5 Test data management techniques for successful software testing

5 test data management techniques for successful software testing
Photo: PhotoMIX-Company, Pixabay

Test data management is the fruit of extensive filtering and sorting of valuable information from the data gained through different sources. Without precise test data management (TDM) and testing tools, a whole load of data can be difficult to manage. In essence, database management is very important to the success of your business.

Modern-day technology has made it possible for the testing team to fetch data directly from the user’s experience. Yet, somehow the process of getting access to the data remains a critical process.

TDM not only minimises the efforts of collecting the data but also plays a major role in effective software testing. When an application is put to test, there comes a stage where a massive amount of data is generated.

With the view of making an effective report in a short time, integration of TDM and its tools is crucial. However, the powers of test data management do not end here. The techniques that lie within can also mask sensitive data and segment data according to different specifications.

Wondering what more the TDM techniques can bring to the table? So, let’s check out 5 different techniques that add to software testing.

A brief study on TDM

Servers in operation
Data management is crucial. Photo: ColossusCloud, Pixabay

In TDM, you are using software testing processes that are designed to collate data stacks hidden behind different curtains. The most critical place could be the user-generated component. The data here is in a completely different form.

One needs to deal with the test data in all kinds of frameworks and formats. Doing this manually can be a clumsy task, one that is also time-consuming. Instead, test data management tools are used to “drill a hole” and make it easier. It acts as data strainer, separating the usable and non-usable data.

Selfish generation of data

Using the refreshed data for the testing process might sound quick and easy. But what crosses your mind when we say a whole lot of data can be created? Probably a lot of work but effective testing results.

The method is known as selfish data generation. And the method is defined to give accurate results without reporting any fake reports of the software.

While putting this approach in action, keep in mind that selfish data generation can be used only for a short process. In the long run, this method fails to consider the needs and specific interests and dedicates itself only on the output of testing.

Forming reusable data

Reuse your data. Photo: mohamed_hassan, Pixabay

Reusable data can be considered the optimal way of using the test data while putting the software down for testing. The reusable test data here is free from all issues.

Put simply, you don’t have to agonise over complications in the test data. These data stacks are kept safe with the developers, usually labelled as reusable for further validation and assessment.

Keep the sets of reusable data ready, as it is known to save time and energy along with minimising test complications.

Pull the curtain on sensitive data

Why do we wear a helmet while riding the bike? Safety measures, right? In the same line, masking sensitive data is also protecting the vital information from falling into the wrong hands.

Sensitive data, like a customer order system or debugging processes, need to be kept in secured when not in use.

By doing so, your software testing process does not get affected and can get you true and reliable information.

Automation: the master of all techniques

Most IT firms put together their data management processes, usually starting from scripting, securing, generating to duplicating. All these tasks can be put to ease by just taking a step towards automation.

Automation sees through all the requirements of the software testing. It processes the required test data in the expected format and test cases.

The testing process is a crucial part as it defines the future of the software in the market. If automation can handle such critical components, then it can also be used with the data generation process.

Creating automated test data facilitates a faster and more reliable way of getting on the road of testing.

How crucial is test data management?

Test data management is not a simple process. Every step mentioned above comes with its own set of limitations. It is the job of the efficient testing team as to how they discern the best uses of each technique.

By Niall Crawford

Niall is Chief Information Officer at Enov8 in Australia. Enov8 is a unique technology company building specialist products for the IT market. He has been fortunate enough to work across most sectors & areas of IT, including hands on engineering & leadership and that has given him a desire to explore both service and product innovation.

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