Top 5 myths about pregnancy and uterine prolapse

Becoming a mother is inarguably one of the best moments in the world. It also brings together many physical and psychological changes for the woman. If this is your first pregnancy, the chances are that you will be bombarded with information both offline and online about all you can expect during this phase. Added weight, cravings, bloating, etc. are just some of the changes experienced by mothers all around the world.

For many women, one of the changes to your body that come along with pregnancy and childbirth is the infamous uterine prolapse. It is a condition where the muscles supporting pelvic floor organs such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum become weak or loose. These organs drop or press into or out of the vagina.

This is a non-life-threatening but uncomfortable, sometimes painful, and extremely embarrassing situation. It may limit a woman’s physical and sexual activity. Despite this, prolapse has been rarely talked about and hence properly dealt with. Today, thankfully the tide has turned and many more women are now aware of the condition and are willing to talk and deal with it head on to lead a more active and fulfilling life. However countless myths around prolapse remain to this day. Let’s debunk a few of them.

Myth 1: Long or difficult labour is to blame

Prolonged or difficult labour can be challenging. It may also include extended pushing, deliveries using vacuum pumps or forceps, which might prove stressful for your pelvic floor. But these aren’t the only culprits to be blamed.

Pelvic organ prolapse can begin during the pregnancy when the added weight of the baby stresses your pelvic floor. Activities such as lifting heavy weights can also add to the troubles.

One way to deal with this change is to watch what you eat. Although pregnancy will bring in a range of food cravings, you don’t have to give in to each one of them. Follow a prescribed diet plan and choose nutrition over unhealthy foods that only add to your weight.

Of course, you may have a cheesecake once in a while, but eating one every day is not wise. You may also want to sign up for pregnancy exercises at the gym. They help maintain stronger muscles and ease stress. Don’t forget to consult your doctor and physiotherapist when beginning or trying to maintain a particular exercise program during pregnancy.

Myth 2: It worsens with each childbirth

According to studies, women who have never had babies have also experienced prolapse. In contrast, many of the women with multiple childbirth have little to no prolapse. There is no direct correlation between childbirth and uterine prolapse.

The key is to keep yourself healthy with the help of exercise, healthy food, and the right maternity clothes. Your physiotherapist may suggest you wear maternity compression garments that are meant to support your lower back and pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and postpartum.

These garments provide gentle medical-grade compression in a strategic way that makes your daily tasks easier. They can also be worn during exercise and at work. Ask your doctor or physiotherapist about selecting the right size for you.

Myth 3: Caesarean sections can help prevent pelvic floor dysfunction

Women with c-section surgeries have also experienced pelvic floor dysfunction. Avoiding vaginal childbirth alone cannot guarantee you relief from prolapse or incontinence. You also have to consider many other factors.

Many a time, it is seen that women born with weaker muscles are at a greater risk of prolapse. Genetics hence can be a deciding factor to the relative strength or weakness of muscles.

The only thing that can help you with prolapse prevention is keeping your pelvic floor muscles healthy. You may focus on strengthening your pelvic floor before planning for a baby and during pregnancy. Consult a doctor when you are planning to expand your family, and they may be able to guide you about inculcating healthy habits right from the beginning.

Myth 4: Pelvic floor damage during pregnancy is permanent

Fortunately, this is not true! The human body can surprise us at times. All the significant changes you undergo during pregnancy, such as abdominal muscle separation, incontinence, etc. during pregnancy can heal naturally under normal conditions. Only conditions with higher severity need external help.

The weight you put on and the stress caused to your pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy will reduce in due time with proper care. You don’t necessarily have to suffer the wrath of pelvic floor dysfunction postpartum. With adequate nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits, you can be back in your pre-pregnancy body.

Remember to get enough rest and do not exercise too early or too strenuously, but make sure to stay active in a healthy and supervised way.

Myth 5: Prolapse repair surgery is delicate between childbirths

All prolapse repair surgeries are done when the women have finished having children. Pregnancy and childbirth after the surgery can return us to ground zero. And every time you undergo this surgery, you are at higher risk of damaging your pelvic floor further.

Prolapse surgery is also often the last resort. It is only recommended if you cannot improve your condition with the help of Kegel’s exercise or are suffering from any other neurological diseases that prevent you from exercising. Normal cases do recover without surgery.

You must take this fact into account if and when planning for such a surgery. You may also want to take a second opinion when suggested this surgery, to be sure.

In conclusion:

Despite the challenges, you may overcome uterine prolapse by following your doctor’s advice. Many women with less severe symptoms often find their condition improving postpartum. It can be a lot to go through for new mums. But remember you are not alone, and you don’t need to believe in every myth that comes through the grapevine.

Please check any myths with your doctor, GP, physical therapist, or midwife. They will be able to guide you better.

The ultimate guide to podcast marketing

So, you wanna start a podcast? At this point, podcasting is pretty much common knowledge. Even so, we can define a podcast as an on-demand audio platform, where in contrast to radio, podcasts often run longer, feature guests and are delivered in a colloquial and conversational tone.

The 2020 podcast landscape

In the unpredictable year of 2020, podcasts, among other media, have seen an enormous rise in popularity. To highlight this growth, Apple registered 550,000 podcasts in June 2018, compared to October 2020 with 1,500,000 podcasts equalling over 34 million episodes. Podcast Insights estimates 25% of the world are weekly podcast listeners, subscribing to an average of 6 podcast shows in the past week.

Podcasting is not only a prevalent form of media; it is also making ground-breaking profits. For example, the Joe Rogan Experience is the most successful and loyally followed podcast in the world; the recent September partnership with Spotify was a $100 million deal. With statistics as impressive as these, no wonder everyone and their mum own a podcast.

What podcast content is trending right now?

Aside from the popularity and rapid growth of podcasts, it is still a relatively new form of media which we have almost no factual data on, no studies of industry trends, no academic analysis or platform forecasting. In comparison to radio, which has had much academic and industry analysis, allowing easy-to-understand breakdowns on how the platform works, how to engage users and therefore how to maximise profits and brand awareness through the channel.

It was not until 2015 where Spotify began to release freely available podcast datasets, which consists of 100 000 episodes from different podcast shows, that media researchers could start to analyse the podcast platform academically. Understanding how to podcast content works, how to enhance podcast search functionality and how to maximise profits through following popular trends.

The podcast platform continues to be so popular because it targets a broad demographic of modern society, the time-poor individual. As a product of living in a fast-paced society, most people don’t have time to read articles; instead, they need to consume media through quick channels. Hence, when developing podcast content, it is essential to keep in mind the time-poor target audience.

Podcast apps tend to have ranking charts based on geographical listening, which display what type of content is popular for different places; this is an easy way to see what trends are popular in your country. Overall, Podcast Insights identified comedy as the most popular podcasting genre of 2020, followed by education and news.

