Is promotional website an ideal choice for app’s success plan?

A mobile app takes many births, first as a concept, then during the development phase, it changes its color and shape at various stages to finally land in the end-users’ lap to be cherished afterward. The number of efforts invested in the pre-app launch to post app launch is not new, and they are done in abundance with every app to make it a successful venture.

But these efforts are not sufficient?

Do you know why?

Because there are multiple mobile apps in the market, and this leads to a catastrophe, where a large number of apps go unnoticed. Yes, this is the fact, many app solutions despite having the potential to gain users’ attention, fail to mark a presence. This is a harsh fact, and unless you know the reason and the measures to cope with it, your app can never gain its deserving recognition.

Why does it happen?

The reason behind this mishap is largely due to the unawareness users carry for the mobile app. Even though the app gets launched and developed on a larger scale, but relevant information is absent. And this issue creates a gap and users fail to learn more about the app. However, the timely information shared with users can help them use the app platform widely.

Unfortunately, this is not a fabricated thought, carved especially to write this post, but it is the crushing fact of the app market. And it suggests that apps with the most significant features and functionality go usually unnoticed due to the lack of publicity drive.

Apps need marketing!

I might have caused some out there to raise their eyebrows, on hearing the term publicity or marketing. As many of us live under a misconception, that if an app is a perfect piece of information, then it does not require any marketing.

Well, this is nothing but a cold-blooded myth!

If you would analyze closely, you would comprehend that to survive and make a name in the app market, a full-fledged campaign must run for it. Multiple marketing efforts run and make the mechanism of the app’s popularity. But here you need to understand WHAT NEW you are doing from your competitors?

They are also following the same tactics and marketing strategies, then what additional you are doing to capture your targeted audiences’ attention?

Here you need to do some brainstorming, and apart from the usual marketing tactic, there is one more significant factor that should not be skipped at any given cost. Do you know what it is? That is a promotional website for your mobile app.

Promotional website- an investment for your app’s success

I know, app development already comes with a certain cost, and creating another promotional website can affect your budget. But trust me, it is not an expense but an investment for your app venture, and involving it within your marketing model, will help you immensely. There are numerous ways it helps your publicity efforts, and some of those I am going to address herewith in this post. Just scroll further…

Helps in creating a loyal user base

You need to get a user base to get a much deserving recognition in the app market. With such a cut-throat competition, it is next to impossible to gain popularity in the app market. Here a promotional website comes for your rescue, which helps your app to gain a relevant user base, much before the app launch and help your app to get recognized. You let your audience know about the app’s functioning and features and help them peek inside the app much before its launch, to gain their interest.

Helps in connecting with users

Any business grows successful, only when it can connect with the targeted audience. However, expecting it to directly connect with the user base is an impossible task. So here you can take the assistance of a promotional website that helps you connect with the targeted audience effortlessly. It opens a window for the users where they can find it a solution for their pain-points.

Helps your app to enhance the ranking

I know if your app is good, it would automatically gain the ranking on Google, but getting ranked on the first page of Google is a time-consuming process. And it generally consumes roughly 5-6 months to get ranked and in this long process, makes your app lose a bigger chunk of the targeted audience, who check the ranking of the mobile app. Again in this situation, a promotional website comes handy and it helps your app and business to rank on the first page of Google’s organic search effortlessly.

Along with these benefits, there is one most important benefit as well.

Helps your users to check your app’s functionality

Your app is only accessible to the users when it is finally launched on its respective stores. But before the app launch if something which creates excitement amongst the users and makes them interested to use your mobile app is the promotional website. It helps you to reflect on the app’s screen and release the short app teasers to help you in gaining the attention of the users.

Food for thought

Expecting your app to grow popular without a significant marketing campaign, is an impossible aspect. You need to get a hold onto every available resource to boost your app’s presence, which eventually helps your mobile app to gain popularity.

These are some of the benefits offered to your mobile app through the hands of the promotional website, thus it is highly significant to ask your developer to integrate the promotional website as a MUST feature for your mobile app development process. And help it grow out of bounds.

Jason Potterfield
Jason Potterfield
Jason is a senior Android developer in Australia. He holds great expertise in latest and advanced Android technologies, and ensures to integrate his skills into the mobile app development process.
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