Terms and Conditions for Authors
– Updated 21 November 2017
These are the terms and conditions between the person (the Author) who submits any content to bestinau.com.au (the Website) and the owner of the website, represented by the editorial people (the Editorial Tam).
The Author agrees with the following terms and conditions:
- The Author fully understands that the article submitted by them to be published on the Website ‘bestinau.com.au’, will not receive any compensation for the submitted content now or in the future unless otherwise agreed upon.
- The Author agrees that if not agreed before publishing the content, all external backlinks are made as “nofollow”. For clarity, the Author should request “do follow” links before submitting the content.
- The Editorial Team will not re-sell articles written by the Author.
- The Author agrees that the submitted content might be edited and changed by the Editorial Team or refused to be published.
- If the Editorial Team of the Website decided that the content can be placed in any other part of the Website, it shall do so without any notice to the Author.
- The Editorial Team might refuse to make any changes to the content that has been already published on the Website.
- The Author agrees with the Websites privacy policy.
- The Editorial Team of the Website retains the right to publish/run the content for as long as it deems fit. There is no guaranteed lock-in period or minimum/maximum period of it being online.
- The Editorial Team of the Website retains the right to remove the published content without giving any explanation to the Author.
- All opinions expressed in the submitted content will be solely those of the Author and NOT of the Website. The Author shall alone be responsible for any factual errors in their content. If such an error is established and proved beyond doubt, the Author will be given the opportunity to immediately rectify it.
- The Author will ensure that he has complied with all copyright issues pertaining to their content, for text, photographs, graphics and any other, before submitting it to the Website.
- The Author agrees with and abides by all instructions and conditions mentioned at the submitting content page.