Music creation is now possible on mobile devices

music creation in mobile
You can now create music on the go! Photo: Dolgachov, Bigstock

Laptops and PC’s are fast becoming a thing of the past. Mobile devices are becoming more and more common place these days and are used for more tasks than ever before. Indeed, many are using their tablets more and more in place of their PC.

Though it might seem unusual for a mobile device, Even music production can now be accomplished on your smart phone or tablet. Withthe right equipment and apps, you can create music, playlists and even mix tracks.

Benefits of Mobile Music Production

There are many benefits to creating music on your tablet. For starters, it enables djs to have a wide range of music available on the go. By using music services and other storage solutions, you can store your music ready for creating party mixes and playlists.

Perhaps the main benefit is less wires, uncluttered interfaces and portable systems that can be stored and transported easily. No more lugging gear to gigs.

There are many apps for those wishing to create music on a tablet. More and more tablets are being designed with music production in mind – with superior sound quality, built in speakers and faster processors.

Getting Started

Getting started with the mobile music production is easier than you may think. All that is required to get started creating your music is the right cables, a midi keyboard, mixer and a microphone for audio tracks.

Dj’s may require more equipment, such as Bluetooth speakers and projectors. These items can be purchased from most retailers. No longer do you have to be near your computer to put down your musical ideas. You can simply record on the go with little effort.

Choosing The Best Apps

The amount of apps available for music producers is varied and growing daily. Which one you chose will depend on a number of factors. Here are some things to consider when deciding which app to use:

How powerful is your tablet?

Power and processor speed will be a influencing factor in which apps you see on your device. Some tablets may not be able to process large amounts of audio due to a slow processing speed. Less powerful tablets will struggle to mix tracks effectively.

Is the user interface, easy to use? Some people may find it difficult to use complex apps, as it can distract from producing your music. Others may ever be a more am complex app with many more features.

Will the app you chose to work with the equipment you use?

Before using an app, check that it will be compatible with your equipment. Many manufacturers have apps for their equipment, which is a good starting point.

What do you need the app to do?

Do you need the app for audio recording, mixing or producing midi tracks? Many apps will do all those things, but sometimes a specific app just for one purpose may work better.

Where to Get More Help?

Mobile audio production is developing all the time, which makes it difficult to find resources. The best way to get help is to ask others using the equipment and app you use. You can also visit the app store on your device and search for music related apps and try them yourself.

Experimentation with the variety of apps and gaining practical experience is by far the best way to gain experience. There are also courses available both online and offline for those wishing to go deeper.

By Stephanie Mitchell

Content writer, based in Frankston Victoria, Australia. As well as her music-related blog, she writes for Ci Web Group and other companies. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading autobiographical and nonfiction walking, classical music and blogging. Contact: [email protected]

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