How to better engage with your audience through live video

It’s no secret that visual mediums tend to resonate better with online viewers than text, which is why you may want to consider incorporating digital marketing mediums like live video, podcasts and similar channels to generate interest in your business. Live videos can create enough hype to keep viewers glued to the screen.

The more time a viewer spends on your website and content, the better you will perform when it comes to SEO rankings. From unveiling products to showcasing innovative techniques online, there’s so much you can do through live video. But you need to make it engaging for your audience. Here’s how you can do that:

Make the videos spontaneous

Make the videos spontaneous
Photo: AntonioGuillem, BS

Experiencing things in the moment and as they happen can be adventurous and exciting. Live streamed videos offer spontaneity and the experience of living in the moment. Consider the following strategies to make your videos as spontaneous as possible:

  • Use content that is currently trending within your industry so it is as relevant as possible to your audience.
  • Share thoughts and opinions over the course of the video to try and connect with your viewer at an emotional level.
  • Think of something that is unpredictable to hold the interest of the viewer and to add a personal touch to your brand.
  • If you are good at something that people do not understand, live stream and show them how it’s done. For example, showing people how to install or dismantle a piece of technology. Delivering instructions gives you the opportunity to engage spontaneously and remain in the mind of a viewer.

Spontaneity can help you better connect with your audience on a personal and emotional level, which in turn will drive traffic and better SEO ratings for you over time.

Consider hosting live contests through video

If you have a product-driven business, then hosting live contests can help you better engage with your existing viewers. It also gives you a chance to encourage new viewers to watch your stream and eventually follow you.

Below is an example of a video that I found while searching this Digital Global Blog with some business stuff.

Think of ways to incorporate contest ideas into live videos:

  • Ask a question – get people to respond to the question with fresh answers that could win them products or a free subscription to your service.
  • Ask for images – get people to post images of something relevant to your business and pick a winner who best captures what you’re looking for.
  • Ask for videos – get people to post videos of anything related to your business to make it exciting and award prizes for creativity and imagination.

There are many contest ideas you can incorporate but there should be a clear goal and call to action for the best results. Always make sure you have a clear benchmark to determine how successful the live content is.

Make the video as entertaining as possible

It isn’t surprising that the top viewed videos are games, how to’s and anything else entertaining. People don’t want to be bored at the end of the day. Consider the following to make your video as entertaining as possible:

  • Choose topics that people are already talking about so you can spin your own take to draw them to your content.
  • Give the topic a burst of drama to build excitement and engagement with your viewers.
  • Identify similar videos from competitors in your industry to find out what is working and what isn’t before sharing your own.
Make sure the video you share has a clear purpose
Photo: Dean Drobot, BS

Being entertaining enough to connect to a wide audience can attract and retain a lot of viewers, but you need to get your strategy right.

Make sure the video you share has a clear purpose

No video will make an impact without a clear purpose, especially from a brand value and SEO perspective. Consider the following:

  • At the start of the live stream, state the purpose of the video, a general idea that helps viewers decide if they want to stay for the remainder of the video or not.
  • Open up the opportunity for dialogue between you and your viewer.
  • Answer your viewer’s question live for better engagement while the video is playing.

A clear purpose demonstrates the intention behind the video so people know what they have to do.

Live videos can make a huge impact on your SEO efforts, so make sure you use these ideas for better engagement.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.
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