How online quiz creation helps to generate leads and facilitate online education

How online quiz creation helps to generate leads and facilitate online education

There is absolutely no argument against the reality that this age is digital. We currently live in a world where almost everything has moved to the digital space. With marketing having moved online some years ago, education has also begun to head in a similar trajectory. Hence, there is an upsurge in online educational platforms both formal and informal. It is generally no longer a question of if the online platform is going to work in the fields of marketing and education, but a matter of how it works, how to make more sense of it and how it can make a difference.

In the light of business campaigns and product publicity, digital is the new wave of marketing. Internet marketing requires that people interact with your brand online. This is referred to as engagement. Virtual engagement is the energy needed to fuel lead generation. Therefore, every digital marketer should look for ways to generate the best leads for their business, especially via organic engagement.

Quizzes as an online engagement tool for lead generation

Quizzes are becoming increasingly relevant to lead generation. One of the techniques that has been discovered as a goldmine for lead engagement is the shift towards taking these quizzes online. Quizzes have become a valuable resource for generating lead engagement for businesses. It has been said that adding a lead form to a quiz averages up to 55 percent opt-in-rate. This is a jaw dropping statistic given that it is 25 times better than other online lead generation forms like pop ups that average only 1.95 percent. Marketers should take advantage of this tool in order to increase the leads that they are able to create for their business.

Quiz lead generation platforms

The rise of quiz lead generation platforms is not at all a surprise. Riddle is one of the first companies to join the league of quiz lead generation platforms and it has been around since 2014. A relatively new platform that is improving upon the way online quizzes are delivered is Fyrebox. This platform offers some of the best quiz creation technology for both lead generation and the facilitation of online education. The platform lets you educate or simply engage your audience. The idea with this lead generation technique is to enhance interaction between your website and potential leads. In this case, every question that is answered within a quiz leads to more customer insights that help you to generate further leads in the future.

The psychology behind lead generation via quizzes

The psychology behind lead generation via quizzes is actually very simple. It is a brilliant marketing opportunity as quizzes makes people naturally curious and interested to know and discover new things about themselves. This encourages them to engage directly or indirectly with your business platform in the process. Quizzes literally turn passive internet browsers into active participants who are eager to either learn new things about themselves or find out hidden facts about situations and scenarios represented in quizzes. This technique has been previously used in offline media like magazines and newspapers. When used online, however, it becomes even more effective as it provides instant interactive feedback for you as a business.

How to generate leads with quizzes

Quizzes can generate leads for any kind of business. If you’re new to this method, here is how to use it for yours:

  • Create and embed a quiz, interactive content or personality test on your website using a quiz maker platform
  • Create your own lead generation form where you will ask quiz takers for their names, email and other important details that could be used to target and retarget them for sales campaigns
  • Display the created form (lead funnel) between the last question and the user’s results, as this is when they are most emotionally engaged and eager for their results. They will be willing to provide the details you need from them at this time.

The above are all you have to do. However, you must also ensure that you create a compelling and enjoyable quiz that is presented creatively and doesn’t drag on for too long. If you are able to do this, your audience will be naturally curious and you will be able to generate organic engagement.

More than marketing: keeping your audience educated with quizzes

People source more information online these day than ever. As each day passes, people see more reasons why they should get better acquainted with digital life. With a mobile phone in your hand or a connected desktop computer in your home, you can source almost any details or information in the world. The education sector is one of these areas that is finding great use for online tools such as quizzes. With the pandemic causing the shutdown of schools and formal learning centers, more people, especially kids, turn to the internet for fun, entertainment and education. Online quizzes have therefore become a popular method of appealing to the younger generation. Platforms like mentioned above Fyrebox make use of a format similar to messaging apps in order to engage the younger generation and rewards them with certificates to further boost their engagement.

Quizzes are a great way to both educate and entertain your audience. They can be used as a lead generation tool that doubles as a fun experience for your audience, or as an educational tool that encourages and entertains students. With the online world expanding, taking advantage of the online quiz platform is a highly beneficial thing to do for your business.

By Samantha Rigby

Samantha is the head of content, lifestyle and entrepreneurial columnist for Best in Australia. She is also a contributor to Forbes and SH. Prior to joining the Best in Au, she was a reporter and business journalist for local newspapers.

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