Best Churches in Perth

Below is a list of the top and leading Churches in Perth. To help you find the best Churches located near you in Perth, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

This article is updated every 3-4 months.

Perthā€™s Best Churches:

Here are the top rated Churches in Perth:

  • Perth Baptist Church
  • Saint Maryā€™s Cathedral
  • Metro Church

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Perth Baptist Church

Perth Baptists Church
Perth Baptists Church

Perth Baptists Church is the first founded Baptist Church in Western Australia. It was established on June 23, 1895. For years, it serves for various purposes such as worship and outreach centre, and meetings and assemblies of the WA Baptists Union. Currently, they continue to serve its religious and social purposes. It has now comprised of bigger number of people as their congregation includes different types of people from different countries. Their family has becoming more interactive and closer to God as various activities are being prepared by the church admins.


Home Groups, The Berean Club, Craft Group, Daily Bible Reading Plan, Preaching Plan, Youth Adult Church Services, Family Group, Discovery Group


Address: 10 James St, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9328 6507


ā€œThere are nice people in the church who welcomed me with all their hearts. I love the Sunday worship services wherein I get to know everyoneā€™s stories.ā€ ā€“ Karl M.

Saint Maryā€™s Cathedral

Saint Mary's Cathedral
Saint Maryā€™s Cathedral

Saint Maryā€™s Cathedral started to be established on February 1863 by Bishop Salvado and Fr Martin Griver. It was designed by Joseph Ascione. On January 1865, it finally opened its door to the public who religious guidance and services. The cathedral survived various natural calamities and human disasters and today it continuously serve its main purpose to the people who seek God.


Baptisms, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Weddings, Funeralā€™s, Sunday Mass, Todayā€™s Readings


Address: Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9223 1350


ā€œAbsolutely stunning cathedral with a Royal Perth Hospital and Mercedes College surrounding it. CAT bus service goes past here. Gorgeous architecture, green lawns, good amount of shade, and cozy. Very ethereal and lovely to quietly sit.ā€ ā€“ Kathryn Johnson

Metro Church

Metro Church
Metro Church

Metro Church is founded with the purpose to be closer to God and to continue to serve God through local community programs and activities. They also want to influence people to become a committed follower of Christ. They have different activities that can be joined by kids, teenagers, young adults, and families. They did not create religious programs but also have social activities to enrich everyoneā€™s social and leadership skills.


Connect Groups, Metro Youth, Metro Young Adults, Metro Women, Metro Kids, Sunday Services, Prayer & Worship Nights, Prayer Team, Sermons


Address: 146 Beaufort St, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9427 5000


ā€œGreat friendly church with a congregation of all ages. Great childrenā€™s and kids church to suit different age groups. Pastor Geoff and the team are awesome. They deliver very interesting and relevant Bible based sermons that are funny and challenging šŸ‘ā€ ā€“ Clinton TSmith

Monica King
Monica King
Monica is an editor at Best in Australia, she analyses businesses and covers topics related to marketing and business.
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