Why Daniel Radcliffe has no business playing Wolverine

The Wolverine rumor mill saga continues. Daniel Radcliffe revealed why he has no plans to play Wolverine despite fans suggesting he’d be good for the role.

It’s as if fans are desperately trying to fill the gaping void that Hugh Jackman left in their hearts after his character Logan Howlett aka Wolverine died in 2017’s Logan. First, Taron Edgerton was rumored for the role, then, Jason Momoa and Evan Peters expressed their interest to take on the clawed mutant on screen. Now, Radcliffe is being weaved into the narrative, much to his disagreement.

And just like any rumor this one actually started out pretty harmless albeit, self-deprecating for Radcliffe. The actor addressed the matter in an interview with Yahoo Movies UK, where hi says fans took his quip way too seriously. Clearing the air, Radcliffe said “There was that whole thing where I made, what I thought was, an obvious joke about, I think… I said that [I’d be] Wolverine if he’d been shrunk in a hot wash, and then people thought that that was serious.”

The actor said the rumor followed him all the way to Australia while he was working on a project. Radcliffe said people started to ask if he was going to play Wolverine event throwing out congratulations before he can disagree.

This isn’t necessarily bad news but Radcliffe reveals he’s some kind of a purist when it comes to his favorite flicks. So a remake of Wolverine wouldn’t be something that could tickle his palette for movies. “Most of the films that I love, I don’t think I would want to see remade, and I certainly don’t think that I would want to be in the remakes of them,” the actor said.

Laura Ebeling
Laura Ebeling
Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.
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