We all know that time flies when you are in a loving, fun relationship. And as years go by, oftentimes anniversaries will sneak up on you and even become something that you don’t pay much attention to. It often ends up being a dinner at your favourite diner because you simply can’t come up with something that is memorable, won’t cost you a fortune and shows how much appreciation you have for your loved one. If you are struggling, here are some of the best ways to have a memorable yet private anniversary with the love of your life.
Get crafty
For those couples who are crafty, there is nothing better and more memorable than creating something for each other or together. There are so many things that you can do from creating pottery, decorating it to making a scrapbook together of all the memories that you have.
If you are married, what better thing to do on an anniversary than recreating your wedding day menu. Find the courses that you liked the most at your wedding and recreate them. Choose something that you wouldn’t usually cook at home to make it more fun and interesting. It is a fun challenge that you can undertake with your spouse. If you are super abibouts and you have baking skills, why not recreate your wedding cake in a smaller calibre. But no worries if you aren’t married, you can still do this. You can either cook your favourite meals for eathoseter or try to recreate your first date meal. If you are not that great of a cook and you don’t want to humiliate yourself, there are many places you can order already planned out meals to help you out with portion size and providing you with the ingredients.
Have a movie night
There is nothing more intimate and private than having a movie night as your anniversary date. That doesn’t have to be boring and lame, if you are a couple who likes movies, do a whole marathon of your favourite movie franchise. Order a bunch of your favourite foods and drinks and dedicate the whole day to watching your favourite movies.
Give thoughtful gifts
One of the most popular private ways of celebrating your love is simply by doing a gift exchange at home. There are so many different things that you can give your loved one from custom stationery, jewellery to getting them a pet that they have wanted their whole life. But, keep in mind that the gift doesn’t have to be expensive in order for it to be a good gift. What makes a gift good is how thoughtful it is, not how expensive it was. If you’re not creative or you are stuck, browse tough places such as the Neau Collective and you will be able to find a perfect gift for your love.
Go camping
If you are both into the great outdoors, what better way to have a private anniversary than going camping. But something that you should keep in mind is that you don’t necessarily have to go out into the woods or a lake to go camping, you can make it super fun and camp in your own yard. All you really need are some sheets to put over the grass, pillows and a tarp to cover you or you can go all out and set up a real tent and read some books under the stars.
Do absolutely nothing together
You don’t have to do anything extraordinary in order to make your anniversary memorable, you can take the whole day to yourselves and do absolutely nothing together. Relax and dedicate time to one another on this special day.
Enjoy a nice game day at home
For those who are competitive and like playing games, there are so many things that you can plan out for your anniversary that will blow your partner’s mind. Anything from setting up their favourite board game to creating competitive matches on your consoles or PC’s. Just make sure that you don’t be too competitive and ruin the night by being a sore loser. The trick is to create the perfect balance between having fun private yet memorable anniversary and a good old fashioned game night that you both enjoy.
Order flowers and chocolate
You simply can’t go wrong with going with the classical flower and chocolate surprise. No matter who your partner is, it will always make their heart warm. On the other hand, if you know that they don’t like flowers or can’t have chocolate, get them something else that still has that symbol of love and care. You can even take it a step further and make them cute little gift baskets with all their favourite things or things that you will use on your date that day. Just be sure that you are choosing flowers that they like and their favourite brand of chocolate because if you get it wrong it can get quite awkward.
Have a spa night at home
If you are both hard-working people in desperate need of a break, why not pamper each other. All you need are a few bath bombs, fun face masks, as well as some massage oil and, have your own private home spa night.
Even though getting dressed up and going out for a nice fancy dinner is something that is a classic, there is nothing that will beat having a private date and doing things together that you actually care about. It will not only be more memorable, but it will also grow your bond stronger and make your relationship healthier. You can also incorporate going out to dinner followed by something more private and meaningful. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you show each other how much you appreciate one another and that romance is not dead no matter how long you have been together.