Social media users are growing at an alarming rate. More than 2.5 billion active social media users have already been recorded, and that number is expected to rise in the coming years. These people spend a great deal of time on various social media platforms, which causes both small and big businesses to spend a lot of money on social media marketing campaigns.
In a 2018 study by Mediapost, 90% of companies surveyed stated the primary purpose of social media marketing was to increase brand awareness. Numerous businesses have failed to receive the desired results from their social media marketing campaigns. In order to get a greater return from any marketing campaign, you need a strategy. An effective strategy will help you get the results you are looking for. You can avoid common social media mistakes by first noting common ones.
It is possible to launch a social media marketing campaign and make plenty of mistakes. Here we will only list out 10 common mistakes people make when they get started with social media marketing. If we listed out all the minor mistakes, we would be here all day.
1. Neglecting data
In today’s world, you cannot expect to see success in any business without a plan and analysis. To know what actions to take or what types of strategy may work out, you need to analyze the data.
Data collection nowadays is much easier than it used to be in the past. You can easily find the required information within a matter of minutes. All you need to do is search for the right tools. Various studies have been done by researchers, and there are many tools available that can provide you with real-time data on your performance. On Facebook, for example, there is an “Insights” section for pages that offers various statistics regarding a page’s posts. In addition to monitoring your social media campaign’s performance, third-party tools are available for use. Using Buffer and BuzzSumo, marketers can track their social media performance. Start your campaign planning by digging deep into that information.
2. Carelessly handling your stories
Keep in mind that what you share on social media accounts contributes to the brand’s image. Your story needs to make an impression and connect with your audience regardless of whether you share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other accounts. It is important not to leave a bad impression on your audience. Ask yourself these important questions before you share your stories:
- Is my story interesting?
- Does my story provide value to your followers?
- Are my posts only asking people to purchase your products and services?
When someone decides to follow your page or channel, they expect you to provide something of value. Make sure you don’t just promote your products and business. Instead, post something interesting and start engaging with your followers. You can create a blog post with an interesting topic related to your niche and then share the link on Facebook with a creative call-to-action. Your customers can get a closer connection with your business through behind-the-scenes content
3.Getting off-topic
Your posts should cover topics related to your product that are not explicitly your product. While you’re doing that, make sure you don’t go off-topic. You need to make sure your posts stay relevant to your niche while staying interesting and engaging. Your followers are unlikely to care about how cute your dogs are or the yummy recipe you found if you own a business that deals with financial products.
4. Posting content that does not inspire engagement
The goal of social media marketing is to convert your followers into customers if they aren’t already. If you have more customers, you make more money. Therefore, the more people you reach through social media, the more potential your social media marketing campaign has. The followers of your social media profiles will not engage with your content if you post boring content, and they are unlikely to click. Your followers may even stop following you. If your content is interesting, your followers’ clicks and shares will be higher. Consider posting engaging content and including a compelling call-to-action. Share your posts with your followers if you want them to do so. Tell them to “click here” if you want them to click a link.
5. Impersonality
One of the mistakes businesses make when they set up social media accounts is the use of autoresponders that speed up the process of responding to their followers—or their potential customers. Customers want to feel that they are talking to someone who cares about their concerns, questions, and business. A small business can respond personally to customer requests if you own one. When you own a bigger company, you could invest in a chatbot that can address customer queries in a professional, yet personalized way.
6. A lack of transparency
By being transparent, you can win the trust of your followers. According to one study, businesses that are transparent with their customers tend to have more loyal customers.
People may use your company’s information against you if you publish it on your social media page or channel. There is a risk involved when you choose to be transparent. However, if you personally respond to follower questions and concerns, you can help guide the interaction in a positive way.
7. Content that is outdated
Millennials represent the most brand-loyal customers. Additionally, they are the largest generation in the United States. You must prove you are worth following if you want to win the loyalty of millennials and other people.
You need to consistently publish posts that keep your followers engaged. Your followers will be happy with your social media page/account if you do this. If your company has a blog, share relevant articles. You don’t have to worry if they’re outdated, just make sure they’re still relevant. If you post something about the 2008 tax law, it is likely to be out of date.
Starting out with social media marketing, you’re bound to make a few mistakes, but the more you know about the common pitfalls, the less likely you’ll be to repeat them.
The same strategy that worked before will not give you the same results. Don’t expect immediate success for your campaign as well. You may need to experiment with a lot of stuff before you receive a significant return on your social media marketing efforts.
The following 7 tips will help you avoid making common social media mistakes.