Family Guy finally answers the Stewie Griffin question

Family Guy finally answers the Stewie Griffin question
Family Guy. Photo: By Iranam70 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Stewie Griffin is a one-year-old smartass with a British accent in an all-American family. So why is he like this?

Earlier this week, Family Guy revealed some of the truth behind the Stewie Griffin character after a huge 16 seasons of the adult comedy animation.

A new episode aired in the US without any commercial breaks and gave viewers a look into the psyche of one of the most popular one-year-olds in the world.

The scene details Stewie Griffin pushing another boy down the stairs before being sent to a psychiatrist in Dr. Cecil Pritchfield who is voiced by Sir Ian McKellen. Viewers are then shown a deeper side of Stewie that gives light to his hopes, dreams and the future life that he may live.

Whilst there is nothing that explicitly states that he is, in fact, gay, much of the scene suggests that the older Stewie may be repressing or hiding issues in relation to his sexuality.

Stewie says that whilst he isn’t gay, he does believe that “Grant Gustin and (Stewie) would make the most adorable Instagram couple” after eluding to the fact that he only pushed the biy down the stairs because he wanted him to like him, but not “like him, like him”.

Given the not so explicit confession from Stewie Griffin in the scene, viewers now have a pretty clear idea as to where the animated character falls on the spectrum of sexuality. He does go on to say that he is aware of the term fluid and despite this he is “confident in (his) heterosexuality”.

The creator of the show, Seth MacFarlane, has talked about the sexuality of Stewie Griffin before when explaining that a previous episode where Stewie does come out as gay was scrapped. MacFarlane said that he felt it was best for the show to “keep it vague” given the youthful age of the character.

The episode also reveals Stewie Griffin speaking in his real voice for the first time. He reveals in the show that the accent is “nothing more than an affectation” that makes him feel special.

However, for those viewers who were hoping that this would be a significant moment for Stewie during the therapy session, he quickly reverted back to his British accent. Stewie Griffin will remain, for now, as the intelligent and foul-mouthed toddler we all love.



By Zac Fyffe

Passionate about writing and sharing my experiences with others. Zac has a keen interest in sport and politics in particular. Contact: [email protected]

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