How to use SEO to make your podcast viral

Unlike most online content which competes for the top spots in Google, when searching for podcasts people tend not to use search engines, but instead search in specific podcasting apps, with Spotify and Apple clearly take the industry lead.

While podcasts don’t directly compete with video or written formats, the podcast genre is still highly competitive; this is where digital marketing tools can help content go viral. Specifically, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), is the most effective marketing tool for newly established podcasts.

Search Engine Optimisation is the art of ranking high on a search engine without using paid advertising, also known as an organic listing. But how does content get to the top of search results?

When a user searches, there are two forms of results: paid and organic. A paid result is practically an advertisement – where an owner has paid to relate their business to specific keywords.

On the other hand, organic results are not influenced by paid marketing. The organic order of websites is not random; instead, websites are ranked according to how relatable content is to the searched keywords. Podcasts must prove that its content is naturally the most relevant to particular search terms.

The podcasting apps are similar to search engines, as they too place the best-reviewed content at the top of the charts. The more 5-star reviews, the higher number of listens, an aesthetic cover art, engaging episode content and clickable titles, the higher the chance that the podcast will rank on the charts. Apple and Spotify favour 5-star reviews because they are the most efficient sign that a podcast is of good quality.

Ultimately the following hacks will boost newly established podcasts. Most likely, every single successful podcast started by doing these authentic quick hacks, because everyone needs a leg up when starting on a new media platform.

  • Incentivise your listeners

Podcast listeners are usually time-poor individuals; they most likely don’t even know how to leave a review. A helpful way to influence your audience to leave a review is to offer something interesting in return.

Let’s look at another case study; The Misfits Podcast ranks in Spotify’s top five most popular podcasts, even since its first upload in June 2018. This podcast makes for an interesting case study because they are not a traditionally ad-friendly group, with risky content involving experiences with illegal drugs, joking about sensitive topics and having conversations about sex.

However, one strategy that has led to the success of the Misfits podcast is their considerable dedication to include the audience into the podcast. For example, at the beginning of every episode, the group discusses their favourite 5-star review; this is an extremely clever tactic as both parties gain from this interaction. A 5-star review significantly helps the ranking of the podcast, and one lucky listener gets a personalised shout out from their idols, ultimately building a strong relationship with viewers through consistently using an entertaining call to action.

The balance between having an authentic call to action and coming across as unfriendly is a fine line, but successful online content must find the perfect balance. A call to leave a comment or subscribing does not have to be in every episode; a good balance could be asking for feedback in the final episode of a series.

Particularly for newly established podcasts, you want to enforce the idea to your audience that good quality content comes first, not your ratings. A call to action is usually more effective at the end of an episode because the audience that listens to the end of the episode is more likely to leave an authentic review.

  • The importance of cross-posting!!!

Let’s start with the facts; podcast listeners are much more active on multiple social media channels than the entire population, 94% of podcast listeners are active on at least one social media platform daily, vs 81% for the whole population.

As podcast listeners are more likely to follow brands they like on social media, there is a lot of opportunities to reach broader audiences across multiple streams of social media. Take full advantage and create a podcast page for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn and most importantly, YouTube. Ideally, you should post small snippets of the most entertaining segments from your lengthy podcast or post short previews for upcoming episodes.

Despite being a video platform, YouTube has, in the past year, become a staple stream for podcasts. A 2019 survey of Canadian adults found 43 per cent of people used YouTube to watch their favourite podcasts. That put YouTube ahead of Apple Podcasts, who sat at 34 per cent and Spotify, who sat at 23 per cent.

Not only should you create a YouTube channel to post full-length videos of your podcast, but also create a ‘highlights’ channel, where short clips from the podcast can be posted. Short highlights are more approachable for time-poor consumers and easily shared. This system is another way for your podcast to travel, taking full advantage of the YouTube algorithm, which favours long videos and frequent uploads.

Catering to algorithms will, without a doubt, drive up audience engagement.

Similarly, as of July 2020, Spotify incorporated video into their app, working both as 5-second clips for music and full-length podcast episodes. Posting visuals onto Spotify is another effective way for fans to become closer acquainted with their favourite content creators.

In addition, creating a transcript of your podcast is another avenue where you will be able to cross-post your content, now you can post onto websites that favour written content, such as Medium, personal blogs, industry blogs and Facebook.

  • Target keywords

Targeting keywords is one of the most traditional SEO marketing tactics, alike optimising written content for Google, podcasts similarly have spots for written content, were strategic keywords can be used.

Whilst you might have ideas for podcast keywords, it is incredibly beneficial to cross-check with professional SEO software. Don’t be discouraged by professional marketing tools; nowadays, they are quite affordable and easily accessible even for first time users; the industry tends to recommend Google Keyword Planner because it is free and easy to use for accurate keyword suggestions.

When choosing keywords, you should make sure they hit all of the following:

  • High relevancy to your podcast concept,
  • Trending terms that are currently being searched, and
  • Words that compete with your competitors.

After you have identified the best-ranking keywords, you should incorporate them into everything from the name of the podcast, episode titles, meta descriptions, image filenames, the podcast artwork, categories, hashtags, transcripts, timestamps, notes and home page descriptions.

It is also crucial to remember that since podcasts are an audio form of content, you should target phonetic keywords and optimise content for voice searches. For example, you should target language used in questions such as what, how, when and so on, as more people use speech-to-text features to search now more than ever.

So, What’s Next?

Podcasting is a great way to expand your digital footprint and a fun way to create a loyal audience!

With the optimisations mentioned on this list, your podcast should generate some impressive results. Still, at the end of the day, SEO can do nothing unless your podcast has original and high-quality content. It would be best if you also made a habit to analyse the results from each of the podcast episodes, to determine what is or isn’t working.

How to spot holiday scams

Scam artists take advantage of our kindness and hit where it is least expected turning holiday cheer into holiday fear. How to avoid fraud and what to do if you have already been scammed?

The good news is that it’s not very difficult to fend off holiday scams as long as you know how to spot them and use safe holiday tips.

Top 7 holiday scams:

Here is the list of the most common holiday scams you should be aware of:

  1. Holiday vacation scams;
  2. Phishing scams;
  3. Charity scams;
  4. Gift card scams;
  5. Holiday social media scams;
  6. Holiday job scams;
  7. Shopping scams.

1. Holiday vacation scams

These scams are most commonly found around large holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving. A lot of people plan to make bulk purchases or to go on vacation. Scammers need to draw your attention before they could take your money. And they pull really sophisticated schemes for this.

For example, free or discounted vacations. You receive a call informing you that you have won a destination vacation. You should book immediately providing personal information and a credit card number to make a deposit to guarantee a trip.

