VPSBlocks: The VPS company businesses have their eyes on

The cloud server market is very competitive, but local providers such as VPSBlocks have been providing quality services to the Australian market since cloud computing started to become popular.

In a world where large faceless corporates are trying to squeeze every dollars out of their customers, think AWS (Amazon Web Services) or Microsoft Azure, with as little support provided as possible it’s nice to know that there are some Australian companies out there who are filling the gap between cheap and nasty services (think large shared hosting companies), and these massive corporates who provide services aimed at experts with little to no support. When you’re website is offline or you can’t connect to your server, posting on a forum for help or paying an IT services company (rarely available 24/7) to investigate for you takes time and costs you money, with a service provider like VPSBlocks getting help is as easy as picking up the phone or jumping on live chat, issues are generally sorted out within a few minutes.

As more and more businesses start to think about disaster recovery, and the effects of their IT services being offline, they begin to see more value in companies like VPSBlocks, that’s why businesses have started taking note. Australian cloud services should be necessary for all businesses, selecting the right provider with a great technical setup behind them and a major focus on service and support is what every business owner or technology officer should be looking for.

VPSBlocks provides VPS (virtual private servers) to businesses across Australia. These servers are in a cloud based environment providing high availability and failover mechanisms in-case of hardware failure. One of the added advantages of this is the ability for the underlying hardware/software to be upgraded and changed without any impact on running services, businesses based in VPSBlocks cloud servers can be moved without any downtime between hardware, this is called live migration. By utilising live migration scheduled outages have become a thing of the past. This is paramount when serving clients who require their websites and other services to be available 24/7.

VPS Blocks provides its customers a fully featured control panel based around hosting cloud servers. Some of its key features include:

  • Start/Stop/Reset your VPS
  • Access the VPS console directly (regardless if networking configurations are correct)
  • Mount DVDs from the VPSBlocks DVD library
  • Download your virtual hard drive directly via HTTP
  • Directly create hardware firewall rules for an added layer of protection outside of your VPS operating system firewall
  • Create an internal network and internal NICs on your servers for private communication between multiple VPSs
  • Schedule upgrades/downgrades (any changes to your server resources can be scheduled to occur at any time)
  • HTTP/HTTPs site monitoring with multiple alerting capabilities and configurable VPS rebooting on X failures
  • Fully customizable for whitelabel reselling
  • On and Off-site backup options
  • Fully customisable servers

VPSBlocks offers both Windows and Linux variants and can help get you up and running with any custom ISO, or importing virtual hard disks from other providers. They are knowledgeable with regards to licensing and provide a full range of licensing for things such as remote desktop licenses, SQL server, office, exchange, cPanel and Plesk. These are all easily added to your services through the VPSBlocks control panel, and staff can provide advice to help ensure you are getting the best value for money.

SPAM filtering services are also provided with a near 100% accuracy, full searchable logging and configurable quarantine emails.

Best still VPSBlocks support is wholly operated within Australia, meaning when you call, jump on live chat or send through an email or ticket a technician with direct access to our services will be able to help you. No layers of support or jumping through hoops with untrained personnel.

What is a VPS exactly?

A VPS is a virtual private server, that is your own entire server complete with your own operating system, hard disk space, dedicated RAM allocation etc. that is partitioned off on very large servers with substantial amounts of resources, usually these servers are in a blade enclosure environment providing integrated networking. From an operating point of view it’s no different than a business purchasing a quality server and installing Windows or Linux on it, however, it has none of the disadvantages that comes with running your own server (hardware failure, outages, maintenance, where to locate it so it has 24/7 networking, data center fees, power etc.).

What can I use a VPS for?

A VPS can be used for any purpose that you would require a server for. This can be as simple as hosting a website that you want online with great performance 24/7, running a forex trading platform like MT4, to running a POS system with multiple retail locations logging in daily, and everything in between.

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