Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum’s real reason for splitting

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum's real reason for splitting
Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum. Photo: By David Shankbone - flickr, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Friends of the famous Hollywood couple of Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum have revealed the real reason that the two have decided to split.

It hasn’t taken long but friends of Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan have begun talking about the reasons for the seemingly happy couple’s recent split.

Apparently, much of the reasoning behind their decision is based around their struggles to spend time together due to their busy lives. Tatum has been working non-stop on movies with as many as four due to be released in 2018. Additionally, his wife Jenna has also been working on the pre-production of a new film, Berlin I Love You.

The busy life of the two Hollywood stars is believed to be what has come between them placing added pressure on their relationship, especially with a young child.

The friend continued by saying that they were both very much devoted to their daughter and are eager to continue to spend quality family time together “despite the problems in their relationship that the distance has seemed to magnify.”

Tatum is also currently filming new episodes for a television series with his best friend Joseph Gordon-Levitt, titled Comrade Detective.

Rumours surrounding the couple’s situation began earlier this year around the time of the Oscars when Jenna Dewan was spotted at a Vanity Fair after-party with a number of girlfriends and without her husband. At the time Dewan said that Tatum was simply at home looking after their young daughter Evelyn so that she could have a ‘girl’s night’.

Differences in their attitudes to Hollywood could be another of the reasons for the split with Tatum saying that he prefers to stay away from Hollywood when he isn’t working. Contrastingly, it has been reported that Jenna Dewan has been spending a lot of time with gay stylist Brad Goreski.

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum announced their split on Tuesday via social media with a joint letter from the both of them posted to their fans. They cited that there were no hard feelings between them but it was simply a matter of “growing apart” and that it was best for the both of them to go their separate ways.

They did mention that they were still very much devoted to their young daughter and would continue to spend time together as a family for her.

Representatives for the couple are yet to respond to requests for comment.

By Zac Fyffe

Passionate about writing and sharing my experiences with others. Zac has a keen interest in sport and politics in particular. Contact: [email protected]

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