Chinese smartphone brand Realme will be releasing the world’s first smartphone with a 64-megapixel camera. Official renders of the anticipated phone has emerged on the brand’s Weibo account from the company’s Chief Marketing Officer, Xu Qi Chase. It revealed that Realme XT will feature four rear cameras, one of which will us a high-resolution sensor.
The Verge reports that the sensor technology is from tech device giant Samsung’s new 1/1.7-inch ISOCELL Bright GW1 sensor. Aside from that, the upcoming smartphone will also feature an ultra-wide-angle lens, a macro lens and a depth sensor for the ultimate phone photography experience. Android Central has published images of the device that you can take a good look at.
The race against releasing the first 64-megapixel camera in a phone is head to head against Realme and Xiaomi. The latter’s Redmi Note 8 is expected to roll out on 29 August according to reports from multiple tech outlets. According to Android Centra, the Redmi Note 8 Pro is expected to feature the same high-resolution sensor. No word as of yet for either phones’ official release dates so it is not sure which one will be hitting the market first.
To see the images taken with Realme XT’s 64-megapixel camera, the company has released sample photos earlier this august. While its sensor is created to churn out 16-megapixel images by default, the amount of detail seen in the sample images are staggering.
While both Xiaomi and Realme are getting ready to launch their own 64-megapixel camera handsets, the former revealed that it is still developing a different upcoming smartphone that will also integrate Samsung’s 108-megapixel sensor. Other than that, the brand hasn’t released any more information about the said smartphone or when it will be available to the public.