Another alternative involves online bookings. Con artists construct web sites identical to those operated by reputable travel agencies and trick people into booking fake vacation resorts where full payment is required. Fraudsters often post a destination property for rent online on popular web resources. Once you contact a renter, you are asked to make a deposit on the rental.

How to avoid holiday vacation scams

You should always be aware of specials being too good to be true. If something looks extremely cheap, try to do as much research as possible. Surf the Internet for company reviews before committing to a purchase.

One consumer griped to that became a victim of a free vacation.
“…Nothing free guys. It’s just a wastage of time visiting the country club office. They offered a Bangkok trip voucher with 6 nights 7 days by saying you don’t need to pay a penny. But that’s not true. But you have to pay 5500 rs non-refundable in advance in the off-season…”

Before going on holiday, spend time doing your homework, and plan your vacation carefully, choose the place to go, where to stay, and what to do.

2. Phishing scams

Phishing is a method of website and e-mail spoofing. Scammers use spam, e-mails, instant messages, or fake websites being constructed to look identical to real ones to fool people into divulging sensitive information. It could be credit card numbers, bank account passwords, etc.

There are a lot of tricky scenarios for a victim to take a fisher’s bait and forget about holiday safety. For example, you’ve decided to use some coupons or shopping deals to make online purchases, scammers use fake order confirmation e-mails to get access to sensitive data on your PC. They attempt to trick you into clicking links, downloading attachments, or opening messages. If you respond to any phishing scam, a scammer will be able to hijack your credentials and to use them for illegal purposes.

How to avoid phishing scam

Never open messages from unknown senders! Never provide personal information to any unsolicited requests! Do not click on any links or open attachments you are not sure of. Do not let scammers spread trackers, viruses, or other malware on your device.

3. Charity scams

Fake charity scams ramp up just before Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other large holidays. They take advantage of your generosity. A scammer poses himself/herself as a genuine charity. His or her task is to make you agree to donate or to give up your credit card information.

This can be done in a number of different ways. For example, you may be approached in the street. You may also receive fake e-mails requesting donations. Scammers can create websites identical to those operated by real charity organizations. They will do everything to con you into thinking you really give to charity. These scams are nasty because they divert donations away from legitimate charities.

How to avoid charity scam

Beware of fake websites, text messages, and/or e-mails, especially if you are asked to transfer donations. Pay attention to name similarities. Do not donate to unfamiliar organizations on the spot. Be cautious if you hear too many emotional appeals. It is a red flag. If possible, complete research or consult with reputable organizations to be sure your money is going to a cause you’ve decided to support.

4. Gift card scams

Gift card scams refer to identity theft. They happen very often during the holiday season when people hunt for perfect deals. Scammers trick buyers into paying with gift cards from popular brands. In general, the damage is limited to the value of a gift card.
Another popular scenario is when scammers jot down a gift card number and wait several days for its activation. As soon as it is loaded with money, scammers shop online on the store’s website.

How to avoid gift card scams

So, if you do not want to lose your money, buy gift cards directly from retailers behind the store counter. It’s a prerequisite for holiday safety. And do not forget to take a receipt. It is proof of proper gift card activation. However, you’d rather buy gift cards with a scratch-off panel.

5. Holiday social media scams

Social media scams move very quickly on the Web. It is one of the most common Christmas scams. They can take a lot of forms.

One of the most famous scams is known as Gift Exchange and pops up every holiday season on Facebook. You get a message from a friend inviting you to take part in a secret gift exchange. Your task is to purchase one gift and send it to a certain address. You are promised to receive many gifts in return a bit later. It sounds good, isn’t it? In fact, it is a pyramid scheme. All participants can be accused of mail fraud. And you won’t get any gifts.

Another social media scam is very popular on Twitter. For example, you are looking for a particular holiday gift. Having posted a tweet about it, you receive messages from other users offering a product you want to purchase. Be careful! It could be a scam.

How to avoid holiday social media scams

Do not accept offers from people you hardly know. And do not pay upfront if you are going to buy a gift in this way. You can be taken advantage of.

Take a look at the example of a gift exchange inviting letter. It is a typical Secret Sister Gift Exchange scam. It claims that you should buy a gift for only one secret sister, and you will get several in return.

6. Holiday job scams

A lot of retailers hire temporary workers for the pre-holiday season. They are required to handle the influx of shoppers who hunt for Christmas presents. So, people who need some extra money trying to find an unofficial secondary job. But do not apply for every job you see since you can come across fake job offers. Such scams are used to steal your personal information or money.

How to avoid holiday job scams

You should always remember that no legitimate job requires any payment in advance. In case an employer asks you to buy something or to pay for a training course, don’t waste your time and go away. You can check information about the company and find safe holiday tips on the Internet. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

7. Shopping scams

This type of scam is the most popular during Christmas time when consumers around the world are searching for gifts for their loved ones.

You can be scammed both online and in-store. Scammers often create fake websites of legitimate retailers even with similar URLs. And if you shop on your mobile device you can hardly notice the difference because of a shorter address field. Scammers hope that you will do a mistake and provide your credit card number or personal information. Another serious danger is bogus apps. Frequently, they have specific malware designed to steal users’ personal info. Or you can be prompted to login using your Facebook account, revealing your personal data as well.

How to avoid shopping scams

It’s better to use merchants’ native applications and official websites. Never click on suspicious links. And always create unique logins, difficult-to-guess passwords, and use two-level authentication.

Consumers who prefer shopping in-store can also leave themselves vulnerable to scammers forgetting about holiday safety. It is necessary to check a current account and credit card statements on a regular basis. There are thieves who look over your shoulder when you are entering your PIN. These “shoulder surfers” can easily use these data to steal your money. And do not forget about pick-pockets who like busy shopping times. They can easily pick your pocket without you realizing it. Pick-pockets operate in crowded places or in close quarters.

General tips on how to avoid holiday scams

  1. Shop on trusted and verified websites. If you want to avoid fraud you shouldn’t use sites you have never heard of.
  2. Complete thorough research surfing the Internet for reviews.
  3. Do not make purchases using public Wi-Fi. It is not very difficult for cybercriminals to hack unsecured Wi-Fi, getting access to your data.
  4. Use a secure network connection. Shop on sites with a valid “HTTPS” connection.
  5. Take screenshots and keep all receipts.
  6. Monitor all transactions on your cards on a regular basis.
  7. If you are not sure of a website or a company, check it out on an online reviews website where buyers share their shopping experience.

It is necessary to say that in the case of holiday scams, you should keep a cold mind and act quickly. Contact your financial institution and close all accounts which can be compromised. Remember that the best protection is prevention and precaution.

