7 shows that you might be seeing the last of in 2019!

7 shows that you might be seeing the last of in 2019!
Photo: Luis Quintero, Pexels.

Every year, there’s a season during which announcements regarding several of our favorite TV shows are made. We get to know if the stars of the show will be signing up for another season, if the show will be canceled due to ratings or if the next season would be their last. Fingertips start to tingle because no one wants their favorite shows and their reason for happy Friday nights to end.

Shows with good ratings almost always return whilst shows criticized, don’t. But, there’s always a time when a great, highly appreciated show, comes to an end. A great example of that would be the show, Friends, which to this very day tears people up during its last season. In the present time, finding which of the shows one watches are going to end is quite unpredictable.

This article discusses shows which truly are ending and which might be ending. However, before we start will the TV shows, it is important to realize the fact that you will need a stable internet connection like the one offered in —- so that you can watch these TV shows without any disruption.

  1. Modern Family

Status: Might be Ending

Loved by many for being a family show, this show has continued enough for the characters to grow both physically and mentally. Even though the cast or the producers haven’t said anything about it ending yet, the show might be going through its final stages, as the audience tends to now believe.

  1. Gotham

Status: Ending

A batman lover’s dream, Gotham has been a fantasy serial, showcasing superheroes and villains which the viewers fell in love with. The last five seasons of Gotham have proved to be a great hit. Gotham without any doubt as told by the producers is going to have its finale soon.

  1. Charmed

Status: Might be Ending

What starts as a disappointment usually ends as a disappointment too. Charmed recreated itself but could not match the previous cast’s or audience’s expectations. It had low ratings from the very beginning and seeing that it’s struggling, it is very much likely that the show will be put to an end.

7 shows that you might be seeing the last of in 2019!
Photo: John-Mark Smith, Pexels.
  1. Game of Thrones GOT

Status: Ending

HBO’s favorite blockbuster is coming to an end this year. Based on the series by George R. R. Martin, the series has left the entire world in astonishment as the recreation of the fantastical era and great acting pulled off by the actors has made the show reach the very top. Though a book of the series still needs to be released, the show series is wrapping up with its last season this year.

  1. Jessica Jones

Status: Might be Ending

Daredevil being canceled on Netflix even though it had gained massive popularity, leaves us thinking that Jessica Jones, the Marvel production might be next. Knowing the history of Marvel fans being disappointed, it won’t come as a shocker to us if Jessica Jones gets canceled after its upcoming season which is already in production.

  1. Orange is the new Black

Status: Ending

The first of its kind, this show is based on the real-life prison story of Piper Chapman. OINTB gained massive popularity in a short period. Howsoever, the upcoming seventh season of Orange is the new Black will mark an end to one of our favorite binge-watch worthy series.

  1. Murphy Brown

Status: Might be Ending

The show started as a success, primarily because it revolved around a strong female lead and the show has continued for over ten seasons. But, as all good things must come to an end, it is rumored that Murphy Brown’s twelfth season might be it’s last.


Some of these shows are being wrapped up whilst others will soon be given their ratings and reviews. Some have given us amazing weekends and weekday nights whilst others made us switch channels. Either way, with these shows not being aired, the excitement of new shows will be there and 2019 seems to be an exciting year to witness the new potential for producers as well as viewers.

By Zoya Naqvi

Zoya Naqvi is a Best-Selling Author, Marketing Strategist, and Personal Branding and Visibility Coach. Formerly, she has been a full-time Recruiter, Employer Branding Expert, Social Media Marketer, Optimization Expert, Content Marketer, Lecturer (BBA + MBA), and Broadcast Journalist. Follow all socials @thezoyanaqvi

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