
Paul is a director at Party Higher in Australia. He has expertise in organising silent dance parties.  No matter what type of event you want to organise, he is eager to make your special event make unforgettable which you desire. You can contact Me here

Is this a good time of the year to organise silent disco festival?

Celebrations are an integral part of our lives without which we would be living the same day for the whole…

6 ways to have an online birthday party for your kids

Hasn’t it been long since your kids were locked inside? Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we all…

Benefits of corporate team building activity after Covid19

All of us have been hit by the troubling realities of post-pandemic life. Endless lockdowns and remote working models have…

8 key benefits of organising a silent disco party on your 21st birthday

Blimey! Are we turning 21 this month? That’s a great news and we know you must have planned something awesome…

How to organise a silent disco party for kids

Ever known a child who doesn't tap afoot to music? No, right! They all love to dance to their favourite…

8 Reasons why silent disco party bring a new level of fun to your event

Silent Discos have already popular for all age people in Australia. Over the last 3 years, many companies have adopted…