A Fall from Grace has 26 million views on Netflix in its first week

Tyler Perry's A Fall from Grace Trailer
Source: Tyler Perry's A Fall from Grace Official Trailer, Netflix | YouTube

Tyler Perry’s A Fall from Grace has been viewed on Netflix 26 million times on its first week in the streaming platform.

Perry’s thriller was premiered on Netflix last January 17 and the filmmaker went to social media to unveil his success, which Netflix confirmed.

The story revolves around a divorcee played by Fox who was under the weather after learning of her ex-husband’s affair. She finds a renewed passion when she starts a new relationship but her newfound happiness is short-lived when secrets start to chip on her and her vulnerability turns her violent.

A Fall from Grace boasts a lineup comprising of Perry himself, Crystal Fox, Cicely Tyson, Bresha Webb, Mehcad Brooks, and. Perry wrote and Phylicia Rashad directed the film which was announced on Netflix last November.

In a video he posted on his Twitter, Perry expressed his gratitude, stating that he had always wanted to see the films that he made to be made available globally and this was the first time that his dream was fulfilled thanks to the streaming giant. He also thanked all the people who were subscribed to Netflix that watched his movie.

This is a huge win by Perry, comparing his film in terms of matrixes with Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman who has been nominated in the Oscars alone ten times, having 17 million views in its first week. Perry’s film also beat out Sandra Bullock-led Birdbox who was watched by 26 million people in its first week last year. A Fall from Grace is yet another example of how some under the radar movies that are overshadowed by blockbuster hits can find success in streaming services like Netflix, the reason why more and more filmmakers are shying away from the typical Hollywood norm of pitching their material to big production executives and are now slowly but surely gravitating towards streaming providers which has now become the main avenue for the lesser-known filmmakers to make their films into reality.

It’s interesting how Netflix has been more open these days when it comes to their user data and the statistics of their content since they have been notoriously known for being covert when it comes to this kind of information. Assumptions can be made of how this might give them a bit of an edge, disclosing some good numbers they have had over the past few months given that competition in streaming service has been very tight lately with Disney+ and HBO along with other streaming platforms ramping up their activities.



By Alain Ang

Alain Ang is an editor for Best in Au. He enjoys writing about entertainment, movies, and lifestyle. On off days he spends his time with his rescue dogs, Sansa and Heart, digging holes in Minecraft, and developing his novel.

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