5 simple and affordable bathroom remodel ideas

5 simple and affordable bathroom remodel ideas
Photo: Shadowfirearts, Pixabay

Does your bathroom look an old-fashioned or dull? Get it upgraded. If you have been avoiding remodeling of the bathroom, do not. Redesigning your bathroom would not cost you a few grands that you think is too expensive. You can transform your bathroom into a cool relaxing space.

To change the look of the bathroom interior, you do not need to replace each and everything. There are some convenient ways of updating your bathroom without ripping off your pockets. Read further to know more:

1. Paint

If you do not want to spend much, repainting would be the easiest and most affordable option for you. It is also an effective way of making your bathroom look absolutely new. However, it takes patience and time. You would have to be careful while you are painting around the mirror, windows, faucets, switchboards, sink, shower, toilet, and corner of the walls.

One more thing to know about repainting is, you would have to choose a high-quality paint for the bathroom. A bathroom is a place where you use water the most. It has higher chances of developing mold due to moisture or say humidity in its atmosphere. The corners and ceiling must be painted carefully to prevent any kind of growth of the mold.

Select the colors wisely, decide which wall should be painted as an accent wall and what should be the color of the ceiling. Paint would be the one thing that can modify the entire scenario of your bathroom, do it right.

2. Upgrade fixtures

Imagine your bathroom with a great interior and then you notice some of the fixtures have rusted. Such a sad feeling it is! When it comes to bathroom modification, you should pay attention to little details. If you are seeing corrosion on any of the fixtures, make a small investment for updating them.

You might find supreme designs costly but, you can replicate the same for a lesser price. Update faucets, towel racks, drawer pulls, shower pipes and knobs to create a big difference in your bathroom’s aesthetics. You can also get antics or classic old things if you want to give your bathroom a brand new look at an affordable price range.

3. Purchase used

A bathroom interior is made of several small things. Making small changes can add up to a lot of its looks. You can save plenty of your valuable bucks on bathroom decor items, fixtures, toilets, showers, and what not. The only condition is, buy used. Secondhand items cost much lower than the new ones and you can find quality products as well.

You can look for upcycled bathroom accessories online or offline. There are a few websites where you can find classy bathroom supplements at an inexpensive price. You can get bright or vintage items, mirrors, vases, lamps and much more to alter the look of your bathroom. Used items are not always trashed if you have an eye for selecting the thing you need the most.

4. Fix it instead of getting a new one

If you find leakage somewhere in the pipe or faucets, do not just replace it with a new one. You can get it repaired. A leaking tap might have created some rust around the pipe or mold on the sink surface. Once you fix the leakage and clean up the corrosion or mold, your bathroom can have a brand new look again.

Replacing costs you more than getting sink and shower fixtures refinished. It is easier if they are made of fiberglass, porcelain, or cast iron. After all, fixing the interior of the bathroom is a lot cheaper than purchasing new items for the same.

5. Improve the storage and cabinet

If you think your bathroom lacks the right amount of storage, do not buy the installments or special closets. There are ways for better storage ideas. Do not place the mirror right on the wall, instead, have a cabinet behind the mirror. You can place medicines or other essentials there.

You can also get some simple wooden shelves on a plain wall side of the bathroom. It would add up to your storage system where you can store towels, napkins or simply arrange a vase for better aesthetics. Get the shelves in a contrast color of the wall and see how beautiful your open storage looks.

There are several other such options like getting new lights or curtains in the bathroom. Still, if you need to buy new only, you can upgrade your bathroom & save more with Hayneedle promo codes. Discount deals are the major benefit of any online purchases and you would never miss on any of them. So, what are you waiting for? Go and change the way your bathroom looks as soon as possible.

By Wayne Terrysson

Wayne Terrysson is a marketing manager at CouponoBox, A daily deals, and coupons providing website. He is a thought leader in the realm of content marketing and strategy and relishes inditing about Technology, Marketing & perpetual Industry trends. He’s a techy geek and loves to explore latest happenings.

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