Taron Edgerton weighs in on Wolverine casting rumors

Taron Edgerton has been receiving praise for his phenomenal performance as Elton John in the musical biopic Rocketman. As for the actor’s next role, is Wolverine really in the cards?

Casting rumors have swirled around regarding Edgerton’s unofficial casting as the next Wolverine originally played by Hugh Jackman. But, the actor is pouring ice cold water on those rumors as he details how the rumor started from a bad joke. Speaking to Digital Spy the actor said:

“That one I think is just a rumor,” referring to his assumed Wolverine casting. “As far as I’m aware it’s unfounded. I don’t know if I’m quite grisly enough. I mean if the people at Marvel think I am then great, let’s go. But I think there are probably better candidates. But I would love to be involved with that world somewhere.”

While the actor is open to playing on of the most iconic characters in the X-Men franchise, he says:

“This is what happens when you make jokes. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just start casting yourself in things by just saying them in interviews? So I guess people have been asking something about me and Wolverine, and I made a joke about [playing] Wolverine after being in a hot wash, like I’d been shrunk in a hot wash, and the internet seems to think that I was putting that out there on my dream board cosmic ordering system.”

With regards to Marvel’s recent acquisition of the X-Men franchise from Fox, Marvel exec Kevin Feige has not announced plans for the new roster of superheroes.

Laura Ebeling
Laura Ebeling
Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.
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