The best uses and types of scaffolding

best scaffolding
Scaffolding has many different uses. Photo: Bridgesward, Pixabay

Before going any further let’s check what does our dictionary says about scaffolding. As per the trusty dictionary, scaffolding is defined as “a temporary structure on the outside of a building, made of wooden planks and metal poles, used by workmen while building, repairing, or cleaning”.

The structure is generally created to help the workers move during the construction of the building. There are several types of scaffolding created on construction sites depending upon the nature of the work.

Commercial Uses of Scaffolding


Construction is the very first place where the usage of scaffolding is required. Since the day it is introduced it has become an integral part of the entire construction process and now people can’t imagine constructing something without having this provisional structure near them. It keeps the workers safe during the process.


One cannot think to successfully run the event without using a scaffolding anywhere. It comes in handy to create a stage or keeping or moving cameras during shoots or ramps during shows. You imagine the type of event and somehow this structure will be there handling one thing or another.

High Quality Scaffolds

Cleaning the building structure and sitting on the scaffolds for a long time require high quality scaffolds to be set up.

Cleaning Scaffolding

The complicated, as well as the tall structures, needed a support system to get cleaned properly and that time scaffolding comes real handy among the people working on the project. Most of the cleaning companies have their own equipment in regards to this structure to have a smooth flow of the work.


You will be surprised to know about this one as this is something which you have used in your life. Have attended any sports event? So during event where were you sitting? Obviously the erected sitting arrangement which wooden planks as the bench.


Hoardings, promotional boards or structures are also a form of scaffolding So now you can understand that scaffolding also helps in the advertisement sector of the market. It is not restricted to construction work only, it certainly has many uses.

Types of Scaffolding

scaffolding uses
There are quite a few different types of scaffolds available. Photo: Pixeltweaks, Pixabay

In broader manner scaffolding is divided into 5 types:

1. Supported Scaffolds

These types of structures are generally used where there is a need for extra elevation, be it at a construction site or an event. It is known as the safest, most comfortable as well as durable form of structure people can use. The type is again divided into subcategories based on the type of work it is being used for.

2. Ariel Lift Scaffolds

The name itself explains the meaning of this type. When the structure where work is going on is quite tall and needs workers as well as material at a height at that time this structure helps in taking the worker as well as the material to the required place.

3. Suspended Scaffolds

It is like hanging from the roof where the construction is quite high. This structure can be helpful in work like cleaning, painting, sometimes construction as well. When you need to work on heights then the smart way says create something from top instead of ground.

4. Rolling Scaffolds

The structure which requires moving from one place to other on a regular basis falls into the category of rolling. Here you have to remember to lock the wheels while working at one place in order to avoid any sort of unforeseen circumstances.

5. Mobile Scaffolds

Finally, there are also mobile scaffolds. These are the semi-permanent scaffolding which is created in such a way that one can move it easily whenever the need arises. Normally fixed scaffolds are left at one place for longer period of time.

By Melissa Hamler

Melissa, is an experienced and professional blogger. Here you can see her skills which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. She adore to write blog on many topics, like: automotive, home improvement, business, health, lifestyle, etc. Contact: [email protected]

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