Top 10 Australian pests

What are the most common household pests in Australia?

Australia is home to some of the most interesting and unique creatures in the world. But with that comes a downside – pests! These little critters can cause big problems for homeowners and businesses alike. These pests can cause damage to property, contaminate food, and spread diseases.

If you are planning on travelling to Australia or are just curious about the country’s pest population, then this blog post is for you!

We will take a look at the top 10 Australian pests and provide some tips on how to deal with them.

1. Ants


Ants in Australia can be traced back to the early days of European settlement. They are small, hard-bodied insects that range in colour from black to red. They can be found anywhere in Australia and can often be seen marching in long lines.


Ants live in colonies that can range in size from a few hundred to millions of individuals. They build their nests in soil, under rocks, or in rotten wood.

Species in Australia

There are now around 230 different ant species in Australia, most of which are considered pests.

Control methods

Ants can be controlled with a variety of methods, including baiting, trapping, and dusting.

Prevention tips:

  • Place ant bait near the nest entrance.
  • Use a sticky trap to catch ants in your home or office.
  • Dust ants with an insecticide powder.

2. Cockroaches


Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in Australia. They are large, brown, and have a flat body. They can be found anywhere in the country and often live in dark, moist places like drains and sewers.


Cockroaches prefer warm, humid environments and can survive for up to a month without food.

Species in Australia

There are around 30 different cockroach species in Australia, most of which are considered pests.

Control methods

Cockroaches can be controlled with a variety of methods, including baiting, trapping, and spraying.

Prevention tips

  • Keep your home and office clean and free of clutter.
  • Seal any cracks or crevices in your home’s walls and floors.
  • Install a cockroach trap.
  • Spray an insecticide in areas where cockroaches are known to live.

3. Fleas


Fleas are small, reddish-brown parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They can be found anywhere in Australia and often live in areas where pets or wildlife roam.


Fleas prefer warm, humid environments and can survive for up to a year without food.

Species in Australia

There are around 25 different flea species in Australia, most of which are considered pests.

Control methods

Once infested, you need to treat your pet, home, and yard. Take your pets to the vet and get them professionally treated with medication. There are chances that fleas might harbour inside the carpet and other upholstery items in the house. You might need to dispose of them or call in an expert exterminator or a carpet cleaning service.

Prevention tips

  • Keep your home and yard clean and free of debris.
  • Regularly treat your pets with a flea prevention medication.
  • Discourage wild animals from entering your property.
  • Regularly vacuum your floors and furniture.

4. Ticks


Ticks are small, spider-like creatures that attach themselves to the skin of mammals and birds to feed on their blood. They can be found anywhere in Australia and often live in tall grass or dense vegetation.


Ticks can survive in a variety of environments, including moist forests, dry woodlands, and grassy areas.

Species in Australia

Ticks species in Australia include the paralysis tick, bush tick, and cattle tick.

Control Methods: Ticks infestation is best managed through a combination of pest control methods including personal protection, habitat management, and chemical control.

Prevention tips

  • Cover up when walking in tall grass or dense vegetation.
  • Use an insect repellent that contains DEET.
  • Check your skin and clothes for ticks after being in tick-infested areas.
  • Remove any attached ticks with fine-pointed tweezers.

5. Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed on the dead skin cells and blood of humans and other animals. They can be found anywhere in Australia and often live in areas where people sleep or sit for extended periods of time.


As the name suggests, bed bugs prefer to live in close proximity to humans, where they can easily feed on their blood.

Species in Australia

Bed bugs are not endemic to Australia, but there are a number of different species that have been introduced to the country.

Control methods

Once infested, you may have to replace the mattress and other upholstery that was in close contact with the bugs. You might also need to call in a professional exterminator to totally remove these pesky creatures.

Prevention Tips

  • Regularly inspect your bed and furniture for signs of bed bugs.
  • Keep your home and office clean and free of clutter.
  • Avoid sitting or sleeping in areas where bed bugs are known to live.
  • Install a mattress and box spring encasement.
  • Use clean bedsheets and pillowcases.