A-Z Technique to Transfer Data Between G Suite Accounts

Do you need to transfer data between G Suite accounts? Maybe you want to data of former employee to G Suite account, share data with another user, or you are switching to a different G Suite domain.

No matter what, the data transfer task is quite cumbersome. It requires a lot of effort to transfer single user data to different accounts carefully. Even a small blunder can lead to massive data loss. This is why here we will discuss some of the practical methods for transferring G Suite data to another account of the same or different G Suite domain.

In this guide, we have compiled two solutions to transfer data, one by using Google service and another with a third-party tool.

Tips: See How to Transfer Data From G Suite to Office 365 Platform

Google’s solution is quite perfect to execute the task, but there are some limitations in both due to which we are explaining both. You can choose the method according to the requirement and execute the migration yourselves.

Technique #1: Using DMS to Transfer Data Between G Suite Accounts

The DMS is a data migration service inside the Google WorkSpace (formerly known as G Suite) Admin Center that allows administrators to easily access/manipulate user data without consent. An admin can edit/delete/transfer user account data. Using the data migration service, it’s possible to transfer data between G Suite accounts.

However, the in-build G Suite data migration service has its own limitations. It creates unnecessary hassle during the data transfer task which creates complexities in front of administrators while transferring G Suite data.

But, since the Google migration service is an in-build application and completely free to use, it is quite alright if you just want to perform a certain type of migration. So, if you want to learn the steps to perform the migration then, follow the steps below:

1. Login into the Google Workspace admin console using administrator credentials. There, from the dashboard, select “Data Migration”

Using DMS to Transfer Data Between G Suite Accounts


2. Now click on the “SET DATA MIGRATION” link to continue with the transfer process.

set data migration

3. For transferring data between G Suite account, select the Source as “Google Workspace”. Once Google Workspace as a source is selected, all the other field will vanish. Now, click on Next Step to proceed further.

Google Workspace as a source

4. While configuring data migration service you can filter the data for migration by using “Migration Start Date” and “Migration Option” filters.

configuring data migration service

5. In the next window, click on the “Add User” or “Bulk upload CSV” option for mapping G Suite user-id/domain.

mapping G Suite user

For transferring single user account data:

• From the migration screen click on “Add User”.
• In the source field, provide the source Google workspace id
• In the next field enter the password of the source user account.
• Now, in the Google Workspace Email field, start entering the user email address and then select the user from the list.
• Finally, click on the “Start” button to transfer data between G Suite accounts

transferring single user account data

For multiple user account data migration:

• Click on “Bulk Upload with CSV” option.
• Create a CSV file containing, <Google Workspace Email>, <Source email>,<Password>. Here Google workspace email is the email id of the destination account and Source email and Password are the email id and password of the Source Google workspace account.
• Provide the details in the CSV file for all the user accounts and then click on the “Attach File” option to upload it.
• Finally, click on the “UPLOAD AND START MIGRATION” button to begin the data transfer task.

multiple user account data migration

Once the migration begin, the data migration service will preview the live status of ongoing data transfer. And once the process is complete, you can click on “More” >> “Email Report” / “Exit Migration”

Limitation of Google Workspace Migration Service

Limitation of Google Workspace Migration Service

Following are the list of limitation that is faced by the administrator while using data migration service.

  • Transfer only emails between G Suite accounts
  • Unnecessary trouble to enable imap in all user accounts
  • No service to transfer G Suite data to different G Suite domain.
  • No delta pass to transfer new and update data between G Suite accounts

Professional Solution Transfer Account Data Between G Suite Domains

Now, if you aren’t happy with the data migration service then you can take the help of an automated third-party G Suite to G Suite migration tool for the task. This solution is offered by SysTools, which makes your data transfer journey quite easy. It overcomes all the limitations of traditional migration service in Google workspace and provides much more features and flexibility during the process.

Using the professional solution, the admin can transfer emails, contacts, calendars and drive data between G Suite accounts of the same or different G Suite domains. There is no limitation on the amount of data that can be migrated for each user account, the utility will migrate complete data without leaving a bit of information. However, if you just want to migrate a particular category of items or a particular date-range then you can use the Category and date filter provided by the tool.

Step to transfer G Suite data between different domains:

1. Visit the official website to download the utility for migration and install it on your machine. The tool is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems.

2. Launch the utility and click on the “Activate” button to register for the demo or full version.

Step to transfer G Suite data between different domains

3. Once the registration is complete, select the migration source and destination platform as “G Suite” from the list.

select the migration source

4. Scroll-down to the workload section to select the category and date-range filter for migration >>Next.

date-range filter for migration


5. Click on the Source tab to enter G Suite Admin Id and then provide the p12 file path and services account id. (Click on Project Setting to know steps to create p12 file and service account id). Once done, click on the “Validate” button for the authentication of source admin account details.

create p12 file and service account id

6. Similarly, in the destination tab, provide the details for the destination G Suite admin account domain and Validate.

destination G Suite admin account

7. Now for mapping of source and destination user account, choose the desire option. The tool provides two options; Fetch Users and Import Users.

Fetch Users and Import Users

8. Once the mapping is done, click on the “Validate” button for the authentication of user account ids and then click on the “Start Migration” button.

Start Migration

Now the data transfer between G Suite account will begin. Once finished, click on “Download Report” button to get the details of migrated items.

data transfer between G Suite account

Advantage of Professional Utility

  • Simultaneously transfer emails, drive, calendar, and contact data
  • Perform migration between different G Suite domains
  • Fast user id mapping features
  • Unlimited delta passes to transfer newly arrived data.
  • No limitation on the amount of data that can be transfer

Final Words

No matter what your reason to transfer data between G Suite account, using the above techniques you can execute the task quite effortlessly. You can either opt for the Google Workspace migration service or take the help of an automated tool. Compare both the techniques carefully to pick the right solution for your organizational benefits. For testing of the tool, first, try the free demo version which comes up with 2 free licenses for unmetered migration.

Summer pests and your rental property – what to expect and whose responsibility is it?

Summer is on its way and with it comes great opportunities for surfing, BBQs, and all sorts of outdoor activities.

Unfortunately, there are a host of pests that love summer as much as we do. Insect activity always increases in proportion to the temperature. So, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting higher than normal temperatures, we can expect to see an upswing in unwelcome visitors to our homes and gardens.

These are the pests you can expect to see more of this season. Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant about to move, you need to be aware of their presence and your responsibility around pest control treatments.



Termites can cause thousands of dollars of harm to a property thanks to their wood-gnawing behaviour. They’ll also eat paper, fabric, insulation, drywall, and anything that comes between them and their next meal.

So, it’s important to recognise the signs of a termite problem early and take action.

These insects thrive in warm, humid environments, so they’re most common along the Australian coastline.

