Best Migration Agents in Hobart

Best Migration Agents in Hobart
Application for a visa. Source: BS

Below is a list of the top and leading Migration Agents in Hobart. To help you find the best Migration Agents located near you in Hobart, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Hobart’s Best Migration Agents:

The top rated Migration Agents dealing with migration advise and assistance are:

  • Suns Accounting & Migration Services
  • Wanda Buza – ImmiConnect
  • IMMI SOLUTION – Migration & Education Consultants

Suns Accounting & Migration Services

Suns Accounting & Migration Services
Suns Accounting & Migration Services

Suns Accounting & Migration Services is a Hobart based public practice, and they provide both professional accounting and taxation services, as well as Australian visa application services.

Their migration agent is registered with the Migration Agent Registration Authority (MARA), who is also a member of the Migration Institution Australia (MIA). With the increasing volume of people migrating to Tasmania, they are best located to be able to support your migration requirements. Dealing with a local agent has many benefits: efficiency, communication, and ongoing support, etc.


Employer Nominated Migration, General Skilled Migration, Permanent Visas, Temporary Worker Visas, Business Skills Visas, Partner Visas, Family Visas, Resident Return Visas, Review and Appeal of Migration Decisions, Citizenship Applications, Character Issues, Adult Dependents & Health Waivers


AddressLevel 1/94 Liverpool St, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6231 6921


“They are professional! I think they are offering the lowest price on accounting jobs in Hobart.” – Minran Li


Wanda Buza - ImmiConnect
Wanda Buza – ImmiConnect

Wanda Buza studied undergraduate and post -graduate law, and taught at the University of Tasmania. She has many years as an experienced senior public servant with a background in migration policy and settlement services.

The daughter of a Polish refugee she understands the challenges that migrants face in starting a new life in Australia. She is keen to use her passions and skills to assist people with the complexities of the Australian visa system, so as to make the best case possible for grant of an Australian visa.


Family Stream Visas, Child Visa, Skilled Visas (Applicant), Employer Nominated Scheme, Investor Retirement, Training Visa, Business Innovation and Investor, Temporary Activity Visa, Orphan Relative Visa, Medical Treatment Visa, Prospective Marriage Visa, Distinguished Talent Visa & Temporary Work Visa


Address28 Bath St, Battery Point TAS 7004
Phone: 0405 997 010


“Wanda is a fantastic person to deal with. Highly recommended!” – Alistair Duff

IMMI SOLUTION – Migration & Education Consultants

IMMI SOLUTION - Migration & Education Consultants
IMMI SOLUTION – Migration & Education Consultants

IMMI SOLUTION – Migration & Education Consultants is the number one fastest growing education Industry. Their main aim is to help clients who are seeking advice.

Their team consists of more than 100 experts and professionals to help give you advice and guidance when necessary. They can help you to get a visa for whichever country you may choose to study in. They can also give advise about any taxation and home loan queries. If you find yourself struggling or facing any issues their team are more than happy to assist you.


Australia Visa & Migration, Education Services, Professional Year, Health Insurance, Scholarships, PTE & English Pathway Program, Internship Program, Travels


AddressLevel 1/123 Collins St, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6288 7033


“Immi solution helped me get my visa when I had so many complications, no one came forward to apply a visa for me, but immi solution took time to investigate my case and helped me get a visa in 20 days” – Karthi Keyan

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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