine clients who are looking for graphic design services. In this way, you can get a competitive edge in the market and find the clients that want to hire you for their graphic design services online. Post regularly and make sure your content is relevant with the correct hashtag!

By Daniel Mattei

Daniel Mattei is a Professional writer. He has written many articles on Health, Travel, Business, Technology.

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