The importance of accurate translations in business

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The global business is not a myth anymore. It is for real and it’s expanding in real time. Economic benefits come with its out challenges. Therefore, the business should deal with the translation of the business and other legal and legitimate documents into various translation categories since now, the businesses are in a challenging and complex operating environment.

It is a fact that technological advancement and the globalization provides an unprecedented opportunity however these advances are intensifying competition all around the world. In this market of expansion, one needs an experienced translation provider in order to assist you to achieve the business needs.

Items that can fall in the realm of the legal and business translation comprises depositions, patent documents, advertising and marketing, application letters, contracts, financial statements, websites and sometimes strategy guides as well.

The translators that work on these business documents should have native fluency in the languages which they are working along with the understanding of the field-specific and legal terminologies which are used in documents and they must be able to understand the legal and cultural systems involved.

Consideration for business translation


Photo: Jurate, BS

The terminologies that are used in the business and the legal system is not like the ordinary language. It is far more complex and difficult that it cannot be comprehended by a layman easily. There are specific terms that business users in a different context; each one has a different meaning and a different reference with a different meaning.

A simple change in any word can often change the meaning of the entire sentence or even the whole paragraph and the results would be drastic. When such words are translated from one language to another, it is crucial to know the target country’s legal language. This thing becomes significantly important while you are dealing with specialized field and patents.

Consider the scenario of the Youkan language where every one that is elder than you are referred to as “iya” or baba (mother or father) whereas the Chinese word “bixu” means shall, must or should. Now imagine how difficult it is used to use every word in the right context otherwise it would end up in a very disastrous way especially when you are talking about business documents or legal contracts. In the worst cases, the improper and the wrong terminology can even cause the patent to be rejected or can be challenged in the court.

For instance, the word methyl and ethyl have only one letter different from each other but both are entirely different from each other.


Photo: Alphaspirit, BS

You cannot translate something which has no cultural importance. How can one explain “ball in your court” without the proper understanding of the ball, court? The time, boundaries and ideas are not alike in all the cultures or language. Therefore, this should be accommodated effectively.


Photo: Ultramansk, BS

Cultural faux pas usually has huge impacts. There are certain words that are used in different context in every culture but it might be offensive to people from other culture.


Photo: Prasit Rodphan, BS

There are certain business documents which are to be submitted on their respective deadline or before that. There is a rigid time limitation for these documents and are dealt with strictly.

The document loses its validity if it is not submitted on the given time period. If the work is rejected and voided once then it means that all your efforts would go in vain and you have to start right from the beginning which is quite upsetting. Therefore, it is highly recommended to submit the document on their aforementioned time period, therefore you’ll need both fast and professional translation.


Photo: Vadim Guzhva, BS

Topics that are in legal and business documents are confidential and have to deal with them in a very confidential way. The privacy should not be violated in one way or the other. There are certain confidentiality agreements for the translation service.

If any important sales figure or any information is leaked then it could be detrimental to the business, marketing campaign and also the patent.

Legal system

Photo: Snowing, BS

Every country has its own unique legal system that it follows. No two of them are identical. Countries with same languages can also have a culture that is entirely different from the other. Consider the jurisprudence differences between English speaking countries such as the United State, United Kingdom, and Canada; their culture is entirely different from each other.

It is suggested and is important for the translator to be familiar with the currently legal practice of legal jurisdiction in which the documents would be used or filed.

Importance of accurate translations:

Photo: Fizkes, BS

If you care for your business then you must choose your translator very carefully, especially when you’re important documents are on stake. You have to make sure that the translation service that you are using has a complete expertise and is familiar with the target audience language, culture, field, and the law otherwise be ready to face the drastic circumstances.

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