6. Moths


Moths are a type of insect that is found all over the world. In Australia, there are around 200 different moth species.


Moths live and breed in diverse habitats, including mangroves, salt marshes, lowland forests, sand dunes, wetlands, grasslands and mountain zones.

Species in Australia

Some of the most common moth species in Australia include the webbing clothes moth, the case-bearing clothes moth, and the Indian meal moth.

Control methods

There are a number of ways to control moth infestations, including physical removal, chemical control, and habitat management.

Prevention tips

  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Regularly vacuum your floors and furniture.
  • Install a screen on your windows and doors.
  • Disable outdoor lights at night.
  • Use mothballs in almirahs and cupboards.

7. Rodents


Rats and mice are two of the most common types of rodents that can be found in Australia. They are both small, furry creatures that can cause a lot of damage to property and spread diseases.


Rats and mice can be found anywhere in Australia, but they prefer to live in areas where there is easy access to food and shelter, such as in homes, businesses, and agricultural and farm areas.

Species in Australia

There are a number of different rat and mouse species that can be found in Australia, including the black rat, the brown rat, and the house mouse.

Control methods

The best way to control rodent infestations is by trapping them and then removing the carcasses. You might also need to use rodenticide baits to kill any remaining rodents.

Prevention tips:

  • Seal up any holes or cracks in your home that may provide entry for rats and mice.
  • Properly close the pantry and areas where you store food.
  • Install a metal mesh screen on your windows and doors.
  • Use a rat or mousetrap.

8. Silverfish


Silverfish are a type of primitive, wingless insect that is found all over the world, including Australia. They are silvery light grey in colour and have a fish-like appearance.


Silverfish prefer to live in warm, moist environments where they can easily find food. They are often found in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.

Species in Australia

The most common Australian species of silverfish include the bristletail silverfish, the firebrat, and the fishmoth.

Control methods

To control silverfish infestation, you need to remove their food and moisture sources. You might also need to use an insecticide.

Prevention tips:

  • Avoid leaving food or moisture sources around your home.
  • Install a dehumidifier in damp areas of your home.
  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink or laundry basket overnight.
  • Dry out any wet areas in your home, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

9. Spiders


Spiders are a type of arachnid that can be found all over the world. In Australia, there are around 2000 different spider species.


Spiders live in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, wetlands, and urban areas.

Species in Australia

Australia is especially known for its dangerous spider species, including the Sydney funnel-web spider, the redback spider, and the white-tailed spider, which sometimes might turn into pests and cause a lot of health problems.

Control methods

To control a spider infestation, you can remove their webs and egg sacs, use an insecticide or relocate them to an area where they will not cause any harm.

Prevention tips:

  • Keep your home clean.
  • Use eucalyptus sprigs as spiders hate its strong scent.
  • Use cedar mulch, shavings, and blocks.
  • Keep your porch lights off.

10.  Termites (White Ants)


Termites, also known as white ants, are a type of social insect that live in colonies. They are the most common type of pest in Australia and can cause a lot of damage to property.


In Australia, termites can be found colonising in different habitats, including ground mounds. Pole nests (on human structures such as fence posts and telegraph poles), Tree nests (outside tree, connected to the internal cavity), or Subterranean nests (underground, in soil, stumps and tree bases).

Species in Australia

There are a number of different Australian termite species, including the dry wood termite, the subterranean termite, and the coastal Formosan subterranean termite.

Control methods

The best way to control a termite infestation is by using a chemical barrier treatment that will prevent them from entering your home or property.

Prevention tips

  • Make sure your property is inspected for termites on a regular basis.
  • Store wood away from your home and do not let it come into contact with the soil.
  • Plant eucalyptus trees around your property as they are termite-resistant.
  • Make sure your home is well-sealed and has no cracks.


In conclusion, there are a number of different Australian pests that you need to be aware of and take steps to prevent from entering your home. Some of the most common pests include rats, mice, silverfish, spiders, termites, and white ants. The best way to prevent an infestation is by using appropriate prevention methods and by keeping your home clean and well-sealed.

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