Subterranean termites start to make an appearance in the early spring, but you should keep your eyes peeled for signs of dry wood termites in the late summer. Signs of a termite infestation include:

  • Termite mounds in your yard
  • Unexplained power interruptions
  • A hollow sound when you knock on wooden building materials
  • Cracked paint or plaster
  • Sagging wooden floors

As a landlord or property manager, it’s important to check for these issues when you do your routine inspections. Act fast if you notice any of these symptoms and get pest control services to inspect your property and implement the necessary anti-termite tactics.



Cockroaches are one of the world’s most successful species and are common summer pests on almost every continent.
They’re omnivorous and will eat anything from leftover food to faeces. It’s important to keep cockroaches out of your home, since they can carry several serious diseases, are a nuisance, and can make a huge mess with their droppings.

Your home provides the perfect habitat for these creatures and they often go undetected due to their nocturnal habits. If you see a cockroach during the daytime, that’s usually a sign that you already have a serious infestation.

Other giveaways when it comes to cockroaches are:

  • An unpleasant musty odour
  • Cockroach droppings or brown smears
  • Egg cases lying around
  • Dead cockroaches or shed skin

Once again, you need professional help to get rid of cockroaches, and the sooner you call a pest control service, the better.

Who’s responsible for getting rid of the roaches? It depends on the circumstances, find out more below.



Arachnids play an important role in the ecosystem and are also a type of natural pest control for your home.
Yet, around 50 species of dangerous spiders are found in Australia. So, unless you’re an arachnid expert, you could be taking a chance allowing spiders access to your home.

These are the most common household spiders in Australia:

  • Small, shiny black funnel spiders are extremely venomous
  • The redback spider with a black body and red dorsal stripe is also venomous
  • The black white-tailed spider is moderately venomous
  • Garden orb spiders weave huge webs are mildly venomous
  • Ugly, brown huntsmen spiders are mildly venomous
  • Small black house spiders are mildly venomous

Even harmless spiders can multiply rapidly and quickly become a nuisance, especially if you’re living with an arachnophobe. Some spider bites can also become infected and very painful.

It’s relatively easy to keep spider populations under control.



Wasps are another key player in the environment and usually confine their activities to outdoor areas.

However, they’re unpredictable creatures with a painful sting. Unlike bees, wasps can sting you more than once, so it’s important to exercise caution if you notice any signs of wasps.

These are the main types of wasps found in Australia:

    • Mud dauber wasps are large and build nests out of mud, usually attached to walls or ceilings
    • European wasps are fast-flying yellow wasps that build their nests underground
    • Paper wasps are non-aggressive yellow and black wasps that usually nest in trees and shrubs

Read more about how to deal with Wasp nests.



Ants are a real pain. They live in huge colonies and can march for miles in search of a meal.

It’s difficult to deal with an ant problem on your own, and while one or two ants might not pose a problem, you’ll need professional help to deal with an infestation.

The best defence against ants is to make sure you seal any entry points where they can access your home and wipe up sticky spills immediately.

The most common types of ants are black house ants, carpenter ants, and brown coastal ants. While house ants prefer sweet treats to eat, carpenter ants and brown coastal ants will snack on any household leftovers or debris.

Am I responsible for a pest inspection?

Most states within Australia have different legislation so it’s important to know and understand your obligations under your lease agreement. Most lease agreements state that the tenant should return the property to its owner in an undamaged and clean condition.

So, it’s fair to say that the tenant should take responsibility for pest infestations caused by neglect or lack of cleanliness. For example, if your dog causes a flea infestation, the onus is on you to remedy this situation. This scenario is almost always written into lease agreements when domestic pets are approved.

The responsibility gets a little cloudier if the property is seeing a seasonal increase in pests around the home. Such as those listed above. This may fall under the responsibility of the landlord to ensure that the property is safe to rent for the next tenant. Likewise, if the problem existed at the time when the tenant moved in, it should be the landlord’s responsibility to get rid of these long-established pests.

Simple tips to create a positive and peaceful home environment

Your home should be your sanctuary. It is a place where you go to get away from all the negative energy in the world. A workplace can be stressful but if you meet the same level of stress at home, you will have no respite. Look at it this way, it is as if you have a battery and every day, you need a recharge.

Your home can do this for you and provide you with a perfect way of recuperating. Also, a positive and peaceful home is a great place for you to bring up kids and a place where a family can live happily together.

With this in mind and without further ado, here are a few simple tips to help you create a peaceful and positive home environment.

1. Get rid of the clutter

The main reason why mess destroys the positive vibe in your home is due to the fact that it’s a constant reminder of something else that you’ll have to do further down the line. It’s a mess that you’ll clearly have to clean and by just being in your line of sight it will serve as a constant reminder. On the other hand, that moment when you’re done cleaning and you sit in the sofa knowing full-well that you can finally relax completely is simply priceless. You can keep this vibe going for as long as you want, provided that your home is always immaculate. Cleaning and tidying your home is a very important process.

Natural lighting creates an effect on your mindset, which is why you should encourage its free flow through your household. This is why open floor layouts and massive windows are such a popular idea. Keep in mind that when night falls, you will rely on artificial lighting. Going for accent light can create a much warmer atmosphere in some areas of your home by creating a clear contrast between the light and the dark. Remember that the choice of the fixture matters as much as the illumination itself. Why? Because it blends with the rest of the ambiance.

3. Keep it safe

In order for a home to be peaceful, you need to keep it safe. If you’re not feeling safe in your own home, you will never feel a moment of peace. This is why you need to make an investment in a sturdy lock system. Your home’s perimeter should be secured and the windows closed and locked whenever there’s no one home. If you’re not the first owner, you need to ensure that the lock is replaced when you move in.

4. Make it healthy

Your home should be as healthy as possible. Keep in mind that your home needs to be pest-free. This is one of those things that you don’t necessarily pay much attention to. Fortunately, there is a simple way to handle it like investing in termite barriers. Other than this, when keeping up your home and investing in its maintenance is the next big step. Cleaning the place with toxic commercial cleaners is the simplest but definitely not the best way to handle these things. The safety of your family should always come first.

5. Make it greener

It is the natural state of a human being to pursue their connection with nature. This is why it’s so important to make your indoors greener. There are a lot of low-maintenance indoor plants that could really enrich your living space. The thing is, nonetheless, that you don’t really have to go for low-effort. Think about it, a lot of people enjoy gardening. Instead of going for a simple pot plant or two, you could just as easily make a nice indoor garden. This way, you can make a unique indoor hobby for you to engage in.

6. Appeal to all the senses

Making your home smell nicer will drastically impact the way you feel about it and the way you feel while there. The thing is that you need to start from the foundation. What we mean by that is that you should start by improving the quality of air in the home before you resort to scented candles or air fresheners. This way, you can really make a difference. Keep in mind that adding plants (something we’ve already mentioned), also makes a massive difference. In other words, making this area greener definitely makes a difference in more ways than one.

