Lord & Miller says “not us” to The Princess Bride remake rumors

Fans of the cult comedy classic The Princess Bride need not worry. Directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord have denied any intention to have the film remade.

Miller spoke on behalf of the directing duo to debunk the rumors after a firestorm brewed on Twitter. Fans of the film vehemently rejected the idea of remaking The Princess Bride after Tony Vinciquerra, the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, suggested it might happen. In an interview with entertainment outlet Variety, Vinciquerra mentioned that “very famous people whose names I won’t use” intend to give Norman Lear’s “The Princess Bride” a reboot.

Addressing the topic on Twitter the director shared Variety’s article and wrote:

“For the record, not us. Love the movie— it still holds up as the greatest meta-story put to film. Also, the way you know it’s not us is the use of the phrase ‘very famous'”

Speculations that Vinciquerra referred to Lord and Miller surfaced amongst fans given their comedy prowess and profound interest for meta-narratives. But this just isn’t the case. Hollywood’s tendency to commoditize bona fide classics by remaking them is a sad spiral down for any cult film. This is something that cinephiles definitely don’t want for The Princess Bride.

The 1987 American fantasy-comedy classic stars Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Wallace Shawn, André the Giant and Christopher Guest. It was adapted from the 1973 novel of the same name by the author himself, William Goldman. While the film proved troubling at the box office, it went on to rise in popularity when it hit home DVDs.

Samantha Rigby
Samantha Rigby
Samantha is the head of content, lifestyle and entrepreneurial columnist for Best in Australia. She is also a contributor to Forbes and SH. Prior to joining the Best in Au, she was a reporter and business journalist for local newspapers.
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