6 best staff team building activities

6 best staff team building activities
Photo: Rawpixel, Pexels

Offering staff the opportunity to take part in regular excursions and team building activities is an excellent way to improve retention rates and job satisfaction. Companies with the highest levels of retention and job satisfaction organise company retreats or team building activities as part of a staff engagement program.

Team building activities have numerous other benefits for your company, including better working relationships, improved communication, increased motivation and boosted morale, ultimately creating a positive workplace environment.

Knowing what exercises and activities will work best for your team will depend on a range of factors, including the age, physical ability and personality types of your staff, as well as what you want to get out of the experience.

Here are some of the top team building activities that could be used as part of your staff engagement program. Take a look and consider which would suit your workforce best:

Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt will get your staff working together in a new environment. It’s fun, exciting, and can help to take people out of their comfort zone. The benefit? You get to see how your teams perform in a challenging situation, and team members will bond while problem solving. A scavenger hunt is a great way to stimulate your staff, with puzzles and activities designed to get the mind and body working.

VR experience

Hiring a virtual reality experience for your staff to take part in is an excellent team building option. The novelty of VR is sure to get them excited, and the games and tasks involved will help them bond. A virtual reality experience is a great chance to take your staff on an experience they couldn’t otherwise enjoy, such as a ‘trip to Japan’ or ‘diving to the bottom of the ocean’.

Wellness breaks

Has your team just come to the end a difficult project? Or have they completed a stressful quarter? Certain deadlines and times of year can put a lot of stress on your staff, and a wellness break can be the perfect antidote. Reward your team with a day or an overnight trip to a spa or a yoga retreat, giving them a chance to unwind with treatments and bond in a relaxed environment.

Art days

A painting experience, or something similar, gives your staff the chance to unleash their creativity and express themselves visually, while learning new skills and potentially discovering a new hobby. This is a particularly excellent option for staff who don’t often get to work creatively and are generally confined to numbers and spreadsheets. Working with self-expression will encourage staff to open up and break down barriers, improving relationships inside and outside of the office.

Charity project

Want to build your staff’s sense of self-worth? A volunteering project coordinated through your business will allow your teams to get involved in something bigger than themselves. Running this sort of project has a huge range of benefits, one of which is the sense of satisfaction that you and your team will feel knowing that you have helped others. Consider volunteering at a foodbank, helping the elderly to use computers, litter picking at a local park or beach or giving careers advice at schools.

Happy hour

Not all team building activities have to involve organisation, planning and group tasks. Never underestimate the value of social gatherings when it comes to boosting morale and bonding your team. A weekly ‘happy hour’ or barbecue rewards staff at the end of a busy week and gives them a chance to relax with one another in a less formal scenario, building relationships that will benefit your workplace.

Let your staff be involved every step of the way in the decision process when deciding which team building activity to undertake to guarantee their cooperation and enjoyment. Offer these sorts of opportunities throughout the year to increase motivation and make your employees feel valued, and your workplace will be more efficient than ever.

By Irma Hunkeler

Irma is a keen writer and writes for a variety of topics with her main interests in business, technology and HR. Working with a variety of clients over the years, Irma has a wide range of first hand experience within businesses and technology.

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