7. Set the right temperature

Speaking about different senses and sensations, it’s important to mention that the right temperature definitely makes a difference. The thing is that choosing the right temperature for you can make you feel more comfortable. Tuning the temperature up a notch can allow you to wear a bit lighter clothes. Sure, it will increase the cost of the heating but it will be an investment in your own comfort. Also, there are so many ways to make the home warmer, ranging from adding a new rug all the way to improving the insulation of the place.

8. Focus on the role of the room

The next thing you need to understand is the importance of understanding the role of the room and then trying to find a way to enhance and emphasize it. For instance, a dining room is a place where you should eat, so you can go with colors that emphasize appetite and an ideal table shape. A bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation so try to make this come to life by handling the illumination and the coziness in the room.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, there are many aspects of your home that need improvement and your work is never really done. Even when you get all of the above-listed done right, there’s always a chance that you will feel like you could do more. There could be that one piece of furniture that you’ve always dreamed of having or that one item that you feel would make the home a better place. All in all, any effort invested is more than worth it.

Sean Borg backed a Whitehouse Winner! British Entertainment Personality applauds Vice President-elect Kamala Harris

Strewth! That’s a lot of plaid… Sean Borg and Senator Kamala Harris clearly have a similar fashion sense if this picture is anything to go by. Those blazers are ever-so “matchy-matchy” don’t you think?!

The British Entertainment personality was all smiles last year when he thought he’d backed winner in Kamala in her quest to become the President of the United States.

Sean Borg supporting Senator Kamala Harris
British Entertainment Personality Sean Borg supporting Senator Kamala Harris in her Whitehouse bid

And although she may not have become the USA’s first female president, she has become the first ever woman of color elected US vice-president. And that’s just marvelous darlings!

Borg — known for his work in the famous Trivago Hotel advertisements along with the help of his friend Michael Kraut — a former Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney and Criminal Defense Lawyer, arranged an event that debuted Harris’ political climb.

“I’m backing you one hundred percent,” Borg told the Senator when they first met at Kraut’s fundraiser held at his Los Feliz home in April last year.

In early 2019, vice-president elect Harris — a former California attorney-general and the mixed-race daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants announced her bid for the presidency only to back out of the race ten months later — much to the disappointment of many.

Harris had broken many barriers and her path was a promising one, but according to reports the campaign was struggling financially as she struggled in polls, surprising many with her shocking announcement to quit.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Michael E. Kraut
Vice President-elect Harris with Los Angeles Lawyer, Michael E. Kraut

Kraut, was a firm advocate for Harris during her rise in the political world — serving as a member of her finance board. He was recently quoted in the Daily Herald saying, “Harris suffered early on from too many people telling her what to do.”

Harris was back in the race to Whitehouse months later when Presidential candidate — now president-elect Joe Biden confirmed Harris as his running mate in August, making her the first woman of color on a presidential ticket.

Now as Vice President-elect, Harris is set to take her rightful place at the Whitehouse. In her powerful speech that came just days after the election at an event in Delaware, Harris thanked Black women on a global scale, saying they are “too often overlooked, but so often prove that they are the backbone of our democracy.” While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last, Harris said. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.


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A post shared by Sean Borg (@seanborgla)

On his Instagram page, Borg wrote: #madamvicepresident Kamala! @kamalaharris I supported you from the start when you were running for President, and I attended your first ever fundraiser and raised funds for you and attended subsequent other events in support of you. I am so proud of your journey and your success today! Joe wasnt my choice for the Job you were. but at least now you have an office and a bedroom at The Whitehouse @whitehouse, so thats a good start. and one day the Oval office! Congratulations to you and @joebiden It was a tough one and a very close onebut you did it!  @seanborgla  #kamalaharris #joebiden #seanborg #election2020

Sean Borg Trivago
Borg — known for his work in the famous Trivago Hotel advertisements

Borg, who is based in Los Angeles, told Fab World Today“It was a privilege to meet and support Senator Kamala Harris on her political climb. I knew she would make it to the Whitehouse somehow. She has immense presence that cannot be ignored.”

One day Madam Vice President and the next the President. Now thats an exciting thought, he added.

Does paid traffic help in SEO and increase website ranking?

Are you confused between a paid search and an organic search? What if we help you understand that these are interrelated? Don’t worry; we would not confuse you more on the terms and differences between the two. Rather, we shall help you to understand how you can make use of your paid search and bring more organic traffic through the search. As per the Google explanation, simply buying or spending on Google Ads will not help you change the current position of your SEO rankings on the search engines of Google.

You cannot blindly rely only on Google Ads to boost your audience numbers and business opportunities. It is true, that Google advertisements do help you to improve your organic search rankings. It is because there are tools that structure your ads’ display in a manner that it reaches the right audience and changes the behavior of the audience.

It is always an interlink game. If your search ranking goes up, you are likely to get more clicks on your ads and site. There are hundreds of other factors that affect the placing and position of your website on search engines. For instance, the content, quality, presentation, type of business, and speed of your page may also affect your search engine ranks.

How do Ads/paid searches change the behavior of people?

By using ads management, you are changing the behavior of the audience. Even if they don’t click the ad, you are generating a brand recall value and they remember the brand the next time the ad is seen. It is quite possible that they will click this time and watch your ad. In simple terms, by seeing an ad you are making your audience or visitors get familiar with your brand.

The click and view behaviour of people changes after seeing the ad floating on their social platforms for a couple of days. This can help you come up in your organic listings. Indirectly, yes Google Ads can change the behaviour of people and help your site get organic traffic.

How to make use of paid search to increase organic traffic?

It is the click-behavior that does it all. Click behaviour can be utilized in the most effective way to generate more organic traffic to your website. Instead of hiring an expensive tech-savvy guy who only focuses on re-indexing your pages and constantly changing the SEO strategy, click strategy can work sooner with the help of good content.

All you need to focus is at title tags and Meta descriptions. Once you make these two as you do for your ad your page listings will automatically rise and gain good traffic through the search results too.

As per the sources and researches, your CTR can increase by 36% just by putting the correct and longer Meta description. As a result, you will be able to face your competitors with much ease and comfort. Most marketing agencies and SEO companies will forget to do this task for you. In fact, 63% of the companies if you see lack of Meta descriptions, which is good news for you!

We suggest you to start testing your web pages with the title tags and Meta descriptions. Split your ads and run those ads just to test until you get the results you expect.

How effective is organic traffic in search engine optimization?

