Jennifer Lopez felt “sick” seeing herself as a stripper on ‘Hustlers’

Jennifer Lopez knew full well what she was getting into when she signed on to star in the upcoming ‘Hustlers’. The star’s preparation for her role as the stripper Ramona was even complete with her own personal pole dancing trainer. But when it came time for J.Lo to see herself in the film for the first time, she was horrified.

The star reveals that she’s nothing at all like her on-screen character who is a New York stripper stealing from the men of Wall Street. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, J.Lo revealed just how disturbed she felt after watching the film.

“When I watched the movie for the first time, I was like, a little bit sick to my stomach,” she tells the entertainment news outlet.

“I was like, ‘Oh my God! What are they doing? They are going to kill this guy!'” she says about a particular scene where her character hustles a rich man. “They were playing with fire,” she adds.

Lopez explained that while her character was engaging in criminal acts, it’s something that she will never do in her lifetime. “I’m a by-the-book kind of person. Like, I’m always afraid. I don’t want to jaywalk or anything. They’re going to get me,” she revealed.

In the movie, the singer and actress play ringleader to a group of strippers who con their way to scam their customers in a Robin Hood type of scheme. The story is based on a real-life article published by The New York Times.

Laura Ebeling
Laura Ebeling
Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.
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