Producers of the iconic animated comedy series The Simpsons are reportedly interested in making a second film and a spin-off series and are in talks with Disney. The House of Mouse acquired The Simpsons amongst many other valuable assets in a USD52 billion deal with Fox.
The long-running series will be debuting its 31st season, cementing itself as one of the most prominent icons in global pop culture. The Simpsons currently hold the title of longest-running scripted primetime series in American television history. With Disney’s ownership of the show, it is expected that all 30 seasons will be available for streaming on Disney+ which will roll out later this fall.
So what more can Simpsons fans expect from the Disney-Fox merger regarding their favorite show? A spin-off series and a movie sequel sound about right. Producers of the show have confirmed talks with Disney on the matter.
The Simpsons Movie was released in 2007 and fans have long been wondering when a sequel will finally be released. While reports of a sequel have circulated in and out of the rumor mill, there was never an official announcement to confirm it. Now, it looks like a sequel will come sooner than later.
One of the show’s executive producers, Matt Selman addressed the matter during this year’s D23 expo as per Variety. Read his statement below:
“I think Disney would be supportive of anything we wanted to do, maybe a crazy limited series with a side character or a movie that we surprised you with, they’ve been really creatively supportive and this is going to afford so many new ways to do the show than just the traditional format.”