Best Podiatrists in Gold Coast

Best Podiatrists in Gold Coast
Podiatrist treating foot injury. Source: BS

Below is a list of the top and leading Podiatrists in Gold Coast. To help you find the best Podiatrists located near you in Gold Coast, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Gold Coast’s Best Podiatrists:

The top rated Podiatrists in Gold Coast are:

  • Hip to Toe
  • The Foot and Balance Centre
  • Gold Coast Foot Clinic

Hip to Toe

Hip to Toe is a private clinic passionate about helping people with their orthodics without the need for surgery and pain. At hip to toe, services extend beyond the feet with qualified physiotherapists that can treat conditions from the hip upwards, and structural practitioners who can help from the waist down.


Pain Relief, Podiatry, Physio


Address: 138 Olsen Ave, Arundel QLD 4214
Phone: (07) 5571 7329


“After eighteen months living with constant messages of pain piercing my every thought and totally making life miserable, $15000 of other services, Hip to Toe has corrected my twisted knotted body in four one hour sessions. I can sit, raise my right arm above shoulder height and move without the constant distraction of pain. I will probably always have the coccyx pain, but an enjoyable active life is not only a reality, I know I can go back and his magical fingers, expert knowledge of anatomy and kindness will sort out the kinks. I will forever be grateful. Thank you for making working until retirement possible.” – Simone Pitt

The Foot and Balance Centre

The Foot and Balance Centre
The Foot and Balance Centre. Source: Screenshot from

The Foot and Balance Centre is owned and operated by Joanne Byster-Bowles, a podiatrist. The business was first established in 1986, to later become the multi-practitioner facility it is today. Housing three different treatment rooms, the office is well equipment for minor surgical procedures such as ingrown toe nail, or the removal of a wart. Custom orthodics and soft insoles can also be manufactured and moulded on site with the assistance of foot balance machines and scanners to analyse pressure patterns.


General nail care (including fungal nail treatment), Ingrown toenails and surgery, Orthoses and arch supports, Shoewear advice for children, workers, and diabetics, Sports-related injuries, Plantar fasciitis treatment, Heel pain, ,Paediatric related foot-care, Corns and callouses, Bunions, Wart and verrucae treatments, Diabetic foot-risk assessments, Ulcers, Wax baths for dry, cracked skin, Doppler investigations


Address: 1/419 Golden Four Dr, Tugun QLD 4224
Phone: (07) 5534 7879


“Highly recommended team!” – Drew

Gold Coast Foot Clinic

Gold Coast Foot Clinic
Gold Coast Foot Clinic. Source: Screenshot from

Gold Coast Foot Clinic has been providing superior patient care since 1998. By offering patients knowledge, diagnosis and treatment, Gold Coast Foot Clinic are able to offer patients a complete package. These treatments include all foot conditions, including the ankle and lower leg regions. Should the need arise for a surgical consultation, on site medical experts are available to answer questions or conduct inspections.


General Footcare, Foot Pain & Injuries, Lunula Laser, Shockwave Therapy


Address: 154 Sunshine Blvd, Mermaid Waters QLD 4218
Phone: (07) 5526 1988


“My infected ingrown toenail was removed at the clinic. It was the easiest and most comfortable operation I have experienced, my needs and priorities where met and at a very professional standard.” – Oska Proietto

By Laura Ebeling

Laura is a reporter and a business columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on businesses, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.

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