How to improve your chances of getting a permanent residency in Australia?

The land down under has been a promised land for decades now. This beautiful exotic land does not only have its beauty to offer, but also its prosperity. If you want to try your luck in Australia, you will have to work for it, but it will be worth it.

The reasons for applying for a permanent residency in Australia

If you have already chosen Australia as the best place to be, a permanent residency visa could provide benefits similar to those Australian citizens have. Moreover, it could help you get to residency quickly.

Also, it could assist your family members with their applications for visas. If as a woman you give birth to a child inside Australia, it will gain citizenship by birth. You will have the right to freely leave and enter Australian soil, and work and travel within the country.

You will be eligible for subsidized healthcare and legal services. Also, you will have no problem getting permission from the New Zealand government to travel, study, work, or live within that country.

Who can apply?

Well, pretty much anyone can apply on humanitarian, migration or family-related grounds. Visa types which offer straightforward permanent residency are Subclass 189 for skilled independent workers, Subclass 186 for employer-nominated workers, and Subclass 190 for skilled state-sponsored workers.

The Subclass 489 for those sponsored by a regional area also have a priority in gaining PR. With a very popular type of visa, Subclass 457, you can apply for permanent residency after two years of uninterrupted sponsorship.

However, the chances of gaining Australian PR may vary, based on the circumstances, and there may be a long waiting period. There are also several other types of visa which are eligible, but they are less popular, and the results may greatly vary.

From a student to a permanent resident

If you are looking to study in Australia with hopes of eventually applying for permanent residency, there are preferred courses you should look into. Attending one of these is more likely to help you achieve your goal.

Choose to study and build your career within one of the following fields: social work, accounting, engineering, IT, cookery and patisserie, hospitality, education and teaching, as well as nursing and medicine. These offer a wide variety for people of different interests and it is safe to say that you can find something on this list which will suit you.

Hire assistance

Perhaps this was something you were looking to avoid, but most unusual circumstances require professional assistance. Unusual in this case means pretty much everything not mentioned in the top three visa subclasses. Even they could use assistance in preparing the documents.

You can look for experienced immigration solicitors for some directions in choosing the most appropriate visa type for your specific case. You want your application to go well the first time. Every subsequent attempt at getting a visa could decrease your chances of getting one. Also, having help could lead to a shorter waiting period.

PR visa requirements

Most of the PR visas will take you through the similar process. You will need to obtain documents including your travel documents and English language proficiency test result, as well as the skill assessment report obtained from the relevant skill-assessing authority. With that, you will select the right visa type and the occupation from the latest relevant list of required skilled occupations.

Australian immigration visa
Photo: Luap Vision, Bigstock

You will have to go through the process of evaluating your medical and moral state and provide a report from it. Finally, you need to apply in the famous point-based system and score at least 60 points. The tip here is to stay in good health and act responsibly.

The point-based system

This point-based system is pretty straightforward. It distributes points based on your age, level of education, English language skills, and work experience. This is all provided that you have managed to find your occupation on the list.

Tip 1: Think about your future while you are young and do not procrastinate making the decision but do it as soon as possible, as age makes a great difference.

Tip 2: Change a career – if your career is not on the list, apply for a course and obtain one of the desired skills, it is a small investment for a promising future.

Tip 3: Seek further education – the higher your education level, the more points you get.

Tip 4: Build your career – only relevant work experience counts, so seek employment within your niche as that can land you more points.

Tip 5: Improve you English – build your English language skills, it will not only help you get more points, but it will also help you cope more easily and get better jobs once you are in Australia.

Bear in mind that getting education and work experience in Australia is worth more points.

This may sound like a lot of hard work and it is, but it also should be. This is a life-altering moment for most people. You will be gaining a chance to live and work freely in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, and we believe it is worth the effort.

This article is a private opinion based on private research and it shouldn’t be considered as advice.

Sasha Duncan
Sasha Duncan
Sasha Duncan is a journalist and literature enthusiast who enjoys writing and learning new things about interior design. She loves reading crime novels and being with her dogs, Maya and Buster.
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