Best Barristers in Hobart

Best Barristers in Hobart
Legal Consultation. Source: BS

Below is a list of the top and leading Barristers in Hobart. To help you find the best Barristers located near you in Hobart, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Hobart’s Best Barristers:

The top rated Barristers dealing with different types of courtroom litigation are:

  • Bruce McTaggart – Malthouse Chambers
  • Nick Beattie – Nick Beattie Barrister and Solicitor
  • Deidre Tan – Wallace Wilkinson & Webster

Malthouse Chambers

A hanshake after a legal consultation
A hanshake after a legal consultation. Source: Pexels

Bruce McTaggart was admitted to practice on 26 August 1986. He graduated in the University of Tasmania 23 March 1985. He also became the president of the Tasmanian Bar from March 2013 to March 2016.


Barristers, Personal Injury, Workers Compensation, Insurance, Estate Litigation, Professional Conduct & Professional Negligence, Commercial, Trade Practices, Equity, Administrative Law & Judicial Review, Building/Construction, Industrial and Employment, Crime, Coronial, Workplace Health & Safety


Address119 Hampden Rd, Battery Point TAS 7004
Phone: (03) 6223 3844


“Outstanding lawyer.” – Jessica V.

Nick Beattie Barrister and Solicitor

Nick Beattie - Nick Beattie Barrister and Solicitor
Nick Beattie – Nick Beattie Barrister and Solicitor

Nick Beattie is the Principal of Nick Beattie Barrister and Solicitor, a boutique law practice founded in 2007 and based in Hobart and offering a wide range of legal services. With over 20 years experience in the law, Nick Beattie aims to provide professional and friendly legal advice and effective representation to both individual and business clients and prides himself on his ability to provide clear and understandable solutions to legal issues.


Conveyancing, Corporate Law, Family Law, Divorce, Wills & Estate Planning, Workplace Relations, Retail & Commercial Leases, Commercial Property, Probate & Deceased Estates


Address114 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6234 6420


“I salute Nick for all he has done in protecting my rights. Thank you for your hard work.” – Raymond B.

Wallace Wilkinson & Webster

Deidre Tan - Wallace Wilkinson & Webster
Deidre Tan – Wallace Wilkinson & Webster

Deidre Tan graduated with a combined Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Tasmania in 2012. She was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Tasmania in August 2013.

Prior to commencing practice with Wallace Wilkinson & Webster in 2017 in the area of Conveyancing, Deidre was a team member at SAI Global Property Division for a period of 2 years.


Family & Defacto Relationships, Conveyancing & Property Development, Commercial & General Litigation, Business & Commercial Law, Traffic & Criminal Offences, Insurance Law, Bankruptcy, Employment and Workplace Disputes, Wills & Estate Disputes, Medical Negligence, Workers Compensation & Motor Accidents


Address169 Liverpool St, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6234 8022


“Michael Valentine, Will and Dree were a fantastic help through our business and personal legal matters! They continue to bend of backwards to help in shape or form they can ! I highly recommend Wallace Wilkinson & Webster. And will continue doing business with these guys!” – Three Warriors

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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