Organic traffic is widely considered to the most critical for any site’s search engine rankings. It has various reasons to prove you and some are mentioned hereunder for your reference;

  1. Google being the most reliable source of people helps divert the organic traffic to the site and carries the highest level of traffic on its search engine.
  2. Google considers high-quality content and correct keyword-based content in the top five results of rankings. Their rankings being highly trusted help the businesses to be seen top online.
  3. Moving to the top in the Google ranking pages may seem difficult in the initial stages, but is certainly not impossible to accomplish. Once you reach the top, you will enjoy the benefits for a long time.
  4. The first page of Google can help you receive 92% of traffic from the Google search engine itself. The traffic usually drops on the second page drastically as people rely majorly on the first page while searching for any data or information.

Initially, reaching on Google’s search engine wasn’t really that difficult until SEO became a critical thing in the online world. The competition was so low that writing a few articles helped you to reach on the top. There was no need of any keyword search, SEO tool, Meta tags, or anything similar. However, with the current situation, things have changed to a great extent.

It is due to the increase in demand of online business; the competition became stricter and smarter. Thus, Google has to change the strategies too in order to bring the deserving and more ethical pages on top. Today, every business or service has a website. The digital visiting card (most known as a website) explains the reliability of a company and helps win the trust of customers. With the help of SEO and organic reach, Google has cut down most Black Hat sites that were killing the pages with good content and preventing them from reaching the Search rankings.

Now since, organic search becomes more common and competition, Paid search is also going hand in hand for those who wish to save time and effort. Rather than SEO helping you to test your patience, people mostly rely on a paid search today so that you are ranked immediately on Google. It all depends on how much budget and patience level you have. You may choose either of these depending on the urgency of your business.

Whatever you choose, you have to be tactful and smarter. You will get tons of targeted traffic on your landing page if you make the right moves. So understand each and every tool before you begin.

Major Do’s and Don’ts for Buying a Franchise

Buying a franchise is believed to be far superior to starting your own business in terms of actually making it past the first several years. A franchise already has an established business model and some franchisors offer a serious level of support to potential franchisees.

This goes from providing equipment and training, all the way to advisory roles in the newly founded franchise. However, some franchises still manage to fail. This is due to ignoring some sound tips and caveats that come with this industry.

To avoid the same fate, here are some major do’s and don’ts that a new franchise should abide by.

Do: Pick something to your liking

The first thing you need to understand is that running a business is hard. It requires you to invest extra hours, neglect your personal life and even sacrifice your own health and sanity. As an entrepreneur, you will be under a lot of stress on a daily basis and the only way to make it is to pick something you love doing. Returning to school is never a pleasant thought, yet, you’ll be asked to self-improve over and over again. These things come easier when it’s a topic that’s close to your heart.

Don’t: Guide yourself by profitability as the main factor

Just because something is profitable on paper, this doesn’t mean that it’s something that you should or can do. Knowing your limitations is incredibly important. It’s called being realistic, not doubting yourself. Being able to run a successful enterprise is not something impossible but your own skills, experience, knowledge and dedication will determine whether this is viable. You’re not likely to be as well-suited for every single industry. So, never pick a field-based solely on someone else’s positive experience. These things won’t necessarily translate.

Do: Perform market research

About 42% of all startups fail because there’s no market need for the product/service in question. The same thing goes for a franchise and the only way to avoid this eventuality is to do your market research beforehand. One advantage that the franchises have over original businesses is the fact that they already have a market presence in other areas. So, look for a suburb that is demographically similar to yours. This will give you a crude yet somewhat accurate assessment of the situation at hand.

Don’t: Expect to fight through this alone

The next thing worth keeping in mind is the fact that you’ll definitely need some help. You can’t run a franchise on your own, which is why it might be a good idea to have a partner, a team or a family willing to help out your business. Sure, you will still have to recruit new people and there’s no telling who your hiring strategy will attract. The key thing is that you shouldn’t enter this race on your own. Instead, focus on gathering the right kind of support from day one. This will drastically increase your survivability rate in the field.

Do: Research the franchise beforehand

Franchising is generally a proven method of doing business but it’s also an umbrella term. Just because one franchise has an unparalleled success rate and a ton of help in an offer for the newcomers, this doesn’t necessarily translate to the others, as well. Therefore, your research needs to be specific to the franchise in question. Namely, it needs to be a specific franchise from that specific industry. Interviewing other franchisees and looking at their performance records is also a decent strategy in this scenario.

Don’t: Ignore the location

Keep in mind that with the majority of businesses, the very location of the enterprise plays a major role in its subsequent success. Just think about the way guests talk about businesses in the hospitality industry. It’s usually the phrase “That X place on the Y”, where X is the type of food/beverage they serve and Y is the location. Now, with the franchise, the type of meals/products/services will probably be set and you won’t have much maneuvering space to alter it. On the other hand, you can still pick the location.

Do: Write everything down

It will take a while for your application, bid and the entire process to come down. This will give you plenty of time to consider the general direction that you want to take with your business. Some of these ideas will be pure gold but you would be surprised of just how much relevant information a human brain is able to suppress and… well, forget. So, write everything down. Generally speaking, if something is written down, you have the privilege of forgetting about it until later. Then, when you revisit the idea in a matter of days or weeks, you will have a much more objective outlook on it.

Don’t: Ignore the unforeseen factor

There are a lot of unforeseen things that could happen to a new business and to you personally. So, no matter how solid your game-plan is and regardless of the fact that everything seems to be aligning in your favour, there’s still room for things to go wrong. While this should never be your starting point, you need to leave some room for the unforeseen. Having the contingency plan and emergency means of funding can make a massive difference between success and failure. While you can’t predict absolutely everything, there are several business risk factors worth keeping in mind.

Do: Prepare your loved ones for the change

The start of any business is a stressful event. There’s so much to do and the majority of things require your direct attention. Even if you’re not the type of employer to micro-manage everything, the first several weeks and months will require a hands-on type of management. This means that you might grow distant from your family and friends, due to the fact that you’ll work insane hours and your mind will always be elsewhere. The best thing you can do is prepare everyone for what lies ahead. Their support might decide whether you make it or not.

Don’t: Ignore your work-life balance

Another important thing worth bearing in mind is the fact that you need an exhaust vent. Overworking yourself is possible only if you have proper intrinsic motivation. Now, unless you’re extremely competitive and simply enjoy pushing yourself at all times, you are probably doing all of this to support your friends and family. Provided that you start neglecting them because of work, you might start losing perspective on why you’re enduring all of this. Also, finding some time for your hobby or passion is mandatory in order to make it in the stressful environment of the modern business world.

