How to get a healthy sleep routine

Photo: Photosvit, Bigstock

Proper sleep hygiene can make or break your life. Sleeping better can only make your life better. So, when was the last time you woke up energized and refreshed? Did you wake up on the first sound of the alarm? Or did you press snooze? If your answers are negative, you need to create a healthy sleep routine. Our tips will help you get started.

Limit caffeine intake

Photo: Photosvit, Bigstock

Caffeine can easily disrupt your sleep routine if you overdo it. If you wish to sleep like a baby, you should avoid caffeine after 2 pm. In other words, try to drink coffee in the morning and avoid it completely in the afternoon. We know that this is easier said than done especially when the workday never seems to end. There are still some alternatives you can use like black tea and green tea.

So, try to have your favorite cup of Joe between 10 am and noon. Afterward, if you still need to drink something caffeinated, have a cup of black or green tea. If you can’t live without the taste of coffee, try decaf coffee instead. It tastes just like the real thing and it won’t keep you awake at night.

Avoid naps at all costs

Photo: Annebel146, Bigstock

Naps are sometimes needed to reset our day. Unfortunately, they will also ruin your regular sleep routine and schedule if they last too long.. The mid-afternoon slump might be the reason why you crave some sleep. Instead of taking a nap, try to eat a meal rich in protein. This will give you the power boost while not interfering with your sleep. In case you still need to take a nap, make it powerful and short. The so-called power naps last between 15 to 20 minutes. Anything longer than that is considered counterproductive. Make sure to time your power naps.

Don’t forget to exercise regularly

Photo: Rido81, Bigstock

Physical exercise stimulates your bodily functions in many ways so it is always recommended. It also has a positive effect on our sleep schedule. Regular exercise promotes alertness and keeps your circadian rhythm in check. It also reduces stress and improves mood which is essential for a carefree mental state and peaceful sleep. However, exercising late at night is not recommended if you want to sleep properly afterward. So, make sure to find the perfect slot for exercise during the daytime and enjoy the benefits of exercising regularly.

Relaxing bedtime rituals to the rescue!

Photo: Galitskaya, Bigstock

Bedtime rituals serve to put your mind and body at ease and stimulate your senses. These will prepare your body for sleep and increase the amount of restorative deep sleep. First, have a nice bath. Afterward, start relaxing your muscles and relieving pent up tension. A massage will help you relax and ease into sleep quickly. Take some time to enjoy the health benefits of folding massage chairs while listening to some soothing music in the background. These activities will put you to sleep without delay. You can also read a bit before going to sleep or have a cup of soothing chamomile tea.

Limit the use of electronic devices

Photo: Nomad Soul, Bigstock

Electronic devices like smartphones, laptops or tablets emit blue light which stimulates your brain and forces it to stay awake. So, if you want to enjoy a good night’s sleep, limit the usage of electronic devices. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds two hours before sleeping, try reading a book. Moreover, put your phone away from your bed to avoid the temptation. 

Your bedroom is a sacred place

Photo: Freeograph, Bigstock

A proper bedroom environment is essential for a healthy sleep routine. First, invest in a comfortable pillow and mattress. Change your sheets regularly. Secondly, reduce the amount of artificial light in your bedroom. Too much noise can make it hard for you to fall asleep so eliminate or reduce the amount of noise. Keep some earplugs in your nightstand just in case. Then, make sure to air out your bedroom before going to sleep and reduce the temperature. Most people find 20°C ideal for optimal sleep. Increased room temperature will only increase wakefulness so make sure to cool it off before going to bed.

Brew yourself a good night’s sleep

Photo: AntonioGuillem, Bigstock

A hot cup of tea can help destress and relax before going to sleep. Teas are a safer option because it won’t interfere with your sleep schedule. Moreover, it may help ease you right into a good night’s sleep. Make sure to select some of the so-called bedtime or sleepytime mixture of herbal teas. Herbal tea made of chamomile, valerian root, lavender, passionflower, lemon balm, or magnolia bark should be on your radar. Try to consume it at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. Consistency is also the key to success. Aim to drink bedtime tea every day before sleep for the best benefits.

Keep a consistent sleep schedule

All of the things we’ve mentioned won’t work unless you go to sleep on time. If you go to sleep at 12 pm and your alarm goes off at 6 am, you’ll probably just hit snooze. However, snoozing won’t make you feel energized because you went to sleep too late and woke up too early. Ideally, adults should sleep between 7 to 9 hours every night. By waking up at a certain time and going to sleep at similar times, you will keep your internal sleep clock running smoothly. A consistent sleep schedule is essential for a healthy lifestyle and can benefit your heart, mind, weight and more.

So, next time you wake up tired, make the decision to break your bad sleeping habits. This article outlined everything you have to do to improve the quality of sleep and live a healthier life. After a few days of maintaining a constant sleep schedule, you will have more energy and will achieve more.

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