Best Gas Providers in Perth

Best Gas Providers in Perth
Industrial Gas Factory. Source: Pixibay

Below is a list of the top and leading Gas Provider in Perth. To help you find the best Gas Provider located near you in Perth, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Perth’s Best Gas Provider:

The top-rated gas provider in Perth that provides best-quality gas for households and businesses are:

  • Osaka Gas Australia
  • DBP
  • ATCO

Osaka Gas Australia

Osaka Gas Australia
Osaka Gas Australia. Screenshot from:

Osaka Gas Australia is part of Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. that was founded in 2000. Currently, they have seven upstream energy assets in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Oman. Being an international company, they commit to supply various commercial and industrial areas in Australia. With their years in the industry, they are known for their natural gas and energy services.


Upstream (Gas), Upstream (LNG), Upstream (Condensate and Gas Development), Liquefaction & LNG Sales


Address: 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 6188 0450


“Thank you for the great service you provide with my business. I would definitely recommend your cost-effective and reliable service to other business owners that I know.” – Troy A.



DBP. Screenshot from:

DBP is also known as Dampier Bunbury Pipeline. Unlike with other gas companies, DBP only transports natural gas from producing plants in the Pilbara Coast to supply areas of Pilbara and South West of the State. With their over 50 years in the industry, they are one of the players in supplying a variety of households and businesses across the country. Aside from securing safe and reliable operations, they also strive to maintain their pipelines and be an expert in integrity management.


Domestic Gas, Mining Gas, Industrial Gas, Commercial Gas


Address: Level 7/12-14 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9223 4300


“They have a great customer service. All of my inquiries were answered by their accommodating phone support. As for their products, they quickly installed it in my business and I could never thank them enough. Thank you for your reliable and cost-effective services. Good job!” – Troy A.


ATCO has been in the Australian market since 1961. Since then, they are one of the providers of energy and gas to all kinds of residential, commercial and industrial properties. With their years of experience, they commit to offer sustainable and affordable solutions to every household, business , and community. Also, they want to be the long-term solution to different sectors in attaining global growth and prosperity.


Natural Gas, Blue Flame Kitchen, Industrial Water, Power, Energy Storage and Industrial Water Solutions


Address: level 12/2 Mill St, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 6163 5400


“I was really impressed with their customer service today. Within 15 minutes of calling up to get help with our gas system someone was out and the system was fixed in 5 minutes.” – Bec Kennedy

By Monica King

Monica is an editor at Best in Australia, she analyses businesses and covers topics related to marketing and business.

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