How to set up your own electrician business

How to set up your own electrician business
Photo: Jarmoluk. Pixabay

Setting up any kind of business is no walk in the park. As with a great many things, there are rules, and you must comply with each and everyone of them if your endeavour is to immerge as a success. After all, it’s a bumpy road when you’re starting out, and you need that way forward to be as smooth as possible.

Of course, electricians don’t get it any easier. If this is you, then you need no shortage of commitment, talent and above all, know-how. Consequently, here’s a few things to consider when setting up your very own electrician business.

Legal awareness

A business is a business, and if you peel back enough layers on any of them, you’ll soon find that all companies are operating on the same core principles. One of these is profit, and another is legislation. The law is something no company can cut corners with.

For example, you can make life easier by registering for your unique 11-digit number that is your Australian Business Number. This enables you to be formally and quickly identified by both the authorities and anyone else, such as customers. After all, having an open identity is part of trading fairly and transparently.

You’ll also need to research what licences, insurance and taxation demands you need to possess and follow. These may be specific to your status as an electrician or be rules that every business must comply with. In the end, you need proven credentials to legitimise your firm, and without them you will face fines, a negative reputation and eventually, company closure.

Business plan

Companies don’t get far without a business plan. Without one, you simply won’t know what you’re doing. How will you know if you’re succeeding? Do you know how to define failure within your business? What are your standards? Consequently, when you understand where you are legally, it’s time to talk business.

You might think yourself an electrician rather than a salesman, but when push comes to shove, you will be selling a service. Therefore, you need to think of the same things other businesses do. Ask yourself; who is your target audience? What do you offer? What are your marketing and financial forecasts? You need to drum up a top to bottom run down of your company you can hit the ground running. With this clear image in mind, you can finally start making moves.

Qualified staff

Some electricians operate as sole traders, which is a totally valid way to go. Sure, it can bottle neck and limit opportunities, but this doesn’t mean the work has dried up. There’s no harm in being a big fish in a smaller pond! It doesn’t matter how many people are doing the work, what matters is the work is getting done properly by a qualified professional.

If you’re going to start an electrician business, then integrity in your work is crucial to achieve. A decent effort is one that’s worth talking about, and interest in your new company will build from here from positive word of mouth. If you can show that you have something even close to a more experienced competitor in the way of quality, your start up will impress.

Moreover, it’s not even just about quality, but safety too. Ensure that any staff you take on are trained in safety when working with technology and electrics, and even run over the basics every so often too; switching things off, conductors, etc. Whether it’s an online training course or something more substantial, keeping staff on their toes with their skills and knowledge will keep them sharp.

Expert equipment

Shoddy and rusty electrician equipment leads to accidents and should be used under no circumstances. Moreover, no equipment doesn’t look good either. In the end, electricians need to look the part, perform the part, and provide a reliable service. They can only do this with the right equipment, and to do this, they need to find a great supplier first!

For example, RS Components Limited offer a great range of hacksaw blades and more, meaning you can always ensure you have the right tools for the job. Your reputation relies greatly on your gear, and really communicates your expert knowledge and dependability out in the field on a visual basis alone. Moreover, the correct tools can keep any workers safe, meaning there are less accidents to go around too!

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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