Do: Make decisions based on data

The thing worth keeping in mind is that in the age of big data and sophisticated analytical tools, there’s no excuse for not making data-based decisions. In this day and age, anyone with an online presence and Google Analytics can learn quite a bit about their target audience. Also, there are many records, studies and stats pages online worth exploring. This is definitely an advantage that you shouldn’t ignore. Just by organizing your decision-making process in this manner, you’ll already place yourself head and shoulders above the competition.

Don’t: Put too much trust in intuition

While decisions based on intuition may be accurate or even life-saving, they’re simply not reliable. You see, your intuition is your subconscious warning you of a suspicious pattern based on your previous knowledge and experiences. Even if you can’t draw parallels consciously, your subconsciousness is recognizing these subtle similarities. The problem lies in the fact that you’re probably a newcomer to the industry. This means that your database is not broad enough for this to be reliable. Still, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore your intuition altogether, either.

Do: Shop around

When you start looking for a franchise, the key thing lies in the fact that you shouldn’t be complacent with your first find. Shop around a bit and look up different options and alternatives. You would be surprised to learn that even for the same amount of money, you might get a better deal elsewhere. Keep in mind that you’re also buying exclusive regional rights to the use of a certain brand and brand markings. This is where you’re allowed to be subjective, seeing as how objective metrics simply won’t make any sense.

Don’t: Forget to negotiate

Just because that’s a major corporation and you’re a potentially small entrepreneur, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have any negotiating power. The fact that they don’t have representation in your area shouldn’t be neglected. In other words, your potential success is in their best interest. Make sure to explain this. Also, when bargaining, remember that there’s more than just money. Ask about potential training, tools and development process. You should also ask about the additional support that you can expect from the franchisor in the future. This is a huge issue that can make or break the business.

In conclusion

In the end, whether or not you face success in the franchising industry directly depends on your ability to follow the right course of action. Having a strategy is one thing but there are some mistakes that will actively ruin your efforts or set you on a path of no return. By simply knowing what to avoid and which threads to follow, you will have a more reliable road to victory. The above-listed do’s and don’ts are there to provide you with this advantage. Keep in mind, nonetheless, that there are a lot more factors to keep in mind and that there’s no such thing as a recipe for success.


Personal finance lessons from Confessions of a Shopoholic

I have always been a sucker for romcoms. It doesn’t matter if a movie gets panned by critics or bombs at the box office. I just love the protagonist mad dashing through the airport, two lovers making out in the rain, and all the wonderful and cringeworthy rom-com cliches. If this wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t be writing about personal finance lessons from Confessions of a Shopaholic. 

So yes, I am extremely hyped for whatever garbage Netflix throws at us this Christmas. But since my love for predictable plotlines holds no bounds, I like to go back and watch some of the oldies before my new fix arrives. 

And this brings me to the movie I just finished last night. Confession of a Shopaholic doesn’t rank among the best rom-com. It’s no Love Actually or Bridget Jones Diary. But to its credit, the movie attempts to be much more than a romance story stitched together by a bunch of silly gags. 

Instead, the movie has a message about consumerism, careless spending, and how financial decisions impact relationships. 

Five important personal finance lessons from Confessions of a Shopaholic

As someone who writes on personal finance, I believe the movie has a bunch of money-spending inspiration viewers can take away from this 2009 rom-com.

Below, I have shortlisted five personal finance lessons from Confessions of a Shopaholic.

1. Money spending habits affect relationships 

At one point in the movie, Rebecca has the option of either buying back the dress she wore at an interview or the bridesmaid dress for her BFF’s wedding. She chooses the latter which understandably upsets her friend. 

This is just one example of how the protagonist ruins her relationships due to her shopping addiction. The movie makes it clear that the way we spend money doesn’t just have financial repercussions. 

It’s not just about the zeros in your bank account in the end. People have certain expectations from you and an addiction to material goods can come in the way. If you are to learn the lessons from Confession of a Shopaholic, let this be the first one.

2. Impulse buying can be devastating

We have all had those weak moments of impulse buying. Some of us have even followed through on it. While this activity does give you a surge of dopamine, that is only temporary. What’s permanent is the money that you’re unlikely to ever get back. 

That’s why, before buying anything, you need to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Do I really need this? 
  • Does my current savings allow for this?
  • Am I imitating a certain Isla Fisher character from a 2009 rom-com? 

If the answer to any of these is yes then consider leaving the shop or clicking away from the website. When you have to buy, seek coupon codes and deals on the items from websites like RetailMeNot, Groupon, and ClothingRIC. Coupons help you save a small amount on your purchases but over time, this adds up to something significant. 

But do keep in mind that coupons aren’t your license to go on an endless shopping spree. 

3. Selling old items is never a bad thing

When all is said and done, Rebecca sells most of her clothes to pay off her debt. This is one of the easiest ways to make a quick buck but people don’t go for this option. It’s a sin that I am guilty of too. Halter tops and distressed jeans are rotting away in my closet as we speak.

But that shouldn’t be the case especially in the age where the internet gives us options like the Facebook Marketplace, Gazelle, eBay, and Poshmark. Marketing used items is just a matter of a few clicks now. 

Selling used items has multiple advantages. Not only does it get you a few extra $ but also clears up the clutter at home which is never a bad thing. And let’s not forget, it’s good for the environment too.

4. It’s important to be your own woman

One of my favorite moments from the movie is when Rebecca’s father Graham offers to sell his RV to help pay her debt but she refuses. 

For me, this is one of the significant lessons from Confessions of a Shopaholic as Rebecca’s refusal signifies her taking responsibility. And responsibility is everything when it comes to personal finance. 

You can create a hundred budget plans, follow a strict spending routine, and utilize every trick in the book. But without actually taking ownership of your financial decisions  —all that effort will go in vain. 

Reaching out to family members shouldn’t be your go-to option whenever you find yourself in a financial pickle. For one thing, it’s an easy way out, and for another, involving money in relationships is never a good thing (as the first lesson explains).

Look for ways to fulfill your financial obligations on your own. Otherwise, you would never really understand the value of money. 

5. Ignoring your problems only makes them worse

I know, I might as well be directly quoting Captain Obvious here. But this is something that needs to be reiterated. One of the classic mistakes people make is they start to ignore their credit card and bank statements. 

To quote Captain Obvious again, burying your head in the sand isn’t a good strategy. To keep my finances on track, I use the cash more often. Physical money leaving the hand feels much more real than some numbers decreasing from your bank. It makes it harder to ignore your bad money spending habits. 

If that doesn’t help and your money wasting ways continue to get out of hand, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone. Have an open discussion on the issue and see what comes of it. 

All of us have a Rebbecca Bloomwood inside of us. Anyone can be lured into the world of Birkin bags and designer heels that lead us down the path of heavy debt and bankruptcy. But it’s never too late to bring about necessary changes in your behavior. The world may not be rom-com but it does offer chances of redemption even for the most careless spenders.