Getting rid of waste is a common problem in every living space. There is no way we can live without producing garbage. Rubbish can engulf your home or living space if you don’t take care of it. Check out five ways of reducing household waste recommended by Paul’s Rubbish Removal in your home.
Avoid plastic bags
Plastic bags contribute to a significant portion of the waste generated in our homes. To get rid of plastic waste, start using reusable shopping bags. Keep a couple of them in your bags, cars, and easy to reach locations in your home. You can take them for shopping instead of getting the plastic ones offered at the store.
Don’t use plastic water bottles
You may think it is more convenient to buy bottled water for your home. If you are a busy person, you can just pick a bottle of water and then dump the bottle into the trash can when you finish drinking. This sounds like a good idea if you are a busy person and you don’t want to be bothered about drinking water in your home. But how do you feel when you open your trash can, and you find a lot of plastic bottles?
It is better to fill a drinking jug with water and makes reusable drinking cups available for the people in your household. It is not as stressful and challenging as you think. Simply fill the jug with water and set it on the dinner table for the entire family. If your family prefers water from the fridge, place the pitcher in the fridge. Keep the cups close by. You can also get water bottles for members of the entire family. Let them refill these bottles and carry them when they go out instead of using bottled water.
Cancel mails you no longer need
Junk mail and unsolicited mails alone can bring a lot of rubbish to your home. Take a few minutes to cancel subscriptions for mails you don’t use. You may need to go online or make a phone call to cancel those subscriptions. This will reduce the amount of paper waste you will have in your home.
Stop using disposable cups and plates
You may hate washing dishes, but I am sure you don’t like having to manage a lot of waste either. Stick to the traditional ways of using reusable plates and cups. If you choose reusable plates and cups, you will be doing your home a big favor.
Learn to repair of disposing items that develop faults
Some of the things we throw out need minimal tweaks and adjustments to make them work again. The next time your appliance or other stuff malfunctions or breaks try repairing it first. Only buy a new one if it is more expensive fixing the old one than purchasing a new one.
You should also stick to buying high-quality products at high costs than buying cheap ones that you will need to replace frequently. These things will help you to reduce the amount of waste that gets created in your home.
Start composting
Composting is a great way to get rid of your food waste at home. It can change up to 30% of your household waste into a rich fertilizer for your garden or lawn. Get a cool spot in your home; it could be an area with a lot of shade. Now start the compost on the bare ground. This will enable worms and other animals to aerate the pile.
Here are some things to use for compost. You can add shredded paper, wood shavings, newspaper, wood ash, leaves, garden weeds, lawn weeds, eggshells, fruit and vegetable waste, chicken manure, straw, and hay. These things contain either Carbon or Nitrogen, which are excellent for composting.
Lay the straws on the floor first. The straw will help with the drainage and the movement of air through the compost. Now add the rest of the items to the straw. Make sure that you alternate between dry and moist stuff. Spread them evenly to get a uniform pile.
The next thing to do is to add green manure. The manure activates the pile since it contains Nitrogen. Water the pile occasionally and cover it to retain the heat and moisture. You can cover it with carpet scrapings, plastic sheets, and anything that you think can help you to retain the moisture. Turn the pile every few weeks with a shovel or pitchfork. The turning provides the needed amount of Oxygen for the composting process.