5 tips to design your website with an SEO focus

With billions of people using the Internet for almost every search imaginable, businesses absolutely MUST HAVE an online presence. But is a website even worth it if no one can find it? SEO strategies can help your website reach out to your target audience because they draw visitors and traffic. But it isn’t enough to just get them there.

You need to engage with them and delight them to convert traffic into sales. Having an SEO focus for your website design will help you accomplish your objectives. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Focus on ease of use for readers

Ever visited a page and left it because of its complexity? Or have you clicked on a link only to find an error reading? Frustrating, isn’t it? For Google is important to have quality SEO campaign but also User Experience. Your ultimate goal is to entice readers to stay on your website and view multiple pages to convert them into customers. Consider the following:

  • Create pages that are easy to navigate through with clear instructions
  • Ensure internal links are present to get multiple clicks on different web pages
  • Always get external links to open in a new window so users don’t leave your website (if necessary)
  • Make sure call to action statements are easily readable and in prominent places on the web page
  • Ensure each page is not too content heavy because users are easily distracted

Readers want everything on a platter these days and websites are willing to give it to them. Make sure you’re one of them to retain loyal web traffic.

Pay attention to website visuals

It’s no secret that people retain visuals more than words, so if you want people to remember what you offer, you need to make sure your website is visually appealing. Text heavy websites are often exited quickly – even if they offer substance in the form of content. Consider the following:

  • Use images optimised to enable website speed with a focus on your content theme
  • Avoid pop-ups, autoplay music and ad overuse as they turn off users
  • Use boxes and colours to break up content and make words more visually effective
  • Always have bold call-to-action statements that are easily visible

Website visuals can boost SEO because people spend more time on your website and navigate through different pages, which Google loves.

Update content with fresh information

If your website has outdated content that is not valuable to users, then they will exit is quickly. Not only will you start to lose traffic, but you may find it harder to convert prospects into customers. Fresh content can raise and solve current issues people are facing, making them more likely to buy your product or service. Consider the following:

  • Old and outdated content is no longer useful to readers so they will look elsewhere for information and cause your SEO rankings to fall
  • Content should be on-point and relevant to your industry to offer value to website readers
  • Fresh content shows Google and other search engines that you’re paying due diligence to your website

Using content as part of your SEO-focussed web design doesn’t mean you have to change it every day. A couple of times a month is more than enough.

Design for mobile

Mobile optimisation has never been more important than it is today, so an SEO-friendly website must be designed for device use – especially if you’re looking to convert website visitors into genuine customers for your business. Consider the following:

  • Searches via mobile is now the single biggest way the Internet is used
  • People who find websites on search engines and are unable to load them will move on to another website quickly – causing drops in SEO rankings over time
  • Users want information easily and on all devices – they will abandon websites that are not designed for mobile

If you’re looking for a way to boost your rankings through wed design, make sure you develop a mobile-friendly website as a top priority.

Create a social web page

Apart from mobile, everyone is on social media. You can direct traffic to your website via social media and get more people to your website through social media friendly web pages. Consider the following:

  • Use plug-ins to connect to social media platforms and show off your latest posts and page likes for greater engagement
  • Put an excerpt of your company so people know you better
  • Use high-res images and relevant titles to better connect with social media users

This allows you to connect to more potential customers locally and across the globe.

Use these tips to design an SEO-focused web page for better rankings.

Christian Woods
Christian Woods
Christian is a morning reporter and technology columnist for Best in Australia. Christian has worked in the media since 2000, in a range of locations. He joined Best in Australia in 2018, and began working in Melbourne in 2019.
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