Sharon Tate’s sister had Margot Robbie wear the late actress’ jewelry on-screen

Sharon Tate’s sister had Margot Robbie wear the late actress’ jewelry on-screen
Photo: Sony Pictures

Margot Robbie opens up about having a connection with Sharon Tate as she plays the late actress for Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood.

Robbie reveals that while she was in the process of preparing for the role, the late actress’ sister Debra Tate gave her some of Sharon’s jewelry to wear on the film. The actress got in touch with several of Tate’s family and friends to find out more about Sharon’s short-lived life.

“Whenever I heard her name, I really only thought about her life,” Robbie shared, adding that she had never been “exposed to parts of her life when she was alive.”

“It was kind of sometimes very sad to be that closely connected with real-life Sharon,” Robbie explained adding that at times, “suddenly the tragedy of it all would hit you and you’d be tremendously sad.”

Indeed, Sharon’s untimely demise at the hands of the Manson Family cult members is a Hollywood tragedy that resonates to this day. While the late actress is often described as beautiful by the media, she is remembered by friends and family as a kindhearted soul.

“They all said how kind, loving, and good-hearted she was,” Robbie previously told People magazine, adding that it was important to introduce the actress for viewers as who she really was.

“It was immensely important for me to honor Sharon’s generous spirit,” she said of playing the actress. “I felt an enormous sense of responsibility. She really was such a beautiful character to play.”

By Laura Ebeling

Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.

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